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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Something I'm noticing with Gemini, keep an eye on the shadow, shadow thoughts or thinking..

.. due to the twin element, the two, the other, like dark and light, positive and negative. It seems easier to experience ups and downs in mental states and types of thoughts and thinking, polarities and contrasts. It may also be easier to be influenced due to this inherent instability. 

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Especially at the 29 degrees.

And wow, we should have a discussion about Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces. Special times. 

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I wonder if people here on the blog believe they are moving from, or have moved from a 3d reality into a 5d reality? 

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@turtle I aim to spend the majority of my time in 5D in regards to my consciousness, energetic fields. My physical body is in the 3D. The degree to which I can stay in the vibration of the 5D rather than the more manifest fields of consciousness is changeable and depends on how much I'm affected by the collective energies, those around me, planetary transits, interactions with other people and their dominant energy, my physical and emotional states, etc. But I work at it all the time and it's getting easier to stay more in 5D. I think there's a process by which you can energetically and psychically heal your shadow/wounded aspects as that can hold you more in 3D/body level and it gradually lessons it's dominance. I don't really know how it works but I know it's happening. What's your take on it?

Hades Moon
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@turtle Great question!

In a nutshell, I spend most of my time on a 5d plane. I feel lighter and at peace on the higher plane. Comparatively, 3d feels heavy and burdensome.

I love being around people who are in sync with my, as it tends to raise the frequency even more so, creating a natural high.

People and situations pull me into 3d and I always can’t wait to climb out of there again.

It’s amazing to me how many people happily(?) remain on the 3d level. I’d go insane. I transcend for peace/oneness/love/survival 🌈.

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@turtle I'm just happy someone is talking about it because if I spoke a word of this out loud  😳

... the answer is yes. But no one is joining me. 


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@turtle I'm with God.  Not sure what D that is!

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Hades Moon
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@soup 🤣…so young and has the best chuckle ever!

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@hades-moon that baby makes my heart happy. I love that baby!!!!!!

Hades Moon
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@soup Same ❤️.

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@sohiab and Hades Moon, I am a novice in this area, but I regularly engage with someone who is an expert, in spiritual ideas. I feel like a bit of a slow learner, lately I feel much more accepting of myself and the world. Thank you, for sharing your thoughts!


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@turtle hey, I'm glad you asked the question. I don't really talk much about such things on here as it is soul experience related and I still feel nervous and carry shame around my soul or consciousness due to the Earth experience being so harsh, it's a hard process unwinding and feeling comfortable and safe. I mean, I'm healing, we're all healing aren't we? But I was happy you mentioned it.

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i've been wanting to change my name here many times over the years, but i'm so damned lazy here, i give up .xd venus is super strong in my chart. in other social media arenas i'm always changing my name xD ie, youtube,or similar, yahoo answers, instagram, ect, but i disabled facebook the first year i got it. it didnt really suit me and it was so boring.

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@elisa I can change your display name, if you like.  Everything else would be the same.

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thanks elsa ^^ i'll email you when i want to change it and send you the name 😀

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All I'm saying is if I had an Aquarius Sun or any planets or cluster of planets in Aquarius (as if it's not bad enough I have a S-ton in Scorpio) I would not be running around as a famous person drinking and driving. Especially after I disparaged someone else famous that I used to do the horizontal mumbo with .....for the same thing just a handful of months ago. What goes around comes around but no one ever believes that. ??? These people need to hire a good astrologer to advise them how to behave when facing Pluto LOL 

Oh... that's Justin Timberlake and his new DUI.... that is oh so public right now. 

Fixed signs need to lay low in regard to these matters... cos, life ruining events are on the table if not actual death. Seriously! 

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@soup Performers are susceptible to having a narcissistic streak. That's why it's ok for him to jump in a car drunk, but not his ex or anyone he doesn't like. My abuser's daughter and madame suffered horribly at the hands of her ex, but was lying about everything and projecting a regretted fling. She also drives drunk and high, and she and JT are both horrible people and shitty musicians. This is why I detest celebrity in general.

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You mean Britney Spears?  I thought she was mentally ill. She needs to be medicated in order to function i read. I think maybe the celebrity /fame world got to them. Especially with not a good parental support.  I remember poor Edward Furlong.  He was an amazing kid with a promise of his future when he did Terminator, then drugs and alcohol and lots of bad things happened.  His upbringing was terrible. He didnt have alot of support. I'm not excusing but, some people aren't made of rock, and stern foundation to handle it.  (if they found a strong foundation spiritually i think they would. thats my honest opinion, and not some hokey pretend cult) Especially with broken families. If you put yourself in their shoes, i can see how sad it is for them.  

