
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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I also asked him about his will and his sister. He brought the will up, and then I asked. He doesn't have one but intends to get one.

"If you die without one, your sister will get everything.  Are you okay with that?"

"Yes, I'm okay with that."

So he's good as-is. I think it's just too much. Has had to buy a car, a refrigerator and a dryer... waiting for the washing machine to go.  Easy to see, why he's not got a will.

Also, he totally understands what *I* say. He just can't speak that well. 

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I think everyone is waiting to wake up tomorrow and read the news... big earthquake? Attack?

If there is no news, the pivot will begin.

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I know one person, driving to, Ohio, for the eclipse.

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@elsa We are (as a nation) supposed to have a lot of cloud cover. (We won't where I live and they won't where I used to live) At a time when everyone is complaining they cannot afford food, gas, the essentials... spending a lot of money on this seems impractical. I'd have considered weather. I think folks are making a lot of something out of nothing. I could have gone home for it and got a front row seat, but I am saving my trip for a better travel date. I have a 90% front row seat here and some glasses just the same. I love astronomy. 

Eclipses are not random; they follow strict mathematical rules and can be predicted centuries before they happen. NASA has a site listing eclipses until the year 3000.

I stood on my front sidewalk last time and watched it slowly go to total darkness and the cicadas did sing. Then I went back to work. Nothing happened. 

Sue Ellen
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Ok, I cancelled the eclipse mini-vacation with my siblings. Today was the day we were to drive to Illinois to spend the nights prior and after eclipse day.  I was caught up in traffic for the one day trip in 2017. 

 Sister is in the middle of her 7 week radiation treatment for her breast cancer. We didn’t want to go without her.  Our money was refunded. She is doing better than expected. 

My brother became ill this week and couldn’t go anyway. This week my availability was gone. My granddaughter went into the hospital Friday and came out today.  Long story, but her meds are readjusted. Her platelets level became too low after an increase in her anti-seizure meds. Another EEG, too.  

I still have my equipment from the 2017 eclipse.  My house will have 97.5% sun coverage. I hope it’s enough to see the devil comet. 

Sue Ellen
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My granddaughter was visited by a certified therapy dog while she was in the hospital.  His name is Toby. 

IMG 4373
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@sue-ellen Cute!


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@sue-ellen That dog is full of love. Look at those expressive eyes and sweet face. He is smiling.

Sue Ellen
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@soup He’s smiling for the camera. He heard me say I wanted to take a picture.   His handler called him a ham.

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@sue-ellen Aww... that face. Sometimes I don't think we deserve dogs. They are 100% pure love and ask for nothing in return. They are truly precious.

Sue Ellen
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My backpack travel solar telescope is ready. It may never see the outside today. It was used for the 2017 total solar eclipse. I used it later for a Mercury transit to the Sun a few years ago. 

IMG 4375


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Sue Ellen
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IMG 4378

This is what we saw through the little telescope. We were to have 97.5% Coverage. 
I took the photo holding my phone over the eyepiece. The eyepiece is clearly visible. 
The neighbors’ rooster crowed. My horse came to the barn for his supper. 

And the earth keeps turning, rotating into the future.

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@sue-ellen I love this! Isn't it funny how the bugs and animals respond. Horse was ready for dinner 😊 The Rooster... 

I wish I lived on a farm. I am in the forest, and I love it, but I sure wish I had a farm. My family in Tennessee had a huge farm and we went every summer when I was a kid. Swam in the creek and gathered eggs with my cousins for my aunt... 

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@sue-ellen very nice!

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@sue-ellen I have one too Sue Ellen. I have used it to watch conjunctions. Love star watching. That is so cool!

Sue Ellen
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@soup I had an early love of astronomy. I switched to astrology because it has  stories. 
I assemble telescopes when something interesting occurs. I use binoculars, too. 
We have a lot of light pollution where we live. Neighbors have security lights on the power poles.  It’s disappointing, but it deters thieves. 
We live in an interesting universe.

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@sue-ellen I got my first telescope when we moved here. We have some light pollution too... homes with security lights, but we are way out in it... I mean deep in a forest.

It is so gorgeous. When I miss my family and it gets really hard, I go outside and look around and count my blessings because it is a gift. And the critters haha everything from huge bugs and lizards, alligators, bears, and coyotes and bob cats and ... you name it. It's like the zoo. We really are careful with the dogs. They don't go out without us. They are prey here. 

We have a huge deck off the back, half covered half exposed and I can sit out there and star gaze. I was in heaven when we went through all those conjunctions. What a thing to see... I look up and I am memorized. My love of all things about the stars!! 😊 ... It started with my love for astronomy too. 

There is no end to what you can learn in Astronomy and Astrology. I feel like I could read about it and study it all day every day and never put a dent in how much more there is to learn. 

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