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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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@soup you always say how if anyone messes with your family...

This is you, as a cat.

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@elsa Just touch my kid, fam, friend... just do it. That is my resting face. My normal state of being 🤣

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@soup I saw that and you came to my mind, immediately.

I hide my knife behind a mask of stupidity.

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Well, Mercury in Scorpio Square Uranus in Leo. 

Mars in Gemini. 

Pluto in the 3rd. 

Real stupid 🤣 



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@soup the eyes on that cat. I watched it 4 or 5 times.

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@elsa That big mouth cat is telling secrets with its eyes! 

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"The truth is a trap: you cannot get it without it getting you; you cannot get the truth by capturing it, only by its capturing you."

Soren Kierkegaard


Interesting take.

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Sister-in-law remains unhappy with her Parkinson's surgery,  done in two stages. Possibly coming here next month, for a visit and also to see her mom. Boy does life get complicated. 


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Sue Ellen
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@elsa I’m so sorry. My SIL improved after her surgery. She didn’t go back to her normal self, but she was better.

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@sue-ellen thank you.. and this is unclear. My husband feels she had unrealistic expectations.  I'm also not sure the level of the machine is set yet. She may be impatient. 

I just feel for her is all. The surgery looked gnarly as hell, but really she's just struggling with all of it.  I hate to see it. I'd rather have the dx myself then see someone struggle.

I say things like this a lot and I actually mean it, though I suppose people probably don't believe me. I just right now, made the connection....

My feeling stem from childhood beatings. Watching someone be beaten is a million times worse than being beaten yourself. At least this is and was, true for me.

This may or may not be normal. You'd have to witness someone you know, be beaten to a pulp, to know. In whatever case, I really feel for her. I hate the idea of her suffering. 

For the record, mutable nature may be part of it. I can adapt a lot easier than most.  Or Neptune. Sacrifice. 

I really hope this winds up improving things for her. And this is for my sake as much as hers.

Sue Ellen
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It’s wonderful you had this epiphany about your empathy. It’s an eye opener to realize our internal workings. 

The older I get, the more I understand about myself. 

As for Parkinson's procedure, I think they gradually increased the power on the electrodes. 

I will say one more thing, since your sister-in-law may visit soon. You are probably already aware the medicine for Parkinson’s substitutes for dopamine. That can lead to some personality changes in the patient. We saw that in my sister-in-law. 

I wish your sister in law well. 

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@sue-ellen thank you!

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I'm watching this play out in real time right now. 

Back home. Restaurant has a customer. She sits down. They bring her water and a menu. She orders. Server takes her order and turns it in. She realizes she has no money with her. And says... I need to go get some money or call my husband to bring me some. I have nothing to pay you with. Okay, this can happen. 

She leaves. 

They post her picture on their website and on their social media accounts because she couldn't pay. Didn't have money with her. SHE DID NOT GET THE FOOD, SHE TRIED TO STOP THE ORDER. She didn't steal anything. 

The owner, who I know, is an Aquarius sun and she is digging in her heels and sticking to how 'right' she was for shaming this woman with a picture for all the world to see, even though she didn't take anything from them, or steal anything. 

Here comes PLUTO.... you gonna learn baby... She actually took this one step further and complained on another local website that the whole town frequents, and she is getting her ass handed to her. 

I owned a business there. I would rather step on my lips, than shame someone in the community for forgetting money. I would take the 20-dollar loss on the burger and MOVE ON. That 20-dollar hamburger that is the cost of doing business sometimes is causing the whole community to turn on them and its very public and the Aqua owner can't see it and will not back down. Again, nothing was stolen from her. And it would probably be a good idea to change business policy, not disparage a local with a picture publicly on SM. 

Sometimes in business you have to eat a loss. A burger plate loss is not worth this PR nightmare that she is in right now... and she won't stop. 

This is how it starts.... Pluto is inching up to conjunct your sun. You think because you can feel that intensity that you are correct when you start running your mouth and disparaging whoever, you are justified. Plutonian energy is intense. And if you aren't used to running on it every day you will blow your life up and ruin it.

Personally, I would have asked her if she were hungry. It's a local restaurant, not the Hilton. She may have been down on her luck. Maybe hasn't eaten in a while. Who knows? See, you don't know. Everyone must be out to take something when in fact they could just be poor and hungry. I would rather give the person my burger and take the loss than try to recover from the damage she has done to her business.... that will now be known as the business that throws mugshots up on social media of poor people. 