Of course there's spoiled rich kids too, but they too didnt really have much support and love, not love with just throwing money around. Maybe some parents think giving them new cars and loads of money is love. Also some parents dont know how to love. Some already have that when they are born, they are born to know how to love. Some people need to be taught. just my thoughts.

edit, oh i remember this scorpio guy told me in high school., they dont teach you how to manage your money, thats why here in the usa we're screwed over with insane amounts of debt. 

someone should have a class on learning how to manage money. Hmmm. he was right.  Then, there's parenting, how to learn how to parent well, and also do they want to? That's why lots of young adults dont want children. too much responsibility and sorrow.  Especially if you really love them, and dont know what to do, and you have huge limitations, such as money and security, and lack of love.

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@elisa No, that's not what I mean.

I'm talking about the likes of Ted Nugent, who shit his pants to dodge the draft and then bragged about what an epic soldier he would have been, and who writes brazen lyrics about molesting teen girls. Even going so far as to adopt one so he could molest her some more. He thinks he can do no wrong.

Or Alec Baldwin, who called his own daughter a "rude, thoughtless little pig," brawled with a flight attendant until they had to kick him off a plane, because they wouldn't let him play candy crush, and was so bold and STUPID as to point guns on the set of a movie, which resulted in the death of Halyna Hutchins. He thinks he can do no wrong.

Try Asia Argento, who rightly exposed and pursued Harvey Weinstein for raping her, but then advocated for Roman Polanski's freedom and molested a boy herself. Her shit sure don't stink!

More recently we have P. Diddy saying "I just follow right from wrong, so I could pray in a synagogue or a mosque or a church..." one minute, then the next he's joining anti-semitic viewing parties and beating the shit out of his girlfriend. How's that for following right from wrong? This guy really thinks he can do no wrong.

My understanding is that most people like this are going to be white men, but there's no real common thread of gender, ethnicity, politics, &c. in my examples because it can still be anyone from any experience. They're plainly happiest when everyone is looking at them and they think they're entitled to whatever or whoever they want. So everyone else's fuckups are the worst thing ever, but theirs aren't that bad. My point is this. Don't be a fan of a person. 

I don't see those child stars, like Britney, Miley Cyrus, Corey Feldman, &c. the same. A bunch of them are nuts because they had no privacy or choices as children, and their parents basically farmed them out for the millions. A ton of them got molested, too, by people like the narcissistic motherfuckers I described above. 

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@rusalka Are we the same person?????????? Sure sounds like it 🤣 

Everything you said I double with a fist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉 🤣 💣 

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thank you for that explanation. I dont really care for abusers, like P. Diddy, or anyone similar to them. I wont give them the benefit of the doubt anyway because they dont stop. I dont really know much about Asia Argento though. But i noticed she has alot of Neptune going on. She must be absolutely disillusioned, 12th house sun, pisces moon.  I have no clue about Ted Nugent, but i'll read up on him. And as for Alec Baldwin. he has a very strong aggressive chart. lol he looks to me always angry, i think he needs to get into sports instead of acting or do stunts. As if he wants to "control"  but loses control because he has no control. (alot of cardinal going on) and just doesn't let things be and accept that people are not to be controlled by getting riled up and angry and criticized. 

yeah i feel sad about many of the child stars; personally i think they should be protected. I'm glad to notice that many high school shows hire 20 or 30somethings to pretend to be high school age, because many teenagers have to go to school and still manage their teeanged years. Theres just too many hours and months to film on set. And honestly there should always be a supervised, adult supervision who is trusted.

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@rusalka He certainly is arrogant. Way too arrogant for someone who is on the edge of an impending ass whooping. I know how this story ends. He is about to find out about humiliation.... unless he course corrects immediately. Pluto does not give af about Justin Timberlake 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

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he doesn't seem to have much sense.  He could have called a taxi or uber. instead he wants to drive himself while intoxicated. really? thats not thinking of others and himself. reckless indeed.

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@elisa This is how a Pluto sun transit starts. The mistake happens. Now, how do you handle it moving forward? How he handles this in public and how he carries himself during the 'handling of it' part will tell you exactly what he will be dealing with as Pluto comes for him and conjuncts his sun. He will have to be careful. Blaming everyone else won't work. And he has two little kids that will read all this someday. 

He was driving a BMW X7! If he can afford that vehicle that can be up to 200-250 grand depending on all the bells/whistles..... he can afford a driver and a car service. Everyone knows he has been a raging alcoholic since youth. He knows this about himself, but he still takes these chances. Aquarius is very bright. But apparently this one is NOT. 

At any rate, regardless of what was happening astrologically that night (which by the way set it all up because that is the way the universe works) the test will be in how he moves forward. Because it will make or break him, publicly. 

He is a very arrogant young man. You can always tell (or at least I have because Pluto has bitch slapped the shit out of me) when someone is about to be humbled and embarrassed and humiliated BY PLUTO because there is always at least a little humiliation! 

I shiver and watch and learn in horror... I have the square coming for me very soon. 😳 That man needs an astrologer! 

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i didnt know JT was a raging alcoholic, and yes he definitely can afford a driver. I'm very disappointed he did that though because i do like his wife, and his wife's works, (and he has a family) but yeah we'll see how he fares. Hmm i read many celebrities do have astrologers ^^

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@elisa  She actually loves that turd!

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