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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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well in the past summer i had people tell me, its uncanny i can "see right through them", and a couple people said they've never had anyone read them like the way i do. I was...wut 😣 i wasn't trying to do any of that. *confused* but i remembered i have a stellium in the 8th house. maybe it is natural without realizing.

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@elisa It’s wild how sometimes you see yourself through another.

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yeah. i *cringe* when i feel i reveal too much... i start to feel ew. lol but i also know all information about pluto energy is all over this blog so i'm not revealing too much xD

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@elisa So….right now is me. I’m revealing too much about ugh…


ok. That is on me

Hades Moon
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@elisa Yes it comes naturally, and often unconsciously.

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^^ yeah i dont like to be intrusive. I never liked it if anyone looked in my journals or diaries when i was little. It felt like a violation. 

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Client's niece has a big wedding @ T Tower in Chicago.  It went great, but someone stole all the money, collected for the bride and groom.

Not sure if this is a sign of the times... or some family members say the couple is stupid... should be done on an app.

In whatever case, the lack of respect is appalling. These are Italians, btw.

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@elsa OMG 😡 That’s disgusting!

Hades Moon
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@elsa Shocking!. And so sad for the couple.

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My BIL (sister’s boyfriend) is apparently not out of the woods so hoping the stent will be the help he needs. He insisted on driving himself to the doctor appointment and he was told no, and no working. My husband had tried to text him earlier today to send his concerns but my sister said please go through her instead, so of course it’s a pretty heavy time. 

He’s only a year or so older than my husband and they’re so good together. I always think “comfort” when I think of their relationship. He’s a Taurus and I don’t know much else. She’s a Pisces with a Taurus moon. I want them to be ok 😢

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@allie120 shit! But I think he will be okay!  I'm sorry it's so stressful.

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@elsa Thank you 🙏

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@allie120 deep breaths. Really. I can feel you through this, I think. This is stacking on top emotion with your mother.  I am finding, since pluto hit aquarius,  which I know is relevant to you, you can draw power via deep, focused breathing. Exhale your stress.

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@elsa Oh wow. Thank you so much for this. It’s 6:34 am and I’m just pausing, reading before I get set to train and reading this is very calming. This is good 😌 

Thank you.

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@allie120 try it at night, as you are going to sleep.

Here's a specific weird exercise that seems to help sleep.

Put your tongue against the roof of your mouth, where it meets your teeth.

Breathe in through your nose, count of 4.
Hold your breath for count of 7.
Exhale through your mouth (tongue will release) for count of 8.

Only need to do this a couple times. I do this before I go to sleep. It seems to center me and relax me.


I was doing this... then random, the exercise lady mentioned another exercise.

4 sniffing breaths, in, then blow it out your mouth.

I'm not sure how all this helps but I know it doesn't hurt you!

If nothing else, it distracts you and puts you in the moment, but I can say for sure, I've been calmer and more focused since doing this.  And guess what? You're not on the internet!

The exercise lady also mentioned holding one nostril, breathe in.. then breathe out through the other?

She said she likes this best, though I like it least?  Point is, try and see what works. 

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@elsa Thank you! I appreciate breathing techniques. I will try that!

I remember a long time ago I snuck in a friend’s yoga class and they did some breathing exercises. But it’s getting into a habit of bringing out thise techniques and using them regularly to create a habit, that’s something to remember. And also, realizing all the times I am not actually breathing deeply.

Thank you!

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@allie120 It's good to have something like this in your pocket, if you find yourself in a stressful situation.  Like being in the hospital with a loved one, in trouble, for example.   Situations where you can unwind very quickly, but need to keep your wits about you.

Come to think of it... breathing during childbirth. There something to it.

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@elsa Yes!!!

I was just thinking about how this should be taught in schools although I would be suspicious about public schools teaching it because that’s where my mind goes now. But it’s a skill that is so useful. I mean, I can walk the talk and ask my oldest granddaughter if she’s ever heard of it. My stepdaughter would be very onboard (and maybe has already done it).