We don't have a hamburger to offer anyone these days. 

Btw.... the owners are rich... very. 

I know what intensity feels like. I also know if you don't know how to direct it you lose everything. That burger was not worth it. But at this very moment she is still digging in her heels. Here comes the public humiliation. She wanted recognition and she is gonna get it. It's so gross. Sometimes, like Elsa says... just go lay down LOL... go sit this one out. Step away from it. 

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@soup Gawd, what a moron.  She doesn't need the money. This gave her the solid option to be graceful, but no.

I would have told her to stop by with the money, whenever convenient. I would have added this: "I trust you." Because I would have trusted her!

I don't like cheap people, in general. But rich, cheap people are the worst. 

In fact, if you are rich + cheap, there is a limit to how good I'm going to feel about you and I'll be honest. It's low.


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@elsa I can't stand it either, Elsa. I would just rather have fed the poor woman. She was hungry. She looked and found out... uh oh... I don't have enough money with me. Can't we help people anymore? 

She told them she didn't have the money. She didn't take anything. Didn't eat. She just left with no meal. They doxed her. Publicly shamed her on the internet. On Facebook. I am sickened by it. 

I groomed dogs. Husband would drop off and tell me what to do. Wife would come in and almost faint. Dogs' hair is so short. Here was my next move. I am SO sorry you are not happy. Let this one be free. Next time I will know to ask you want you want. (because we know the women run the home) Now we are doing good business. I am not taking advantage of a future client, and she is happy. I learned to change my policy and always double check with the lady of the house. 

Win. The be back business is better than the one unhappy time. 

I wish I knew the doxed woman. I would drive my ass home and go buy her some groceries. Makes me sick. 

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@soup however it was handled,  it should have been private!

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@elsa You are correct. The lady is still fighting with the people and 655 people are in the middle of it right now. She is single handedly destroying her reputation in real time. Right now. Go Pluto. 

Someone would have to hurt one of my kids to get me to say shit to anyone about anything ever. 

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@soup It seems from what you are saying here, and also relating to JT, that with Pluto in Aquarius, when a person has this effect personal planets, especially planets in Aquarius, then what happens involves ALOT of people, because of the Aquarius/11th house factor. It's not a private matter, it's really out there and just, numbers, numbers of people involved.

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I noticed this as a factor because when Pluto was in Cap last year I made two pilgrimages to Glastonbury, a sacred site in UK. On each occasion it was pretty quiet and I was very focussed on what I was doing (energy healing), I applied discipline in my mission and it went step by step. Then I did a third trip with Pluto in Aquarius and it was really busy, there was a lot of NOISE, I struggled to stay focussed and even to get there. I realised then that with Pluto in Aqua the general backdrop is lots of people and noise, and it's easier to get distracted, stay on the path. I mean, focusing on self (Sun) is harder if you have a goal or plan, because it's more about the group and interaction, good or bad. So that's not to say the influence of the incoming people and noise can't be positive, but you have to factor in both allowing for it and negotiating it so it doesn't distract unnecessarily. It's more work somehow to stay on track, and part of that is the numbers, the numbers of people involved are simply amplified. It makes sense that these same factors of noise and people would effect any major personal transit from Pluto in Aquarius. 

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Interesting take Smile

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@jana After I wrote this I went on the internet with the aim of doing one specific thing. Do you know how, when you go on the internet, you're suddenly bombarded by a zillion adverts or pop ups or other vaguely relevant links etc . And sometimes you get distracted to the point of forgetting why you went on there.. Maybe half an hour or more later? It's that same energy really but in the manifest world with people, events, communication, etc.. Oh and also energy... Other people's energy, and the collective energy can also influence and distract you by taking you over, that is, away from your solar self. INFLUENCE is an important word with Aquarius. People with strong planets or combinations of planets in their 11th h, especially with social or outer planets have REACH whether they aim to or not.. This reach can be global.

