
It's another I lost...
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It's another I lost my job post with a twist

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It happened yesterday with Pluto, Venus and Mars at the tippy top of my chart.

I'm not going into a long drawn out post about the hows and whys of why this job went bad. I know why. It's my mental illnesses combined with too many life stressors happening all at once.

I am taking some much needed time off - months - to get well.

I can't go on like this because I keep crashing.

I am seriously looking into starting a petsitting side business.

Also, pro tip (and no disrespect to Elsa's husband): don't work for someone who has an ex military spouse attached to them who screams at customer service people and UPS drivers. He said I was a "business expense that's not justified". Muttered about "paying these fucking people". Hair trigger temper. Blessing in disguise?

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It does sound like a blessing in disguise. 

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PS - how many jobs have you lost now? I think it's at least five??

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@elsa Five in the last year and more before that.

That's why I need to take a break. It's not normal. I need to work on what's broken.

ETA it was the same issue at all of them. Do OK at first, the executive dysfunction takes over, people can't deal with it and I'm out the door.

ETA 2 it's also a perception thing. My being neurodivergent and working with neurotypicals never seems to work out. What's important to them isn't to me. They freak out and I'm like, it can be fixed, wtf. It doesn't go together and especially not at a busy office.

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WOW.  I thought I wasn't doing well having lost two jobs and being hired for one fraudulent job that didn't work out in the last 10 months.  You and I are not alone. I imagine many people are out there, losing jobs as businesses close due to financial woes or aging owners as they retire.

When I was down deep, deep Plutonian deep.......another offer came in for a job. I then found out it too was fraudulent.  I'm slowly pulling myself out of a DEEP Plutonian pit.  Not by thinking a good or great future is ahead.  Just because it matters to people I love.  

I have lived for 7 decades.  I never had trouble finding a job, EVER.  I have Venus on the midheaven.  It is in its fall, however, so I often have issues with a female at work, generally my boss.  

We never know what someone is going through.  It may look like their life is all good or not. I find that if I take time to listen or ask questions, someone I thought had it really good doesn't.  Their lives could be stunted, hung up, going through the dark times, the troubling times, all those times that make us (me) think like we (I) shouldn't think.  My father used to say that I should never judge anyone until I had walked in their shoes (impossible, somewhat).  I feel that judgment now though, coming AT me.  Some of that, most perhaps, from myself AT myself.  I am going through a major crisis layered through several parts of my life.  My stress level is generally higher than my old normal. 

I easily escalate NOW with transiting Pluto conjunct my Ascendant.  New health issues are plummeting toward me.  Much could not have been foreseen, but I feel guilty I didn't see it coming sooner.  I could have prepared better.  

Please know you are not alone.  I will think of you when I am trying to claw back to where I can look UP.


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@sagsun11 I'm really sorry you're having to deal with this. I've come to a point where I truly hate, people who make other people's lives harder... like by posting fake job opportunities. 🤨

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@elsa Too many people are like that. They think someone is lazy, entitled, acting out for sympathy, whatever - so they feel they have the right 🙄 to make things hard for that person.

A little kindness, empathy and understanding goes a long way...but not when dollar signs are involved.

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@sagsun11 I'm sorry all this is happening to you. It's still early in the year and I hope things turn around for both of us.

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I feel for you. I think this phenomenon goes back several years,  at least.

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@elsa You're right; it does. I went back into the workforce right around the time Pluto crossed over my MC @ 15 Capricorn.

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We have the same ascendant.  That was right about when I gave up on finding a new decent job, after having applied for over 300 resulting in only four responses and two interviews.

Freelancing at anything you enjoy and have a good command of could be your forté.  Something where there's no risk of a tragic mishap, and no office politics.  Forget status, the investment in past training, even long term security.  Drive for Uber, bar tend, find a way to work remotely.  Go for something that makes you feel guilty for being paid 'cause you're enjoying it so much.  I've had jobs like that, it does exist. 

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@warped I'm sure the message the universe is sending me is strike out on my own.

I thought I could make this one work, but no, same old BS.

It still amazes me that people think they have input in my job when they didn't hire me. (Rude, abrasive and nutty ex Marine office manager 🙄)

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@warped The Aries risings had quite a time with Pluto in Cap 😄 lol. Most of this tribe are probably best suited for being their own boss. We don't handle stupid people in the office well...🤣🤣🤣

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Omg, I'm sorry, I read that as 15 Cap ASC, not MC -- half asleep!  My ASC is the same as your MC.  Regardless, Pluto hitting one Angle essentially hits them all.

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Hi Lis,

I am sorry this is happening. Taking some time to reflect, heal and re-group sounds wise. Best of luck. 

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@jana Thanks. My lesson to learn with all these planets squaring my Rising is to quit jumping in and out of jobs and take the time to find out what I really want.

Sue Ellen
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I really hate to read this. 
I like the pet setting service idea.  I’ve also heard of the services to check pets at their own homes.  People make money dog walking as well. Though the idea of poop gathering doesn’t appeal to me. 
There’s actually doggie day cares in my area. Some allow a play area with compatible dogs. 
Still there will be human interactions with owners.

 Best wishes for a rest period and reboot. 

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Thanks Sue Ellen. I have to face up to the fact that I'm just not able to work in a vet office. Only once was I met with any kindness and understanding. The rest? You're losing us $$$ and wtf is wrong with you.

There's a reason good vet clinics are called unicorns. The "bad" ones technically aren't for the pets but are for the staff.

Like it bugs me that I'm called caring, friendly and good with clients BUT some asshole who screams at service workers has a job because he's married to the owner. It also bugs me that HE of all people said GET HER OUT when he acts like that. 🫠

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