
Is What You Seek, S...
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Is What You Seek, Seeking You (In Nature)?

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I'm not talking about algorithms here.  Literally,  is what you seek, seeking you?

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This was one of the most important things on my mind from 2018 the through 2020. Until I could answer this I was stagnant. 

At the time the answer was no. 

So I moved.  

I had the right answer.  

(great question)

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That which you peer into, also peers into you. Old quote from Nietzsche.


Is this not what a self-fulfilling prophecy is, to some extent?


I think of projection as well. Our world is colored by our experiences, our desires and needs. There is no escaping this.

This is one reason why it is so unique being human. This thing people preach about diversity is automatically baked in, a prerequisite.

The uniqueness promotes a passion or desire, which is then thrown into the world by each of us, whether the projection is shared or not.


But I'm getting off topic.

When you say nature, I assume you mean the world at large.

In short, I don't see how this isn't the case. Some will say no because they didn't ask for it, but one can learn from it one day.


Heck, we're all here, aren't we? I'd rather have the perspective that I sought of you, all of the world, than say I didn't.

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I feel as though everything I have been seeking in my life has been seeking me halfway. Like giving meeting me halfway and giving me some of it, but not fully. For instance, as a child I dreamed of working in fashion.. in my late 20's an opportunity for me to move to NYC came about, I moved there and tried to hit the ground running. I got a taste of the fashion world, but I was also met with numerous challenges/hardships and had no significant success unfortunately. 

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@lionsgateleo interesting perspective. The "halfway", I mean.

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 by Escher

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@jana I approve of this message!

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For the most part, I think so! In some shape or form. "Halfway", good term.

But with real love... I can't seem to get a grip around that one. Maybe its being a Libra rising with Venus opposite Neptune AND Uranus. Love has always seemed so... elusive, and the hunt for it doesn't always bode well. Trying to have faith with transit Saturn in my 5H, but I honestly kind of give up. Oh well! There are other more important things to focus and worry about

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