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@sophiab She's an Aquarius sun. So, she is having Pluto conjunct her sun. I had this transit. I thought I knew everything. I was very intense with people. Very in the attitude of my way or the highway. Judgmental. Rough in language. Indignant and always right. It's running your mouth. Fits. And I had to learn. When Pluto joins your sun, you are prone to outbursts. What usually happens is the person gets their ego demolished.  All that intensity. It's pretty major. My DIL had it and lost her really good job. I mean, top earning job. Left to work at a place she was ashamed of until she got herself in check. That wasn't all that happened, but it was a big thing. I could barely stand to talk to her. I had to tell her one day... sis, I do not work for you! I am providing you with a FREE SERVICE. Step off. Then she acted like a victim. I was like... girl please. I have given you my life for a decade. Get out of my face. 

Death, destruction, rebirth - the main character walks through all beat to shit - but alive. If you have any sense at all you know not to do it. I didn't. But I do now. I am getting ready for the square. I have no desire to go back and learn a second time. I ruined my own life. For years after. I can see the mistakes now. I will never repeat them.

It's intense. And she is intense. She thinks she is right, and she is standing on a soap box running her mouth and destroying all the work she has done for years by one really ignorant action. 

When you are rich and you dox a poor person over a meal, they did not even eat... publicly.... lord... she is done. 😶 

I wrote what happened above. She put a picture of the lady on the internet to shame her for not having enough money to complete her order. So, she told the world that was the same as a theft, basically. And she will not back off it.  

When she was called out, she took the picture down, but the next day kept hammering the same message. The public tore her ass up. She managed to ruin everything she built because she would not sit it out. Shut her mouth. She wanted public opinion. She got it. 

As much as a person can make you mad, seethe, do you wrong... doxing them to the entire planet is still seen as dirty work, as gross, as a snitch, as a pos.... who was she to put a picture of a poor person on a fb page and make her into a criminal because she couldn't afford a meal. I will never eat there again. And I was not involved. But it was really dirty... 

Whistle blowers are one thing. Saving something for safety reasons, that kind of thing. But being shitty and petty and mad and then destroying someone publicly is trash. 

So yes. 11th house too. The whole world is watching. And this is the mistake of Aquarius. The other fixed signs are in for it too... just in a different way. This will hit me in the family, hard. 4th - foundation... but 10th too. I mean, that can happen too. It's the square. 

Sometimes (do not murder me because I am making a general statement and I raised two of them, so, love) air signs can be very .... I know more, I am better than you, I don't care what you have to say, I am just going to spit all this word vomit out, deal with it. Listen to me talk, my words are the most important. They usually pay for that. 

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@soup It sounds like the conjunction with Pluto - dependent on the condition of the ego in relation to the soul within the person - can lead to a misuse of the raw Pluto soul power. So in that instance the ego took it and misused it, because it wasn't equipped to deal with that gasoline let's say lol, and became overwhelmed (destroyed, or at least impacted for change). With the square from Pluto, that is, a square subsequent to the conjunction, it seems more a test to see if the person in their new rebirthed state can use the soul power better by balancing and utilising more of the soul/ego integration. This would describe well your conversation this week with a loved person where you were aware of tempering your power when relating. I think this could be more what to expect with the square. To lean towards the souls loving energy and away from any archaic ego manipulations, although the ego's way will already have been put in considerable check by the previous transit. In that sense the subsequent square is about finding confidence in utilising the power in a really beautiful soulful way and tweaking any old ego flare ups. With the square to Venus this will involve not destroying yourself via ego in terms of applying judgements or standards of beauty, behaviour, etc to your own self, but rather, acknowledging the power, value, and sheer beauty of your soul presence, which is becoming stronger and stronger. We are witness to that ❤️

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Agree about air signs, the struggle is to access feelings and thus empathy. But I think this is how they also treat themselves, without empathy. So it's a vicious circle whereby I'm sure they are dissatisfied with their lot but need to break the cycle and somehow access the heart. A Pluto transit would help but it's going to be a really messy one if they are very detached. And I'm sure this goes for the general collective too if there is a lack of spirituality, and ego is dominant. Oh well, fun times ahead. 

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@sophiab misuse of the raw Pluto soul power. 


With the square from Pluto, that is, a square subsequent to the conjunction, it seems more a test to see if the person in their new rebirthed state can use the soul power better by balancing and utilizing more of the soul/ego integration


That is why I always say.... you gonna learn 🤣 

I will run into those tests over and over. And believe me, my first gut reaction wants to be...some intense stupid smart assed remark. BUT NOPE... will not do it. I have learned to hit the brakes. Sometimes even ask a person to re explain what they were saying, maybe say it another way, then I can pause and think about how to respond. No trigger responses from me anymore. So, no breakdown of relationships with people I truly love. Or anyone for that matter. 

