A while back, my husband had a meeting at work where they gave out a personality test for everyone to complete and he brought it home to me to take as well, saying, "I know which type you will be." So I took the test, but as I took it I had trouble picking answers, because for some of them, it was "when I am in this mood," or "well it depends on the situation," or "I used to be this way but I can't say for sure if I still am."
So my husband is listening to me say these things, and then looks at my answers, after I finally, painstakingly chose them, with caveats. Yes it was that bad 😁 He contradicted a few of my answers, explaining why he did so, said he was surprised I had trouble with some of them because clearly this was the answer because I do or say X, Y and Z. And he was right.
Meanwhile, he took the test easily, got done quickly with zero doubts about his answers, and when I looked at his answers, it all matched up to what I'd pick for him.
So I started to think, do I see myself clearly at all? I guess I know some things, but obviously I am way off with others. I figured I was overthinking, as usual, or maybe I just don't know myself that well.
Has anything like this happened to you? Do you see yourself clearly and well, or do you get muddled like I do? What's the astrology - I am curious!
I'm chalking mine up to Pluto sq. Sun and Mercury, and honestly my Sun/Mercury conjunction is heavily aspected. But I also have Gemini Venus so I can be into a lot of things at once, and on top of that, it is in a t-square with Neptune and Saturn. It is all crazy making!
Years ago, I used to say that I knew myself excellently well! I don't feel this way anymore. Too much denial, projection and defense.
There are some things that I do know, excellently well, but they're minute in comparison to what I don't know..
As for your husband, I bet he's right but also wrong. Like this:
Both people were right, in spite of being opposite.
Definitely happens to me in those Myers Briggs or Elements Constitution quizzes. Even in that personality test Elsa offered a link to a few years ago. I stumbled upon it yesterday when cleaning out my phone and some of the scores were so inaccurate. Probably due to the reasons you cited like situations, moods, conflicts, ambiguities, etc.
I have a splash chart with lots of squares and oppositions including Sun Neptune.
I thought I knew myself very well, but there's always something to surprise me. I think one of the best things about ageing is the fact these little 'surprises' help to flesh out the knowledge I do have of myself. Plus, it's easier to be kinder to myself when I find something unsavoury I hadn't acknowledged.
Woah. This is deep. We are so wildly complex!! If we have lived a thousand lives? I'm a hot mess when it comes to those tests.
I have seen my inner warthog.
I watched 12 people morph into their dinosaur archetype during a group channeling meditation session.
12 houser Neptune conjunct my progressed Pisces sun. I come here to see who I am.
I need others reflection.
We are more than we think we are. I know that!