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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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@elsa I had a family of armadillos that lived under my 100 year old house in South Texas. They would scrape, scrape, through the opening, then the board would flap against the house, and she had 5-6 babies, scrapping through the flapping foundation boards one by one.  It was so NOISY !!

Then she would lead them all out to eat bugs off the driveway under the yard light. It was a spectacle!

Then the barn owls would wait for the possums to drop out of the magnolia, onto the roof, because they ate stuff off the roof. The possums would scream while the barn owl screeched during the attack.

I had a friend leave in the middle of our sleepover because she could not handle the critters! LOL

Then there were the poisonous snakes would migrate from the rice paddy every afternoon, through MY grass. My landlord would bring baskets of GLASS EGGS,"for the snakes".

My husband and I always wondered what the barrel of glass eggs at the hardware store was for. We learned !!  The snakes eat the eggs and die.

My landlady was born in that house. My youngest son was born in that house.

She used to go to the hill country and play pinochle with Lady Bird Johnson on Saturdays.

That house was so old that the walls were so full of beeswax they were cracking off from the WEIGHT. Bees had been building hives for 100 years!! They LOVED the massive Magnolia flowers. I loved the smell of that house.. the beeswax and Propolis smell. I looked for it recently on google earth. It's gone.

I have 4 children. Only one is allergic to bees. The boy that was born in that house... The Bee House.


Living in the south was such an education for me!


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@nona Oh my heart the way you described that.... perfectly I might add. We had an armadillo not too long ago and had to call the people who catch them to come out with a trap. Of course, caught nothing. That armadillo got in there and got a meal and walked away. We have never laughed so hard. Eventually it got finished digging holes in our front area and moved on. I have no idea where. Anyway, we have them too. When we first moved here, we were astonished at the difference in bugs and creatures. The size of a moth on my back screen. Almost the size of the window! Snakes everywhere. Huge spiders, bears, wolves, bobcats, alligators. My favorite are the crows. I go sit with them. I love those crows.   

We are in the forest. It is so beautiful. But the creatures were scary at first. We never let our dogs out without us. They are bait and I am not in good enough shape to fight an alligator. haha 

(yes, we do have alligators. No one gets in a lake or a body of water around here without knowing the risk! 😳) I can see that house in my mind nona. Wish I could see it in person.   

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I have been missing that chapter of my life. Texas.

I was looking through Robert Phoenix' workshop advertisement. 

He is in the Texas hill country. HAving an event at a nice little venue, with a pool, and Texas food x 4 days. I wanted to go sooo bad.

until I realized I didnt really want to attend the workshop as much as I need to sit by a pool and eat Texas food x 4 days. LOL.

No direct flights and I refuse to spend 2 days in airports.

I need a few days by a pool, with somebody else cooking.

When I am home there is always too much to do I cant relax.

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I just had a sobering conversation with my Scorpio dad. He doesn't want me getting any more tattoos or I can't visit him.

What's up with this? I was never for anyone having any say in the way someone else looks.

He's a Scorpio with Capricorn rising (10d) and my husband, who also doesn't like them 🙄 is a Capricorn with Scorpio rising.

I wonder what energy I put out there to attract that type of energy!

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@lislioness I am trying to imagine telling my adult offspring that.  You know what they would say? Then don't visit. 

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@soup I might not.

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@lislioness I try to imagine making a power move on the people I raised. Seriously, they would look at me like I lost my mind.  I raised them to make their own decisions. That said, I said NO. They decided after age 18.

Both are gravely sorry they did it. But that's their decision. Both are having removal and neither have them where you can see them unless they are not wearing a shirt. Still, they hate them today. I'm so glad I had nothing to do with it. I have the kind of kids that need to do things on their own.... learn on their own. 

Plus I love them so much I don't care if they are covered in shit! I need to see my kids. 

Maybe your dad has become unhealthy. As far as your husband.... idk. My husband would never be attracted to them. Funny. He said one day, all these people are all marked up. I burst out laughing...I said you have TWO! What are you talking about? He'd be irked if I got one though.  

If you listen to Post Malone talk about his mom 🤣 she's livid all the time but she loves him so much he says she bites her tongue. 

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@soup I got mine starting at 50, so I don't have regrets lol.

I got the first one, a phoenix, after recovering from a terrible illness a few years ago. They're all tastefully done. Like small art pieces.

The husband is used to them but still doesn't like them. I shrug it off. I love them and that's all that matters. ☺️

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@lislioness that's all that should matter! If that makes you happy it's no one else's business!!!! You survived a terrible illness 😊 that's incredible 👏 🙌

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@soup I do it if it makes me happy! ETA within moral reason of course. Aries and Leo 🤣🤣🤣

The illness was bladder and perimenopause related and it was horrible.

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@lislioness I'm so happy you are feeling better and got to the other side. I never worried about my health too much when I was younger. (except when I was trying to deliver my children) I just woke up day after day healthy... until Pluto hit my 6th house. Oh lord. 

I was just on the phone with a girlfriend, and we were laughing so hard Lis... she said didn't your ex-MIL just pass away. I said yes, she did (this was NOT the funny part) (I actually loved her)

I said she smoked Camels with no filter and drank like a fish... then later vaped like it was on sale..... and lived into her 90s. She outlived several boyfriends after her husband died.

