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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Moon in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus with a wide square to Pluto (the Moon-Mars opposition was exact yesterday) is amping things up on the fixed quadrant.

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@sophiab Yes ma'am. 

And Pluto is always somewhere when the (blank) hit the fan. 

Poor fixed signs (add me in) are getting ready for the carnival. 

My Venus .... 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 just garbage! 

Things start at point A..... then here comes Pluto on your sun... and it gets as real as real has ever been. But it starts long before that! 

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@soup My Taurus Sun is 24 (so frolicking with Uranus) but I'm really feeling the fixed pressure since yesterday. Very de-stabilising. Normally I can feel energy and still observe, so not get 100% sucked in, but I've have been feeling 99.9% sucked in and the 1% clinging to some sort of objectivity. I've been praying to pass through safely. Hope you are keeping grounded where possible.

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Solstice incoming energies too, and building full moon. Please Moon get out of Scorpio... 😬 

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@sophiab You know I have this 4th house stellie.... Venus zero, Sun conjunct Neptune 4 degrees. Jupiter at 10. Taurus moon at 9. Cancer rising.... 

My poor Venus. It's disgusting. 

I had a Venus 4th house thing happen yesterday and I knew it was coming and I knew I had to handle it right so in the future the person I love will not be put off because I may come off as too intense .... I knew my feelings could bubble and I could fracture something I love more than life itself. 

I knew this was an inside job, and all me. I explained to the person that I understood everything they were feeling and doing, and I support them.... I will always be here. This immediately alleviated the pressure and caused a come together that will be remembered in the future. I like knowing I am not a part of any future problems. If there are problems, it won't be coming from my camp. 

Using your power to force someone to love you or spend time with you will ultimately end a relationship and as much a control freak as I am, I do not want to try to control the people I love through some sort of guilt trip or whatever people do to manipulate to gain the win. I want my family to want to be near me, I would never force them. With the square aspect there is some disappointment. But it comes from how we think something should be... Or at-least feeling like there is great dissatisfaction in relationships. 

I try to recall my Pluto conjunct transits to my stellium. Dear God. Gross. What a living nightmare. When I remember it, I distinctly remember how things started rolling into it years before the S hit the fan. I remember all of the things I could have done long before the literal catastrophe happened to soften the blow that I had to live through and ultimately my kids too. See these transits hit us, but they take the people that are close to us too... 

So, when I say that certain celeb is headed to hell... it's beginning right now and he doesn't even know. Everything starts with ONE thing that could have been avoided or worked around. The bad decision... then here comes the snowball. I know, I lived it. 

You and I can feel the energy shifts and know what is happening, so we roll with it, watch our behavior, don't get sucked in... take no bait, hang on till it passes. 

This bad decision when he can certainly afford a driver at all times, is the beginning of the spiral. It always starts somewhere.... and then here comes Pluto! You're gonna learn haha 

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@soup The wave that came in Monday, lasting most of Tuesday was so strong and challenging, I was failing to transmute it. In the sense, my connection to unity consciousness was kind of drowned out in the tumult. I haven't felt a collective wave like that in a long while. Despite how it feels, I actually think it's a positive sign and is happening due to intense incoming Solstice energies which have an opposite frequency and are thus triggering a release of the "dark material", for want of a better description. Each time we can transmute the fear based energy around and inside us and lean towards a more loving option, as you described with your conversation, it's service to the collective. It steadily breaks down the dominance of fear based energy. However, I must say, it can really take its toll on your system, it's really exhausting at times.

In regard to JT, I note his wife has a 0 degree Venus in Aquarius. 

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@sophiab Yeah... she does have a zero-degree Venus. Like my zero-degree Scorpio Venus. Except the conjunction looks good on her. I look like I have leprosy or the pox or some unrecognizable scourge from the 1800s that never had a cure. 

This sounds so stupid to say, but I have to. I used to be cute. Not a raving beauty like Angelina... but damn cute in my own right. I literally look like a dog's asshole right now. And listen to how I describe it. I am so done with this Pluto/Venus square. It's so ugly. Money is okay but that is because he is having a totally dif transit and he is handling it. 

