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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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They have given my neighbor up to two years to live, without a liver transplant.

She is too weak to have surgery, but medication is stabilizing her and she is beginning PT to stabilize.

Unsure why sent her home from the ER, four times, before this is caught.  Very hairy, upsetting situation. I will be removing / planting bushes, with her son, shortly.  It's surreal.

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I've no idea what's wrong with her liver, but according to this MIT researcher, "the liver is the only solid organ that completely regenerate itself ... even if over 75% is damaged or removed."  Worth having her doctors refer or consult?


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@warped they have determined she needs a transplant. As I understand it, she can have a live donor, if they are healthy and about the same size.  It's not pleasant for the donor; takes a week in the hospital, but both livers recover in weeks.

I was surprised, Medicare will pay for all over it... the other person's surgery as well.  But right now, she is not strong enough to withstand surgery. She can barely walk. This is what they are focused on first.

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@elsa in 1992 My dear friend and business partner 40, was ordered a liver transplant. (Hep C.)

She quit eating like crap, quit drinking red wine, took milk thistle and other liver healing herbs. Lost a bunch of weight, and fell in love. After 2 years, They had to take her off the transplant list and put her in a study at Virginia Mason Hosp. for SURVIVING !! Lol !

She Lived until 2016. Heart and lungs failure the last few years. I was with her. Slow decline. 

But we had 20 good years!!



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@nona wow!

They have advised my neighbor to cut salt and meat, and I don't know what else. I have asked what I can plant in the garden for her. We'll see!

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my son always has complications with inheritance from his father's side of the family. he's the son of my first husband, and that side of the family is pure wealth but it comes with pure complications. he had alot of money stolen from him even from first inheritance. then today reversal of fortunes, or really bad luck, he was a beneficiary to a trust fund but didnt know about it until later.  we talked to the attorney but it's too late as the trust fund was already distributed to the other beneficiaries of the will. so many complications because the first husband died, and he was the beneficiary and because he died, it goes to his children. and the trustees couldnt find a death certificate apparantly. 8th house money death inheritance sucks and i have no clue with legal matters. people keep telling me to get on his father's trust when he died. no one contacted my son for any trust on him.. How are we supposed to know? When it comes to money people really get greedy and they dont care about other beneficiaries who are not close or live far from the family. My son wasn't even expecting anything. i should have taken up law school because this is really confusing and gross. anything with money and inheritance is really gross.

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@elisa I'm sorry this happened. Sounds heartbreaking. Greed is a horrible quality. 

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thank you and yes, it is horrible. none of the beneficiaries were being fair. people do get greedy and make excuses for non show within a certain time frame despite the grantor's wishes.

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"Your Cloudflare account has been accessed from a new IP Address."

Just got this email. He's working!


edit to update. He expects to migrate the site this weekend.

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For alt people, I heard a Walgreens pharmacist, quit, and opened his own pharmacy. Sick of bs.

He is stocking over the counter ivermectin for humans, which is legal here.

I'll tell you one thing, we used to pay $1K a year for heartworm meds for our dogs.  We bought a 10 year supply of ivermectin for $30. It's such a racket!

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I hope this catches on!

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it's been weird in the air, very unpredictable, and if this is pluto aquarius influence it's so strange that even people living from other countries have mentioned they can't put a finger on it. it's a weird energy that is not feeling stable and feeling sure of things. that could also put "fear' of being unknown, and aquarius co ruler is saturn which makes sense of the unpredictable fear of the unknown.

we will definitely have to adjust for the next decades. I was reading again how the planet uranus goes completely different than the other planets, but venus is similar in that it rotates opposite direction. they have that similarity. and neptune and uranus are the only two ice giants. that makes interesting analysis on venus going opposite direction too. Venus is also known as the oddball too. i wonder if it has some connection with uranus being exalted in scorpio and its opposite sign is taurus, which is the oddball planet. 

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@elisa I think it's Pluto in Aquarius w/ Jupiter Uranus.

It's definitely weird, but good boundaries go a long way!

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