When I had the conjunction, my response was (forgive the language) go fuck yourself. So total FAILURE. I'm so embarrassed. 

With the square to Venus this will involve not destroying yourself via ego in terms of applying judgements or standards of beauty, behavior, etc. to your own self, but rather, acknowledging the power, value, and sheer beauty of your soul presence, which is becoming stronger and stronger. We are witness to that 

Well, I have to say this is the first time I have ever been moved to tears on EE. Really moved. That someone can see that I am doing all I can to change. I stepped down. I moved out of the way. I let go of so much. And have suffered a sort of depression in doing so, but still doing it anyway with zero support irl because... do I need another person irl to tell me to do the right thing? No. I just don't want to die wrong.... and by that, I mean refusing to do the work I need to do while I am here. 

We waste a lot of time on things that don't matter. Looking a certain way, gathering stuff to make our life look a certain way, screaming about politics and forcing our opinion on others, being the person that has to be smarter and has to be right.... instead of accepting that others have a right to feel however they feel about all of it. And the fact is... it's a privilege to get older even though it's really hard, and sometimes physically painful. We have to find a way to accept it if we want to keep watching the stories unfold. And I do. 

PLUTO..... you gonna learn LOL 

Better check that ego!!! 🤣 

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@soup I think the depression relates to the process of the ego surrendering to the soul. It's a weird process as you gain more in the long run, living more from the soul, but in the transition, it can feel like you're dying and losing everything, the sense of loss causes grief and depression, also anger at times. But it's just the ego identity that this loss feeling is happening to, and we don't know well enough about our soul capacities to trust it, to trust it will carry us through. So there's an oscillation between two different systems as they merge. I'm going through something similar so the things you write resonate with me.

I think alot of this stage will be connected to the Neptune in Pisces transit, which is really amplified right now. The letting go of ego is intensifying. I think once we move to Neptune in Aries with Saturn too, it will be the start of the possibility of living more fully through the soul identity as it were. Maybe you feel that too, like, "when does this stabilise and I get to run with it, rather than just constantly survive the fluctuations?" I can sense Neptune in Aries will offer more of a chance to strengthen the new position, the new way. 

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@sophiab but in the transition, it can feel like you're dying and losing everything, the sense of loss causes grief and depression, also anger at times. But it's just the ego identity that this loss feeling is happening to, and we don't know well enough about our soul capacities to trust it 

So, there's an oscillation between two different systems

When does this stabilize and I get to run with it, rather than just constantly survive the fluctuations

Thank you. I am sitting here crying right now. Not because I am sad. Because someone else gets it and can communicate it. Death, and rebirth. Never to be the same. Thank you so much. I could have never communicated this correctly. You are very special. I hope you know that. 

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omg that owner sounds like they dont trust anyone and assumes everyone is an enemy. Being an owner of an establishment, you gotta be kind to everyone and give benefit of the doubt. Well i guess they aren't meant to run a business, at all. >_<

plus wow they are rich, whats wrong with giving out free meals every so often, even make a raffle for the town to have a free meal once a month? People would go there and enjoy the atmosphere. Make it a lively lovely good place that people can trust and be trusted with.

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@soup A college girl came in to my work and got a Red Bull at the start of the weekend. Pre-gaming. We were getting rushed and it took me about 15mins to get to the self-checkout and see that her card didn't go through. She and her friends came back an hour or two later to get more snacks and drinks. She looked all bashful and said "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize my card didn't go thru until I was already on my way, can I just pay for the Red Bull now?"

"What Red Bull? I won't say anything if you don't. It would just make a rich person richer. You deserve some fun." She was so happy. If you're that excited about saving $3, a huge corporation can definitely spot you.

Before you even said anything, about 1/3 of the way into your post, I thought of all the times I let stuff like this happen, and told people to just take their stuff and not worry about it. And I accused myself of all the times I didn't, and realized too late that I should have shut the fuck up or helped. Either way I know exactly how I would have handled this situation. E.g., not the way the owner is handling it.

I think of this businesswoman and I think of the words of St. Francis to the devil. "Open thy mouth, so that I may shit in it."