I had to handle that right. I knew better than to go into that with a selfish attitude. I love that person truly. I cannot afford to hurt people I like or love. I am running out of time trying to make up for those kinds of mistakes. I am already misunderstood when I mean no the way I communicate. I have to make sure that the love comes through. I have Pluto in the 3rd. What a nightmare on a regular day.... my communication can be total shit and literally sound like manipulation and I am aware of it. It's like damn, what did I just say? I am not trying to sell a used car here.... it's really gross. 

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I do food deliveries through one of the apps and I totally got scammed on Saturday night. I know exactly who did it too, because this drop was too weird.

I pick up from a Jack In The Box and have two deliveries on this trip, both on the southwest side of my town. This area is, for lack of a classier way to say it, a little ghetto and a little scary for a small female. I get to approximately my first dropoff location at about 10pm and there are barely any visible house numbers. I turn on my (dim) phone flashlight and start looking for house numbers. A guy jumps out of the house, pissed. He starts barking at me, "Hello, what's your business here?"

I ask if this is 123 Blah Street and I'm looking for John. He gets angry and babbles "I ain't nobody. What are you doing? Who are you? What do you want?" I start freaking out a little because I'm afraid I invaded someone's space, but I also get seriously annoyed because 1. I'm tiny, 2. there's a bag of food with a receipt in my hand, and 3. my car with hazards on is behind me. "I'm just an xyz driver, did you order Jack In The Box or not?"

He finally looks at the huge branded paper bag in my hand and goes "oh, one sec." He goes inside, comes out about 10 seconds later, mutters something about his wife, how fast I came, and takes the food, laughing nervously.

I was notified yesterday, two whole days later, that the customer reported never receiving the food. So the little bastard either lied that it was his food, or he lied that he never got it because he wanted the money back. He stiffed me, too. Even if he was at the right place, and he really didn't know his wife ordered food, WHY EVEN BOTHER GETTING MARRIED IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TALK TO YOUR SPOUSE ENOUGH TO KNOW SHIT LIKE THIS???

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I still made stupid money in spite of him that night. 😏

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@rusalka glad you made some bucks! That was a bad situation. You handled it really well.

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@elsa I highkey thought he was going to pull a gun. I'm glad ripped off is all I got, especially since the company isn't penalizing me.

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@rusalka real world. My heart would have been pounding.

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Reminds me, my husband drove a cab when he first left the Army.  Bad area. He has three men in his cab, one in the front seat. They intended to rob him. He killed one of them, shot another and the third jumped from the car. It's all very fast, when it happens. 

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Holy shit!

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@jana true story.

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@jana I realized I might have said more.

The guy in the front seat had a sawed off machine gun. He pointed it at the green beret, who was driving the cab.  It was an ambush; my husband reacted, as trained.

This crew had been terrorizing, robbing cab drivers in the city, in a serial fashion.  Not any more.

I've written about this, before. There are people out there you can run into; the buck stops with them. My husband is one of these people, without a doubt. You're running amok, perhaps for years... and then you run into him and you're done.

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US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has called on Congress to pass legislation requiring social media platforms to have warning labels similar to tobacco products. 


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@soup I'm SO down for this. Give people choices while also holding the ultra-rich accountable for pillaging our brains and relationships.

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@rusalka I agree with the part that social media is trash. It is. And for kids.... even teens, a life ruiner. My sons really don't allow a lot of social media (for the grands) And what they allow they monitor daily. 

I remember back in the day .... old days... being mesmerized by MySpace where all this started. And I remember gaining 10 lbs. And then I remember being mortified and getting off it. I only got on it to stalk my kid. Trying to make sure he was legit at all times haha.... I remember the first time I opened FB. I didn't get it really. MySpace had music and movie clips. FB was just people minding each other's business. 

 If they are going to shut down one of them, they need to shut down all of them. They aren't going to shut down any of them though. 

It's not just social media. Anything that requires you to sit on a computer on your butt and read it or participate in it for an extended period of time is unhealthy. No one should be sitting wasting their life on any of it. 

pillaging our brains and relationships

Totally agree. Imagine, we talk to people we will absolutely never meet in real life in a million years. Rely on them for some sort of friendship. It's crazy. My husband said a couple of days ago... something about his friend on TikTok. I said, you realize those people are NOT your friends, right? Internet people are not anyone's actual friends. I told him... you are a customer. Not a friend!  

