
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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He also told me about some old broad in there, for the same thing he is (back).

"Does it hurt when you vacuum?"

"Well, yeah, but I'm still gonna vacuum."

"Well, does it hurt when you walk?"

"Yeah, but I'm still gonna walk."

"Could you walk to that Wal-mart over there?"

"I expect I could, if I wanted to."

"How about a mile?"

"Well, I don't think I'd do that," she said, getting annoyed.   

He didn't think she like the qanon, either, lol.

I love how people just talk.  You can be qanon or not. No one particularly cares... which is how it used to be on this country, for those who might not know or remember!

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More convo - the PT doc says he is from up north, but wants his kids raised here so they have manners. "Every time I go up there, I want to slap those kids!'

He also says there is no "I wanna" in his house.  You say, "May I please..."

I agree with him on this. Kids raised around here know exactly how to behave in a cordial manner, how to address adults, etc.  My Libra enjoys decorum and I respect parents who take the time to teach their kids, manners... exceptional manners are even better.

The kids around here, generally speaking, are so well mannered, you go home and look in the mirror to wonder where you went wrong.


Also, the old ladies were talking about their school days.., they were all poor and started hs with some rich kids.... which... well, they found out, "They were as poor as we were. They were just puttin' on."

Freakin' interesting. So, so, so much more interesting than our news, which no one believes, even one iota.

I am happy to see what normal people with hearts and souls have to say.  No online facade to create or uphold..


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@elsa That’s awesome. I love this kind of stuff. You do see it occasionally but you have a whole good group there, good southern people.

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i like manners too, it's nice to see/hear that. 

hahaha @ the old ladies who went to school with "rich" kids but they were not really rich. ;p

i remembered my hs, there was a mix of rich and poor kids, it was weird, but i dont see that often in many neighborhoods. the neighborhood i was in before had a borderline of wealthy neighborhood and poor, but now it's just all poor. everyone had moved out within a decade later, it was so fast.

Libra Noir
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My son has been fishing with his girlfriends dad. They go out in kayaks off the beach into the ocean. The Pacific Ocean. It’s the central coast, not Southern California. The water is cold, the waves are big and the currents are strong. It kind of terrifies me (there is great whites and just the waves are crazy, etc) but I think it’s a really cool thing for him to experience. They catch a lot of good fish too- rock cod mostly and ling cod. His dream is to catch a halibut.  

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Hades Moon
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@libra-noir Sounds like a fun adventure for him!. I do understand as a mom, where you are coming from. I agree though, that this is a really positive experience for him. He’ll be thrilled when he catches that large halibut. Won’t be able to wipe the grin off his face 😊.


Libra Noir
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@hades-moon Thanks:) ya, he would be over the moon if it happened.

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@libra-noir it's cool he's doing something so expanding.

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I had a paranormal experience approx 2 nights ago. I awoke to jingling bells/tambourine type sounds. As soon as I opened my eyes a young lad with dark wavy hair wearing a duck egg blue top and pants  (approx 12yrs), was standing at the end of my bed smiling at me.

I went into fear mode and screamed out “who are you?”..then shoved my head under covers. My partner can sleep through anything, he didn’t even

In retrospect, I wish I had have remained  calm. I might of then been able to find out who he was. I had not seen an apparition for some years so I guess it was cool to experience. But no, I don’t care to see this again anytime soon.

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@hades-moon That's intense. Was it around the time of the eclipse? I'm recalling you have moon pluto in 8th but maybe that's my imagination!

Hades Moon
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@sophiab The eclipse happened to be intense for me too 😄. This event was after that, very recent. You are correct re: moon-pluto in 8th. 
What is funny, is that the shade of blue the lad wore, was the colour of the orbs that had been appearing in my evening photos over the past 6 months.

The sound of the bells and his appearance were very clear (like no mistaken it). I don’t know what it means, but I guess it’s just another reminder that there are indeed other dimensions 💫🌟.

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that's cool ^^ i recall reading Aquarius/Uranus is connected to Aliens. lol I dont know why... maybe out of this world?

Hades Moon
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@elisa haha an alien visitor 👽. They appeared kind so that’s alrighty 👍

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Pluto has reached it's station degree 29.39 Capricorn. It officially stations direct on 12th October, a week from now, but it's heartening to know it won't go any further back. I'm keen to get out of Dodge... 

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@sophiab part of me is so thrilled and another part is apprehensive. My life has completely transformed during this transit. I barely recognize the person I used to be. Part of what has been getting me through is thinking, maybe if I am good and disciplined, I will get a reward when this is all over. Now that the time is almost here, have I been building myself up for disappointment, and things won't get better? i.e. that the world isn't going to just turn right side up when this is over? And then I think about the next few decades and whether I will recognize myself at the end of that. I like myself and my immediate surroundings! It's kind of exhausting to think about what may lie ahead. But on we march...

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@tbb The increased apprehension is probably part of the Pluto in Cap transit. If you are feeling satisfied with yourself then that is a very good sign and no reason not to continue in that vein, although the external world may go through whatever it needs too. The structure and strength of your core self is what is important, being your own authority, etc. The feeling of going backwards (esp. towards fear/anxiety/feeling small) is rather disquieting. Aqua energy seems to include a sensation of progress, even if uncomfortable. I think in this last phase we're supposed to confront these negative states and to recognise we now have the means to dispel them based on the new tools we have developed, simply through hard-won experience.

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@sophiab thank you for breaking it down. Pluto is squaring my natal Pluto and Saturn is on my IC so that probably accounts for my added wariness. You're right, I need to trust myself and my ability to handle what this next transit through Aquarius has in store.

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"Authenticity and openness are essential. Having an environment where people can be both completely enhances the experience. Having the same people and speakers in a non-authentic and closed environment is a much worse experience. Certain people jumped in with both feet on authenticity and openness, and that led others to do the same - the individuals who do that are invaluable - they really "open" the entire dialogue for everyone."

- Larry Cheng

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Hades Moon
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@elsa I love authenticity and openness 🌞.

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@elsa I had this message (download) yesterday that more noticeably since Covid that the people who have focussed on maintaining and protecting their integrity despite the challenges this has brought/brings, have a particular role, which is to anchor this energy of integrity within the collective. It means that others who may have become fragmented or misaligned or confused, set adrift by outer events and distorting energies will be able (if they so choose through free will) to find their way back to their own integrity. On one level, this happens through direct contact with the individuals who have this role, and on another level, to simply channel this energy as a source within the wider collective energies, which helps others refind it in themselves. It was a heartening message of purpose so I wanted to share it with the group here.

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@sophiab yes, that makes a lot of sense! Because many followed the crowd, right into hell.

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@sophiab Thank you for this!

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