
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Husband's fam not coming. False alarm, I think.

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Mars in Cancer. 

The people I am closest to are Cancers. I love and adore them. I am Cancer rising. Packed 4th.

They are all crying buckets over everything you can imagine. All the feels. 

If I have played therapist to one, I have played therapist to every one of them and I am glad to do it. I love them. I have spent the better part of several days talking to my Cancer gang. My best friend being one of them. She is not going through this very well. 

I on the other hand I have never felt more capable or stronger.  

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Hades Moon
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@soup Gosh, it’s interesting how we are all affected differently via certain transits. That is so cool that you are feeling the beneficial side of this transit (stronger and capable) 😊.

I love cancer energy. My partner has his Moon, Venus and Neptune in the 4th house. I am so grateful for his caring nature and his great cooking 🤣.

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@hades-moon I love the energy too. So caring and loving. They'd do anything for family. My friend gets used because of this but I can't say anything, I do/did too. 

I'm coming out of Pluto Square natal Venus. I'll never be the same. As in stronger. At an age when I should be weaker. No. I agree with you about cancers ♋️ I really love them 

Hades Moon
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@soup Hope you are still faring well with this Martian energy 😊 Mars new symbol .

Spoke to a cancer pal today, and from what I can gather she initially felt super-charged (working and playing hard), but now she’s recuperating as she feels she burnt the candle at both ends.

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@hades-moon I only know what the Cancer suns in my life say they are doing. They seem to be feeling their feelings. I am glad to take the call. I have the rising, so I suppose it's different for me. I am not so much in my feelings. Actually, I feel somewhat detached. But strong. 

It has been a gradual incline. I feel good. Better than I have in a very long time. Even with Pluto in Cap, which is so gross, you know. Ugh. My health has turned the corner. Finally. Health really threw me for a loop in March. But I was determined to get past this. I have a few health tweaks. Got some answers. 

I will be finished with Pluto square my Natal Venus soon enough. I am forever changed. It's a time for fairness now. And people in my life are learning how to treat people fairly. I'm worth just as much as they are. And I am my own team. I got my power back. 

The square is asking me what did you learn when you had the conjunction? Here are some tests. You got this? I do. 

How are you? How are you doing health wise. Better? Do you have answers or a solution? I hope so. I really do xo  

Hades Moon
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@soup A gradual incline is good because it means you’ve slowly (but solidly), built yourself up. This means you are likely to sustain it (particularly with your continued effort). Love how you’ve got your power back 💪🏻 , and you’re healthy again 🩵.

I am feeling more myself recently and feel like I’ve turned a corner emotionally. I realise now that I have to take matters into my own hands concerning my Dad’s assets etc. Unfortunately, one of my siblings pretended to be cooperating in fair division but I found out I was being deceived. Tomorrow, I have to contact a lawyer and begin to get this painful situation rectified.

Thanks for asking about my health. I still have the autoimmune blood clotting disorder, but I am determined to beat/manage it naturally, through good diet, exercise and emotional well being.

P.S. Loved the book you recommended (the body keeps score). It has explained how auto immune conditions can occur and prompted me to begin more research in this area which I think is the key to my healing xo.

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@hades-moon You're still dealing with your dad's business and that cannot feel good. I remember this. First dad, then a month or so later mom. The rancid stepmother, the boyfriend. My sisters fighting over money they had hoped to get. Finally, after my mother being kept in a cooler for over a month, I had to force the ending of it all. Pushed into yet another corner... I had to threaten all of them. As soon as I did because they knew it was not a threat but exactly what I was willing to do, with no regret, my mother was finally allowed the ending she planned and paid for years earlier. 

These events will show in your health. Stress is a killer. Especially emotional stress. I am learning so much about this. And I am no longer willing to give emotionally as I was in the past. I mean, you will get exactly what you give me now. Pluto lesson. I know it's painful and I hope for your sake, soon over. 

My skin is still giving me a little fit ... small, but it's there. All autoimmune. I look like I need a good makeover. A nice long massage. A Mani Pedi. A really good hairdresser that takes her time. And some clothes shopping. I plan to do all of it. It's time to clean it up now. Got the lesson, getting stronger, one down... several more to go haha

The deaths have been brutal. But I also realize that people get old and die and blaming everything on Pluto is just silly. Doesn't Pluto get credit for enough? 🤣 

We just have to hang on a little longer. All this fighting over nonsense will be over and the final tally will be in. Pluto will be in Aquarius which I love. And even though we have challenges we are smarter now... I think we can do it. xo 

This old world has bigger problems than I do... 

I love that book. 

I wish you a good final outcome with your father's business and family... and an even better outcome with health matters. I just know you are going to win. 

Hades Moon
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@soup Yeah, you were in a similar situation. “Being pushed into yet another corner”- my gawd that sums up my predicament. I’ve been too patient and forgiving and they took advantage of me. I’ve learned this lesson now, and I will be taking a stand. 
Yes, this stress has  negatively contributed to my health. I also still have the small skin probs. I have emotionally invested too much in the wrong people as well. Man, this ain’t happening again.

A massage and pampering would be heavenly right now. When we get around to doing this, we will wonder why we waited so long 😄.

Thank you so much for the well wishes and positivity!. I wish you excellent health, much joy and serenity.

I have a really good gut feeling that we are both going to be better than just fine. There’s plenty of Light ahead for us xo.

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@elsa 'The Simpsons' Series Finale Wasn't Really Its Last Episode (

It was a bold way to kick off Season 36, as “The Simpsons” isn't ending

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@soup I'm a conspiracy theorist. Smile

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@elsa You're an astrologer.

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@soup yet another bad thing!

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My husband is now doing PT for his back. They were asking him questions... insurance questions, I guess.  Pain level. "Does the pain interfere with your social life?"

"I don't have a social life," he responds. He said the whole place turned to stare at him, like he farted or something.  "I've never had a social life in my life," he explained.

I guess they just couldn't believe it.

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We have "invasion of the bots" right now. Ugh!

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@elsa Ew.

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@allie120 I have nuked twenty "people" in the last two hours. It's annoying!

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@elsa It’s so gross. I hate this 🙁

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@allie120 these are friendly comments, addressing users (like you), directly with "compliments" that don't quite fit.

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@elsa I noticed one because the person stood out and didn’t seem like the usual person here but…I only saw two comments. I didn’t engage.

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@elsa Thank you for doing that. They're just like the "men" who try to friend women on facebook. So obviously fake. 🤮

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Click, click, click. It's like climbing the track on a roller coaster, wondering if the ride down will be something other than you hope.  Courageous people have an advantage, it seems, along with anyone who has strong faith.

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@elsa Everyone hang on.

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