All of it has almost ruined human interaction. I hate it. 

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@soup See, I'm big on communication and the exchange of ideas, so my SM friends are my real friends, because they talk to me about things that matter. I think if you put in the effort to form meaningful, close, non-superficial mental connections, you can make them happen wherever you go. (and scare away little drama queen pussies) I'm getting my "tea" fix from here and Reddit more these days, because although people on Reddit don't want you to be happy and will tell you every relationship is doomed, it's more conducive to specific hobbies, self-development, and thought.

Here's my beef with social media. I was into Tumblr in the glory art whore days of the mid 2010's. So much cool stuff and new ideas happening on there, along with a treasure trove of good music and art. I could escape the sturm und drang of "home" flipping through page after page of my favorite accounts like an adorable digitized magazine. I could save the ultra-rare photos on that site and fantastic new makeup techniques by bookmarking the page they were on. 

Then around 2016-2017, Tumblr rolled out new blog formats, in which you no longer had to flip a pesky page. It just kept unfurling for you. The dawn of doom scrolling. Not having a convenient place to stop meant you couldn't stop or you might miss something! You couldn't have closure and satisfaction anymore. The next episode never happened, because the episode was neverending. And the rest is brain rot history. All social media platforms follow this format now because it's insanely addictive. Keeps you clicking and enslaved.

Re: relationships, the nature of Facebook and Instagram in particular, "Meta" 🤮 is to encourage exhibitionist and voyeuristic qualities in people. Too much focus on yourself and your life as content to be consumed breeds narcissism on one end, but also deep depression and body dysmorphia on the other. Case in point: PLASTIC SURGERY BOUTIQUE IN MY COLLEGE SHOPPING CENTER. You can grab an iced mocha after class, on your way to get BOTOX AND LIP FILLERS, then go pick up a cute new outfit after you've been shot up to look like a real life Barbie. You have to look like an influencer or you're ugly. You must now strive to look as artificially, conventionally, superficially perfect and "same" as possible or your whole life has failed. Everyone has the same highlighted hair, same snatched brows, same filled glossy lips, wearing the exact same crop tops, baggy jeans and white sneakers. It's like a uniform. It may be pretentious of me but I couldn't have imagined something so dystopian when I was these freshman girls' age. (I'm a late bloomer so quite a bit older than them) If I'm ugly compared to these people, and I really really might be, I'm honestly happy with that because it means I'm really living and not just on display.

Also, as much as I love the activism opportunities of TikTok and I do NOT believe it should be banned... the short form video format slams you with so much informatoin and so many endorphins so fast, that it severely exacerbates symptoms of ADHD in both people who have it, and people who do not or who are not predisposed. I prefer to patronize those who make meatier content and TT above all else should have a warning that short form videos WRECK YOUR BRAIN. Also one that influencers make money and are not automatically telling you the truth (kills me that we have to tell people this)

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@rusalka Reading what you have to say about the problems of social media ..... yeah, big! 😑 

This whole big, beautiful world outside. Nature. Family. Animals. Literature. Music. Art. Hobbies. So much to do. Really put your hands and heart on. And everyone is looking at a phone. 

Girls going to the plastic surgery boutique instead of celebrating their differences. To each his own. I have somehow survived without putting a needle in my face but don't deny I have been curious and at one point tempted. THIS is what social media has to offer girls/women. Which is nothing. That is actually nothing. And I think I have something to say about this because of my own personal experience.

The Golden Ratio! If you can accomplish it, what do you really have? 

Which is why I said above. These people are not your friend. You are their customer. Do they earn a living by you being there? If they do, even if it's through advertising, you are nothing but a means to their living and a customer. They stay interesting, I guess, buy having the world gawk at overblown lips. They all get paid. Depending on the content I can make hundreds of dollars on one TikTok post. And once I obtained a certain number of followers, I became eligible to sell on TikTok shop. I don't have to do anything but display a product. People order and get said product from someone else connected. I know a woman that made 10 thousand dollars on one item that went viral. Just by having a TikTok and promoting it for someone else. There is a living to be made there. There is a lot of money involved. 

