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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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"... pathology of today's internet techno-bred minds. It's created a vacancy in our humanity. Find the ones with additional disorders. Jackpot! "

Movie dialogue. 2013. It's like we can be shopped for some purpose(s).

Really, if you extrapolate just a little, it's a trip.

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Our son-in-law’s grandfather just passed. He was 90-something. Rhey had lived half the year in Maine and the other here in CT. Our son-in-law’s father told us about how his dad took him and his siblings through the snow to see this little cabin he wanted to buy for the family vacations. My husband and I went up there woth the kids one year. It was the kind of place that reminded me of my grandparents’ place in Canada: everyone would go, stay in all the rooms or camp out on the yard, on the lake there.

He had a big family, many children and grandchildren, great grandchildren, was involved in the fire department east of here…the mark a man leaves 🙏

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"Let's do our weights," says exercise lady. "That way, we'll be ready for swimsuit season... never!"

She also said we can visit, throughout class... talk and work out, because women can do that... God blesses us so much!

I also got her chart today, you won't believe how well it fits.

She is a Virgo with a Gemini moon... and Mars in Sagittarius - Mutable t-square.

She has Mercury, Venus in their home signs and Saturn in exaltation.

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Astrologer took a look at charts and said, client's relationship would never last. Hurt her and hurt her relationship with this as well.  It makes me so mad, like a pissed off mother hen, I admit it. But jeez.

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So strange. Now my feed is full of X days/weeks/months/years of sobriety.

I have seen more posts like this in the last hour, than I have in the last ten years.

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Bruh. I'm so ready for Venus to move into Scorpio. Girl needs to gtfo my Chiron already. Once in a blue moon I get the scaries from Scorp, but I almost always get on fine with it. 

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@rusalka Venus in Scorpio will be good this year. Mars in Cancer.

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@sophiab @sophiab Early Venus in Scorpio will support my Moon + Venus and then go on to cause no major problems. (Opposition to Uranus sounds more thrilling than anything)

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