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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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This is goin to be revolutionary for food production especially as the globalized world fragments and the many countries whose population has expanded beyond its food production capabilities are cut off from imports.

When it goes public, I am investing.

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@jana Do you predict that humans will stop trading? I feel like the urge to trade is very strong in humans as it's a form of communicating and relating.

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No, I think trading will always happen but that things will continue to get more and more local. Currently their are many countries that have geographies that are unable to support their current populations food needs without importing food or massive amounts of fertilizers. Our current globalized world depends on shipping which has been historically policed by the US. We have become less and less interested in doing this, evidenced by the fact that we no longer have the type of Navy that can even do this--concentrating on a few super carriers instead the hundreds of smaller vessels needed to protect sea lanes. Neither do any other countries. Even if this were reversed, it would take many years to do so. 

This will become exacerbated by the trend towards a multi-polar political environment. 

I am getting this from Peter Zeihan. I do not agree with everything he has to say but agree with his take on demographics/population collapse, de-globalization, and the coming multi-polar world. 

He has never mentioned the company Ohalo, but its breakthrough is quite new. Incidently the CEO birthday is June sixth and is going to have an amazing solar return. I think if even some of what he talks about comes to pass there are going to be alot of people needing food. Being able to produce more disease resistant, less fertilizer dependent, higher yield food is going to be a god send. 

Here is one of his lectures:

He has tons of stuff on line if interested Smile /p>

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Thank you for posting this, will check him out!

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Thank you Jana. I didn't know the US patrolled international shipping routes. It is a lot of responsibility always monitoring the world "out there". Pluto in Aquarius may be ushering in a period of focusing more on home grown issues. With the US chart having lots of Cancer planets and the Moon (home) in Aquarius.

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Kudzu killer mode: activated

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Sue Ellen
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@elsa I’ve heard kudza is moving north into my state. Haven’t seen any locally.

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@sue-ellen it's a phenomena. But they've made headway here, killing it, on the highways. Our problem is the property next to us is vacant and overgrown with it. It's crossing over, constantly.  It could easily swallow our barn.

I think I have it beat on all other sides. 

Sue Ellen
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@elsa Good luck with it. It grows so fast.

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I have had very few thoughts I could share, for days now.

What if this is permanent? 

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@elsa I don't have anything of any substance to share either. Weather. Surface. But not in the mood/mindset of sharing much. I just said the same thing to my husband... what if this doesn't change?

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@soup I guess it depends on the root of it.  If it's a Saturn in Pisces block,  it will likely dissolve. If something else, maybe not.




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@elsa I figure people have heard enough of my shit to last a lifetime so .... I can rest my mouth and my emotions for a while. I feel like I have said all I have to say anyway... anything of depth. I get misunderstood when I mean no harm (talking to family), so I don't. One less person to blame 😊 

I am actually enjoying .... observation! 

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Screenshot 20240525 010941 Facebook

Seriously... some people just cheat death AND look like a million dollar bill doing it. This is a recent picture of Barbara Eden. She's 92. Are you kidding me? 30 years older than me... 

Cancer rising Capricorn moon 🌙 

What is happening here? Look at her 😳 

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Hades Moon
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@soup 92…wow!. How amazing, this lady is Blessed.


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@hades-moon I know. She is something!

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Yes! I came across a picture of her recently and thought the same thing. She is doing something right!

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@jana Look at her. Dressed so cute with the hair and the nails... wearing heels and carrying her handbag under her arm. No walker, no assistance. She is smiling like the cat that ate the canary.... not an off-balance care in the world. Just out for lunch and girlfriends... and look at me go! What a sight to see. I love it. 

Website says she is a Leo Sun, but if you look at her birthdate shows Virgo... still Astrotheme says late Leo Sun. 

She is AbFab!!! 😊 

Sue Ellen
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@soup I looked at her birthdate and year on the iPhermeris app. It shows late Leo.  Look at that Leo self confidence.

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@soup It's the Capricorn.

My husband Big Sadge has a Capricorn moon to go with my Capricorn Sun. My sister told me what her granddaughter said last year.  She asked sister, "How old is Uncle" Big Sadge? Sister answered a year older than Sue Ellen. She gave her an answer of 71.  The granddaughter was surprised, she thought he was at least 20 years younger.  AND she thought her Great-aunt Sue Ellen was cougar.   Me a cougar?? That is so funny.

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@sue-ellen My husband has a Cap moon too! My fav grandma who raised me was a Capricorn. My God she was running around like she didn't have an ailment in the world. And great legs. My ex-mother-in-law (the one I actually liked) is 95 and plays pickleball. I get such a kick out of that. 😊 

Even if I have to go... I hope my Cap moon husband has a long healthy life! 

Sue Ellen
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My neighbor the nomad came over last night. He said after spending time in dry Colorado, his home base in Kentucky looks like a rain forest, he'd never seen it so green.

I don't know the situation and I don't ask, but his wife still lives next door. After he retired, he hit the road to travel. She still works. So --- I don't ask. I don't see her much.

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Not my screenshot, but you get the point.

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