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Jukebox 2023

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What they call us all..... 🙂 My favorite people I never met!!!!!!!!!!

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10th house moon, 4th house Stellium. The balance. Not hard for me. I could have done so much more but those babies came first. I knew I could win at work. I knew I could take on the top 5. But when those babies called, I went out the door and didn't give it a 2nd thought. Good Documentary. Thought I would share. Can you have it all? Depends on what you think it all is. I am so glad I didn't miss a minute of them or their kids. 

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If you are married to a Scorpio right now, best you pay attention. If you aren't paying attention... they may slip away when you least expect it and without a sound. If you love them, you better show them. Once gone, they are never coming back.... 

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Hades Moon
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@soup What a beautiful song 😍. Very wise advice. You can never show too much love and appreciation 🩵.

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@hades-moon We all know that girl singing. She has been writing songs since she was in middle school. She is 31 now and finally getting seen. 

I'm watching the Scorpio's silently just... walking away. So many have left so much behind, and they are not done. Not just romantically... Pluto is still in Cap. They are not done. 


Hades Moon
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@soup the below post is my response. Forgot to reply correctly again 😄

Hades Moon
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@ soup I agree. Pluto is well and truly in cap until the 20th of Jan, and even then for a few months it will be felt by those impacted now.

When transit pluto conjunct my sun and squared my partner’s sun this year it was pretty grim. We both got letters from a financial institution that our private details (and many other people’s) had been stolen through computer hacking and we are at risk of identity theft etc. Another sad event occurred as well, which I’ll omit simply because I don’t wish to bring too much gloom upon others and to the forum 🤣. 

Anyway, what I was leading to is, I sincerely hope that maybe those early hits were the worst of it. Maybe there is a tiny chance that he/pluto may spare us next year. Then again, I think it would be delusional for me to believe this 😄.

Just gotta keep our swords ready and maintain the warrior mindset. We’ve got this 💪🏻 .

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@hades-moon how did he do with Pluto square sun? I have had it conjunct; I will have the square soon enough.

I walked away. Not from my partner, but from a lot. You can only take so much and push it down for so long. Survival kicks in. Eventually anyone would just walk away. The thing with Scorpio, they do it and it's never expected. Sometimes you can be kind and it doesn't matter. So, your absence is much louder than your presence. 

Hades Moon
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@soup He had to really put his foot down at work and let certain others know what he will not tolerate. There is a situation brewing in his family where he is going to have speak out even if it risks loss. I see it as a series of tests. It’s like Pluto is demanding that he faces things head on. 


Hades Moon
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@soup I relate to “walking away”. I feel this is easier to do with these transits. You do reach a point with certain other’s where enough is enough. There is a person which I’m not prepared to spend another 20 years with. I’ve only tolerated them up to this point out of obligation. Life’s too short to be around people that bring us down.

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@hades-moon I saw something this morning and oh lawd... man, here we go again. I am just done with some of these clowns in my life. Hateful, spiteful. I am ready to be done with them all. I don't want to drop my vibe which has been higher. Wish I hadn't seen what I saw. Geez... I am going to have to cut the head off the body, completely. 

I talked to my husband about it, and he said, I have been watching it for years. I've always wondered how you took the scraps you took and have been afraid to say something because you are so loyal. 

Yeah, F that. I have been breathing in and out...I have been so bamboozled. Like, seriously used and taken for a lot of money and time. Makes me ill. 

Hades Moon
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@soup I’m so sorry that you experienced this. There are 2 types of people in this world. There are givers and there are TAKERS. Unfortunately, there appears to be more of the latter. 

A couple of my partner’s family members only ever call/see us when they want something. They drain us so much (emotionally and financially), that after having contact with them we both feel like we need to have blood transfusions.

Recently, we have decided that we are taking off the kids gloves with certain people, and walking from others. There is only a handful that are worthy of our good nature/love. We are at an age now where our health has become a priority and self-preservation is a priority.

The most worthy recipients of our unconditional love has been our cats. Pets/creatures are the greatest loves of our lives. I see more love and beauty in the eyes of animals than I do a vast amount of humans. 🐈‍⬛🩷 🐩🐶🦁


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@soup I'm sorry.  Sucks.

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@elsa ❤️

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