
Is What You Seek, S...
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Is What You Seek, Seeking You (In Nature)?

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My Mars Saturn in the 12th hasn't the faintest idea of this concept! lol

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My Cap Mars in 12th says Ditto!

Hades Moon
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My mars is in strong opposition to Saturn. Consequently, I do encounter a fair share of blockages and I feel like I have to work that extra harder to overcome obstacles.

In a nutshell, I feel I have to work hard till the end and anything meeting me halfway would be an absolute surprise/miracle 😄.

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Hades Moon
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This was a 3D rant. I’ve got this off my chest and now reflected beyond my natal opposition. I must acknowledge that whilst working towards goals, there has certainly been times when the universe has spoken to me.

A good example was when I was working on my degree and contemplated whether I should continue because the next component was statistics. During the time where we had to elect subjects for the next term, I received 2 letters of commendation for high distinctions, and got an invitation in the mail for an honour society acknowledging my high GPA.

There was no way I could ignore the support/message I was receiving from above. I knew I had to complete the degree and so I did. 

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@hades-moon and you are so glad you did.

Hades Moon
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@soup Absolutely! One of the best things I’ve done.

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@hades-moon Aquarius put to good use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hades Moon
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@soup ❤️😊

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There is some sort of profound connection between deep unconscious soul hunger and the natural world "out there". The IC and the Midheaven. 

Its surprising to be fed without knowing of my hunger.

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@don This is along the lines of how I feel, I just can't understand it well enough to articulate it.

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@elsa ,

What I am talking about is the connection between the creative emotional power of the Black Moon axis and its connection to the IC and soul. The external world disappears when the dark unconscious animates us. The Midheaven and the Sun are only the very much over emphasized half of the axis. Awareness and knowledge are not whole power - only half of it.

I have sent these two images below to you previously by email. One of Collier's Lilith and the other of Jung's lava serpent / Tree of Life from his Red Book.



Jung Tree of Life Xabier CCBYSA 4 0
lilith john collier


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This puts me in mind of the old saying "What's for you won't go by you".

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I would say so, some serendipitous experiences makes me agree to this.

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