I agree about the fast pace with TikTok but as you can see everyone has left all the sites to be there. To get that 'fix' ....  Twitter is a political garbage dump with mass amounts of misinformation from all sides, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube are doing what they can to emulate TikTok with all the reels. There is very little movement on my Facebook these days. I use Twitter as a high comedy read, never touch insta... I don't need to see a new picture of a person over and over every day. I do like TikTok, but I pull back from it often. And TikTok is filled with misinformation too. 

People get their news from these sources about what happened in the past instead of actual facts which seem to mean nothing anymore. And it is scary how fast a person is willing to share some nonsense that isn't even close to the truth with mass amounts of other people. They don't spend any time researching this information before they just throw it out there into the wind for the ultimate imbecile to ingest. 

People on SM are not our friends. They will not show up to take you to chemo, make your house payment when you need help, stay with you and hold your hand through grief, help you physically when you are unable to move because of illness or age. They are not preparing and having a meal with you. Going on vacation with you. Coming to stay for a couple of weeks in the summer. With you in the hospital on the day your child is born. All these things matter. They are in person and personal.... someone you can actually feed, see in person, see their facial expressions and hear the inflection in their voice, feel the vibration of their energy....

I have tried so hard to make sure my girls understand that if a person if gaining financially because you are in their life in any way, they are not your friend. You are their consumer. And this is the problem. So many people think these people are their friends. It's painful to watch. 

I don't believe the govt has any business telling us what we can look at. But I have lost faith that people will have the good sense to pull away from SM (or the whole internet) and realize why they need to. We are being marketed. It's all marketing. Every single SM site and the websites too... they all have something to gain. While we have something to lose. It's us releasing our wits and then our money! They bend minds. Mind fuck. Tell untruths and nonsense. Everything is a great big commercial. We are getting slammed from every direction. Seems like if I even think about a product today, it will come up on my computer or phone 200 times over the next week. 

There is no other way to simplify it other than to say we are being sold goods on a massive level today. Used to be through print Ads in the News Paper and magazines, through TV and Radio. Even billboards. Today it is in every single aspect of our lives, and it is so worrisome that our kids may not be able to tell the difference if not given an example of what reality actually is because it's just that big. SM is not reality. Of course, these kids are developing mental illness because of it. Of course, family and real friendship is fractured. How could it be any other way. When there is money to be made people have proven time and again, you cannot trust them. Money! Take it from you, put it in their pocket. You are fed whatever you need to soothe you.... and separate you from your money. You'll find very few people that will do anything for you without being compensated today. This is not me being cynical. It's a fact. I am not saying everyone... but most. 

SM and websites today say, I am your friend. You are lonely?  Bored? Needs not being met by... (fill in the blank?) Come here. Let me bend your mind, thoughts and reality. For the low low price of ...... all your money and your mind. You really need this to fit in. No one will like you unless you look like this. Think like this. Agree with me. Have the same passions and ideas as me. It's all bullshit. 

I am pleased my kids are teaching their kids not to fall for any of it. 

Even war is big business with big profit.  

There are so many things that the internet can be used for. But friendship, in the true sense of the word, what it actually'll not find a lot of it on SM. You'll find someone to communicate with. But is that friendship? Maybe in the future friendship will have a different definition or maybe it already does. 

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@soup I'm talking about the Joe Blows that you bond with over a highly specific joke and you stay in touch forever, and you meet up if you're passing through one another's town. I've done that several times and one of them was a fucking weirdo stalker, but some of them are my ride or dies. We help each other make rent and I'd get out of work and pull up if one of them got sick and needed a clean house.

Genuine human connections can happen anywhere. The problem is not that they sometimes happen on social media, nor that people look for them there. It's that the people who own social media are trying to monetize our capacity to love and our insecurities. Like we're farm animals.

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@rusalka I have to say that unless it's been with people I actually know I've not experienced the same. I have here, but this isn't SM or like any other place... 

The people here... authentic! 

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Ben's student called me, to decode a text message he sent her. Apparently he mentioned his "daughter". Ben has no daughter and in fact, has never had sex with a women in his life.   He was talking about is sister, so he is having those sorts of problems.

On the upside, he's still trying to get his mother laid to rest. I believe he may be taking her ashes to his hometown so she can be buried alongside his father.  If so, I expect to see him.  It's not that far from here!! Smile

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