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@allie120 We rarely use our lung capacity.  It makes sense this is the same as everything else. Use it or lose it!

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@elsa So true!

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@elsa These numbers work because when you allow your exhale to be longer than your inhale, it activates your parasympathetic nervous system and causes your heart rate to slow down. If you do this exercise with a pulse oximeter on your finger, you can watch your heart rate decrease while you do it. This is essentially bio-feedback, which helps train your brain to control your own stress!

I learned this technique from my neuro-psychologist, and Andrew Huberman explained the mechanism on his podcast. Huberman also talks about the "physiological sigh" and HRV coherence breathing. There are so many techniques. I like the yoga pose called Lion's breath, and also Breath of Fire from Kundalini yoga... the alternate nostril breathing is hard to get the hang of. I agree about finding what works for you and keeping it in your back pocket at all times!

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@cocopeaches thank you.  That jibes with my experience.

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Everyone in Hurricane Helene’s path these next days, please prep if you haven’t and stay safe!!! 🙏

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Hades Moon
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@allie120 Yes, I second this. You are all in our thoughts and prayers 🙏🏻 !!

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I think I'm having to push a boulder off the real me, with Saturn transiting my Sun. I think I'm doing it fine. Is fear of failure or fear of disappointing people an issue, during this transit? 

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Hades Moon
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@rusalka Saturn in Pisces can definitely unveil our fears. When you have it transiting your sun in a harsh aspect you can feel inadequate at times (even if you aren’t). It can make us judge ourselves more harshly.

I think the best way to work with these transits is to remain focused on our goals and work our asses off. Obstacles can be encountered and even though it’s frustrating, we need to stay on track. I think exercising patience may help us through these challenging transits.

If we play by Saturn’s rules (so to speak), when this transit is over we would have achieved something substantial and long lasting. The reward can be success and much personal growth.

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@hades-moon If I can just work my ass off and everything ends up fine, that's a transit I can work with.

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@rusalka You’ve got this! 😎

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@rusalka fear of disappointing people sounds a bit like the Chiron Libra you were mentioning being transitted. Could be blending into the energies a bit.

I think when you have Pisces and there are big transits in Pisces one thing to watch for is feeling overly undone, awash or to use another word, victimised, which I just think means states of feeling where you don't believe you can empower your way up and out. It's difficult because it's hard to "self" empower when the Pisces energy is archetypally about no-self or egolessness. So people with Pisces are having to master the paradox of being both, walking a rather beautiful line needed for Earth bound living. And a Saturn transit like this steps in when you need to develop your positive ego boundaries, whilst also experiencing and acknowledging how wonderfully connected to spirit and soul this energy is. Some ego-ing up is good in other words. I recall you have 12th house placements too so the energy of that house takes this task up a further level. 

I'm a Pisces Moon which is in a stellium with Ceres, Juno, and Jupiter, plus Pisces descendant. 6th house though. Saturn is back on my Jupiter, hanging out. I think it's possible to develop really good soul strength (or trust) at this time and it sort of blends into the ego.

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Posted by: @rusalka

Is fear of failure or fear of disappointing people an issue, during this transit? 

Yes. Use it to make sure this doesn't happen!


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@elsa I kind of can't. I started training in a pharmacy. I wanted this for a long time. My friends were cheering me on. My dad is a pharmacist, so he was jazzed that he had a chip off the block. But now that I'm actually doing it, I'm not crazy about it. Just something I had to try to see what it was. All these people are going to be let down and it's killing me. But if I just don't like it, I can't live a lie.

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@rusalka Just be honest. Just tell him what you just wrote here. "I'm sorry, dad, but I have to be honest with you. I don't think this is for me."

Most parents would be happy and proud to have a child who's straight up.

You tried. You are making an educated decision, here. I'm sure what you have learned from him with be applied... just thank him for taking the time to teach you, etc.  I'm sorry you have to face this, but apparently you have a Saturn transit and it's all about differentiating yourself.

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