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Inner Dialogue

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Do you have an inner dialogue? I automatically think of inner dialogue as “talking in your head, having conversations with yourself”. Maybe other people have similar things but have objects, pictures or other types of dialogue, going on in their head. 

How is it for you? Conversations, usually? Do you know anyone who doesn’t do this?

I have chatter all day or night when I’m awake. Comments, decisions, wondering, judging, expressing pleasure or annoyance…and on and on and on lol.

I have a Virgo stellium, Mercury-ruled chart, and Aquarius sun. I’m not sure it’s all astrology-related. Is it? Do you think it could be something else…being human, having a soul or spirit?

BTW ⬆️ That’s a typical inner dialogue lol

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Absolutely.  Can't imagine anyone not.  I argue, berate, console, comfort, regret, sympathize, rationalize, speculate, lament with myself, sometimes even in different accents!  Also relive past conversations with others, trying on a rewrite for speculation or deeper examination.  Lots of "What were you thinking?" and "Bite your tongue!" 

I'm an only child, have lived alone for more years than not, but inner conversations don't depend on solitude. They're ever present regardless, just muted or slowed down by intense listening, conversation, or involvement that demands concentration.

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@warped I can relate lol

Sue Ellen
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Yes, I have an inner dialogue. It's noisy where i exist in my head!!

I recently read there are people without an inner dialogue, they supposedly think in images and feelings. I would guess which type of inner communication a person has depends on which part of the brain is dominant.

Short story from a friend of mine.  He was working on his porch when his inner voice asked, "What's that fool doing now?"  A new, third voice answered, "I don't know. You've known him longer than I have!"


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@sue-ellen What prompted this thread is that I, too, saw someone elsewhere remark that they’d just learned that there are people without an inner dialogue and they couldn’t believe that. Others commented that some people do “dialogue” in pictures or concepts, perhaps? So maybe inner dialogue could include these things. It seems most of us use words so we might assume dialogue means chatty, talking kinds of things. But inner communication might also be a good term.

That story your friend told you: lol 

At least they’re not lonely haha

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Yes! In fact, my inner dialogue is often so loud I miss what is going on in real life around me. I recently learned that people can visualize actual pictures and detail in their minds eye and realized mine is severely lacking (very dim). Also interesting is that I usually wake up with a song in my head and I have no idea how it is chosen!

I have lots of Gemini and lots of 12th house, which I think may amplify this.

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@tbb When you say you can’t visualize actual pictures and detail, do you mean the difference in people who have a photographic memory vs those who don’t vs those who cannot visualize at all? For instance, if someone says, “The Mona Lisa”, can you get an image of it (not necessarily to the detail)? 

When someone is looking for an object and asks me, if I have also seen it, I can get a picture in my head of where it it, and often with extra details around it, whether I’ve put it there or not.

I don’t think you’re lacking because you have dialogue. Maybe images in the mind are not relatable or how you can communicate. 

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@allie120 I can't hold an image in my mind. It comes for a split second and is very dim.  I remember via facts and words relating to an image, but not by being able to pull it in my mind's eye and focus on it. Maybe that's normal? I've heard of some people being able to pull images like full colored movie reels though.

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@tbb I think you just have a different way of processing the inner dialogue. 

I think the people who can just image as if it’s happening in front of them, I always thought that was closer to photographic memory? Then there are the other range of people, from how you visualize to how I do. I guess it’s a spectrum.

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@tbb My experience is similar in the sense that my mental images can be dim and sort of fleeting as well, I mostly think in words. I wish I could wake up with a song in my head though some days a song will constantly play in my head and on rare occasions I can get so in tune with the situation I'm currently in that a perfectly fitting song starts playing in my head. But like I said those occasions are still very rare for me

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@translucentwings I do often wake up with a song in my head. Sometimes it’s annoying lol. I try to “change the station”. Thankfully it doesn’t last all day. 

I wonder what causes the music reels?

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@translucentwings interesting. I'm glad to hear I may be a little more "normal" and a little less "deficient" in the mind imaging space. Do you have a strong Mercury in your chart? I wonder if the people who can visualize photographically have strong Neptune. My own Neptune is in Capricorn, not exactly creative lol

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@tbb Oh I feel that Neptune in Capricorn could help create beautiful or ethereal structures. Or help build nebulous ideas into more solid  structures or concepts.

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@allie120 thanks for that perspective. I am not the one to really generate ideas, but I can bring them into fruition!

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@tbb There you go! 😃

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@tbb Mercury is conjunct my Neptune in Cap now, with Venus close by too. I am feeling creative energy.

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@cocopeaches That’s awesome. Like a buzz.

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@cocopeaches oh, you're in the Neptune in Cap club! Now that you mention it, I did come up with some value-add "next steps" at work this week (the transit is in my 2nd). Which house is it going through for you?

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@tbb 6th house.

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I also have 6 retrograde planets, which contributes to the constant reviewing and preparation of events and conversations in my head.

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@tbb I just have the two big ones, Pluto and Uranus, which many people have. Do you have lots of Mercury-ruled planets? 

My oldest granddaughter had Mercury R in Gemini. She had some ear issues as a baby, which led to tubes in her ears. She honestly couldn’t hear well or clear before that. She was about two when she got them. I remember a plane went overhead and she stopped playing and looked at me. I told her it was an airplane and she was amazed. Anyway, she is so verbal, loves to write stories, and is dramatic. I will have to ask her about her inner dialogue,  what it’s like, what she is thinking. She’s 7.

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@allie120 Your granddaughter sounds so cute! I am sure she will love to share with you all that she is thinking. I loved reading as a kid. Mercury is direct in my chart though. The retrograde planets start at Mars on out.

As for Mercury ruled planets, I have sun, Venus, Chiron, and NN all conjunct in Gemini, Virgo on my midheaven, and mercury conjunct moon in the (Virgo ruled) 6th house. Mercury also opposes Mars and Saturn. I'm thankful for all of this Mercury. I like to think, and love to learn. 

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@tbb I am looking forward to asking her. That is the type of thing, as well as creating things, are what she tends to look for in me. My husband has all the candy and toys and science answers for her 😍.

Yes, you have so much Mercury and you sound like you’re exacting and can pay great attention to detail and can understand future steps (like predicting the next move). I think you mentioned these similar skills on another thread. 

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I used to have a non stop sometimes painful inner dialogue that tied me up in knots. It became a real problem so I started meditating with a practice that just aimed at watching thoughts come and go without jumping into and riding them into the next thought. Therapy helped to decide which thoughts should be believed. Dis-identifying from thoughts was a life saver. 

The gaps between thoughts became much longer during meditation after some time. This quieted down my mind quite a bit during my life too. Sinking into the gap is pretty enjoyable now but I don't think I would have done this if my thoughts were not so painful. (Capricorn Mercury conjunct Saturn)

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@jana Oh, yes. Sometimes the inner dialogue can be the devil, almost. I was think about that last night, too, after I’d posted this and was in bed. I think I used to do that, too and it’s self-sabotaging. I handled mine differently or probably just became “F this, knock it off lol” But I also do guided meditations and the key to that is just as you said: watching the thoughts come and go and not attaching value to them. That phrase struck with me.

Meditation is wonderful. I do some yoga nidra. Quieting the mind. Being in a quiet room or outdoors. Being in the moment, only. 

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@jana oh and that Mercury…double whammy with the Saturn itself right there. I just have the Cap Mercury conj Venus. I’m glad your were able to find tools to help!

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Yes me too! The Merc/Saturn combo is a great tool itself once it knows who is the boss 😉 I can focus like a laser Smile /p>

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