
Medicines, Suppleme...
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Medicines, Supplements, etc. The good, bad and ugly effects.

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I totally believe in nutrition, biochemistry and supplementation. I go get magnesium/B12/Vit.C/glutathione IV's if I'm sick. I wish I could afford them all the time.

The reason Anesthesiologists ask if any of your family react poorly to anesthesia is because drug metabolism is dictated by our genetic metabolic enzyme pathways. AMA medicine and pharmacy recognize ONE enzyme pathway (P450). People with comprimised P450 pathway cannot metabolize certain drug families. But we have many more enzyme pathways for metabolism of drugs and nutrients, dictated by genetics.

 After drug reactions in my mother and daughters due to severe sensitivities. I invested in epi-genetic testing for some of us. This reveals tendencies of our metabolic pathways. I am still studying. 

MTHFR is another enzyme pathwagaining attention as it's estimated affecting 50% of the population. it is the pathway and receptors involved in the metabolism of folate (a necessary nutrient).  Methyl-tetra-hydro-folate-reductase?  For example; we dont tolerate FOLIC ACID. we dont break it down, it plugs the folate receptor, and we cant absorb the good form of folate from our greens so we have folate famine (deficiency). No enriched grains/flours. gotta eat pasta from italy or Mexico! no added folic acid.

This is a serious problem if 50% of us are in folate famine! And that is just folate.

Magnesium, sulphur and B12 also necessary for every turn of the electron transport chain. For production of energy. Malnutrition matters and I think we are seeing cellular famine now in USA, from processed foods.

The book DIRTY GENES is the best simple explanation. It addresses MTHFR and many more pathways. This can be super helpful. Lots of people suffer from this and it is expressed in so many important ways, like mental illness!!

Using these tools upped my game using drugs and supplements, foods.

of course they got our DNA.


4 Replies
Sue Ellen
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@nona My daughter asked her daughter’s ped geneticist about the MTHFR gene last week. It’s on the same chromosome as her loss, but past the 250 plus missing genes. The other missing genes can be responsible for all the effects of a variation of the MTHFR gene.  

I had the impression the MTHFR gene is definitely on the radar for geneticists. 

Thanks for the biochemistry explanation.  

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@sue-ellen Oh dear that sounds serious. everything is downstream from something.

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50% is astounding!  Is there any way to know if you're part of that 50% other than genetic testing?

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Posts: 98

I just googles METHYLATION

..there is tons of informatio on this.

Different places say less than 50 % (good)

I like the book "Dirty Genes" it is like a self help workbook with questionnaires , elimination examples, and recipes. Dirty genes covers 5 or 6 different enzymes.




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