I eat salad and broccoli every day. Salmon weekly and measured prep food every day of my life. Take Liposomal VitC every day... and who knows ... it's all up in the air.... 🤣 

If you have someone telling you that you have to live or be a certain way for them to accept you, don't accept them. I don't know why people can't mind their own damn business. 


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@lislioness I'm sorry!

I don't like tattoos, and shared this with both my kids when they were young. They grew up and got them...  I shut up about it, because it's none of my business.

Your dad's reaction is so extreme, it occurs to me, he may be losing it (age).  It happens!

In whatever case, I hope this gets worked out.

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@elsa He turns 88 in November.

The Saggie won't talk to him because of the same kind of treatment. The baby Scorp got a taste of it too this year and wouldn't talk to him for a while. And now he's after me.

I told him I would have long sleeves on so he won't even see them. I'll see if he mentions it next time. It's a dumb thing to alienate your grown daughter over.

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@lislioness I agree, it's dumb. So dumb, at this stage... and he's 88?

This could be medical. I mean, the frontal lobe... goes.

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@elsa It's a control thing. He was and still is super controlling. Everyone who broke away gets this treatment, especially lately. That would be me with the tattoos and career choices, and the Saggie too with the career choices.

He's still as sharp and shrewd as ever.

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signed up with credit monitoring...for like the 6th or 7th time...wondering why, the whole time.

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My husband went to PT today, for vertigo.  Turns out the guy is Italian.

They started over each other... got loud and attracted attention. He said his wife can't cook, Italian food and he misses his mother's meatballs.  He also says, he thinks she cheats with her sauce... has a secret base of some kind, because she gets it done too fast.

Just normal, Italians, discussing the sauce.

My husband has to go back, later this week, so I'm going to make focaccia bread to give to this dude.

Why not! It's not like I don't have garlic... everywhere!  But my husband was talking about his wife, growing the tomatoes for the sauce. I know this guy, licked his lips.

This area is not a good place for a non-cooking Italian to be. I feel for the dude!

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@elsa I love the connections! They’ll absolutely love it!

I dated a Jewish guy many many years ago. The family would also get really loud and rag on each other and it was jarring at first, me, basically a sheltered, Protestant, redneck-by-Long-Island-standards. But it was all love and I saw that once I got used to it haha

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@allie120 Apparently his parents are coming for a visit but delayed by a hurricane. 

Mom says, "I know you say no, but is there anything I can bring?"

"Yes. Meatballs!"

Poor dude! I'll bring his wife over here and teach her.  But yeah, they were loud like you're describing. It's really unheard of around here.. Tucson was similar, which I've mentioned in my stories.   Also happy as hell to see a fellow, normal big mouth.

He was talking about another patient, who is Sicilian.   He's Northern (so am I). So they started arguing about this and he shared his "digs" for the Northern side. It's very funny. 


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@elsa That’s great! It’s fun 😄

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We're getting a hurricane. Not directly. But it will land and then land travel here. The last time this happened it felt like the roof was coming off the house. We lost power for a few days and internet for a week. It tore up this little town. I guess this will be the same. 

If a hurricane hits the panhandle, it's coming my way next. No... we won't get 200 mile an hour wind. We will get 90 mile an hour wind. Rain that floods. And that is enough to tear up my town. 


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Posted by: @soup

We're getting a hurricane. Not directly. But it will land and then land travel here. The last time this happened it felt like the roof was coming off the house. We lost power for a few days and internet for a week. It tore up this little town. I guess this will be the same. 

If a hurricane hits the panhandle, it's coming my way next. No... we won't get 200 mile an hour wind. We will get 90 mile an hour wind. Rain that floods. And that is enough to tear up my town. 


Screenshot 20240923 173739 Facebook


You can see that later it will bring weather into Tennessee and all the way up to southern Illinois. 


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@soup Praying you all are ok. We have gotten remnants of them in the past and it’s so frightening. Rarely direct hits, although it’s happened in the past. Thankfully our neighborhood has underground utilities, which has prevented outages but tree and structure damage, oh dear.

I’m sure you’re as prepped as you can be but it’s still so scary.

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@allie120 We have all the things, but you know how it is, you never know which way a tree will fly. I have tornado prep but this.... I have never felt straight line wind so fierce until we got an inland push from a hurricane when we moved here. My poor dogs were so scared, and me too. I guess we will soon see..... I keep forgetting you are in an area where the exact same thing can happen, and I forget how close you are to the Atlantic Ocean. I know you understand these things.

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@soup I hate that for you. I’m glad you’re prepped and I hope it calms down then 🙁

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@soup bummer. 🙁

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@elsa It is a bummer and one that will push through land. Its gonna move all the way up through TN, KY, IL. Now what that weather will look like in KY compared to Florida is night and day, but it will dump rain with a lot of any rate.

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@soup Sending positive thoughts your way. May you remain safe n’ sound 🙏🏻.

We get unruly weather here too. The gale force wind has destroyed our gazebo (amongst many other things).

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