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How did you get here?

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I arrived on this blog a complete novice. A cute Cancer guy had just shown me my natal chart and it blew my mind that astrology was actually so technical. That was my exit off of the junk-astrology highway. I started researching things online to try to understand my chart, and entered my email on some random site that got me signed up for a newsletter. That website got busted for plagiarizing Elsa's work, which resulted in them directing their readers to this site. I rounded the corner into this nice neighborhood of real interesting people who had much more knowledge of astrology than I'd ever been exposed to, and never looked back!

I've been reading this blog daily for well over a decade now, probably closer to 15 years. I have collected some astrology books, and studied niche things that interested me, but I'm not an expert by any stretch. Nor do I really aspire to be one. I guess I enjoy the mystery of it more than the utility? I used to ask people for their birth info so I could see a true cross section of charts and try to match the data to real life, but I rarely do that anymore. I am not competent at interpreting charts. However I do understand what a chart represents, and basically how it can be read. I know all the glyphs, I can spot a transit and use an ephemeris, and I have a rudimentary knowledge of all the planets, signs, aspects, and generally what the zodiac represents. I love learning about Astrology, as well as pondering how it works.

With that said, I feel extremely confident that I could call BS if anyone tried to use Astrology against me or make a claim that they know something when they don't. I find it easy to ignore all of the junk astrology that circulates constantly, as well as notice people who actually know what they're talking about! I think that's a win! Thank you, Elsa, for the free education! 

How did you get here? What's your ElsaElsa story?

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I got here pretty much the same way as @CocoPeaches.

I've always had an interest in astrology, but about 15 years ago I decided to take the plunge and study it properly, starting with my natal chart. I slowly looked up aspects etc, and found this site maybe a couple of years later?

I was blown away by its' refreshing (real) depictions of astrology working in life and got hooked by Elsa's stories.

I would still consider myself a novice student, but the wealth of valuable information I've gleaned about life, and myself has been the catalyst to live a more considered life, which has been a blessing.

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@plutolover Agree, Elsa's writing brings astrology to life in a way that really helps me evaluate my personal situation and how I'm living my life.

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I pulled up the first time when I was probably 13 or 14. It would have been roughly 2010-2012. I googled something and Elsa's blog came up. I loved it here. Cool pics and graphics, and ultra-specific details I just couldn't find anywhere else. I converted to a brand of religion that made me afraid of astrology and quit for about 10 years. The last thing I remember, this is probably not the last post I actually read here, but I remember Elsa talking about dick pics and posting a pic of dudes streaking with pumpkins on their heads. Lmfao. Still lives rent-free in my head. Now here I am. I think I came back in October or November last year.

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@rusalka Glad to have you back in the forum!

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Sorry! I meant to delete the off-topic content that I posted, but clicked wrong, apparently.

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@elsa no worries. That wikipedia image was a little shocking lol!

Sue Ellen
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I arrived on this blog during the Saturn Neptune opposition of 2006. I was reading other blogs about it and clicked a link to Elsa. I was interested in reading about it because I have the conjunction in my natal chart. I liked Elsa’s writing which connected astrology to real life people and events. 

My grandparents used an almanac to plant and harvest crops, and work with animals. I started reading about astrology as a teenager. I drew my natal chart as well as I could. I didn’t like either of the two possible placements for my moon though. My teenager Capricorn Sun didn’t want either a Cancer or Leo Moon.  I’ve grown a little since then. 

My interest has been in the background for most of my life. I talk openly about it around very few people. 

Bar in the Sky
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I found this blog when I finally got on the internet!! I have always been interested in astrology. I started off clipping out my weekly horoscope from the Sunday papers. I would tape them vertically around my door frame. It’s a sure shot that Elsa's blog is where I discovered there is more to it than the Sunday Herald 😂

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