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@rusalka My husband was catching up on the local news and was reading it. And blurts out exactly what Elsa said. They should have handled that privately. Then he said... they had this moment presented to them. They could have been the villain or the hero. They decided to be the villain. He said they could have believed her and let her go get money. She does it and tells everyone how kind they were to her. But instead, they shamed her, and she was too embarrassed to come back. Now she is too ashamed. They have put her picture on the internet, and she will never come back from it. She is publicly embarrassed forever. 

I wish I could count the times, especially when I was busy with that business and the grands and taking care of that house... that I got scattered and forgot something... my credit card, cash, atm card... I would have been mortified if someone had treated me that way. It happened to me; I have Mars in Gemini for god's sake.... spinning 10 balls in the air at one time. Of course I dropped them sometimes. 

@elisa you are right. We don't give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore.   

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@soup Holy shit, this made it onto the news? I can't say it's not satisfying to see somebody get served this royally for being so cruel.

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@soup It sounds to me as if she really did forget her wallet. If she intended to get a free meal - hey! Dine and dash. I have left my wallet more than once in my life.  If this were me, I would have done the same thing this gal did.

If they said, no problem. Eat then come back and pay... I'd have done that. If they said, NO, I'd have left. What else is there to do? I think she simply left her wallet, exactly as she stated.

But I came back to say this: Dementia and other cognitive problems are rampant at this point in time, from numerous causes.  Drug side effects, legal or otherwise, age, illness of countless types.   Point being, you're going to see people forget their wallet and such... get mixed up.  Come to their appointment on the wrong day. Buy something they already bought.

If you work with the public (which I do, though not in person), you should be aware of this.  Don't treat people like shit, because guess what? You'll be next, or your mom or whoever.

We need to recall the golden rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

This means, you give people the benefit of the doubt, because isn't that what you'd want people to do for you?

The golden rule could be rewritten - don't be an ass!

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@elsa I know you know who I am and can trust that I will do what I say I will, but I called you in a moment of literal hysteria and you talked to me. When we got off the phone I paid you. You trusted that I would do that and didn't think to do anything in that moment but keep me from eating my own hair. Benefit of the doubt. More than once. I didn't have the where with all to do anything but hit a button on my phone when it happened. My dil died. I will never forget that kindness for the rest of my life.

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@soup ((((((soup)))))) That was and is a stunning, ungodly loss, you suffered.  Every time I think of it, I wince. There is nearly nothing to be said.

It reminds me of the most stunning thing I ever saw in a movie. It goes all the way back to the original, "Omen". The glass slides off the truck.  I can still feel the feelings I had in the theatre, when I saw that. I had the same feeling when you called me. It was that kind of stun... I have never felt that again, in all these years. 40 years, maybe.  Words fail.

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@elsa Thank you for this.

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@elsa I just want you to know how grateful I am for that day. I am sure it was sickening to hear my gut-wrenching cry and insane burst of anger through heavy crying. But you managed to let me get it out without trying to stop the release. No one else would have listened through this. I realize it was horrible and I thank you for having my back. Again, I will never forget it as long as I live.

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@soup you're welcome. I just want to convey, it struck me. You got hit so hard, it reverberated.  It's quite hard to grip in my mind and maybe any mind, how a person like you can hear something like this - it's already done, in a nanosecond... as I write this, I realize what it is. The powerlessness. 

Honestly, it's like someone dealt cards 'round the table, you got this card. The worst card. I saw it, and had a visceral reaction.

I am so sorry this happened to you.  And to her and everybody else. 

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@elsa While I know you have feelings, deep feelings. I know you have Leo. I know you have a packed 8th.

I also know that you have a knack for disconnecting from the emotional aspect at hand ...practical, levelheaded, grounded, structured.

You listen, then can step back in and say, I know exactly what we need to do. This makes the person who is unraveling feel like they are instantly being taken care of and there will be resolve. Not in a robotic way, but you have this ability to step back from a situation, analyze and come up with an immediate solution. 

Water isn't going to get a big, long emotional no no.... this is a step back then immediate resolution. 

I have been hugged enough. I live with a Pisces. 

I needed someone to stand me back up so I could take care of my family. 

I am so grateful you've cared about me. 



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@soup Thank you and you're welcome! I sound like a trauma nurse... and it's true. If someone shows up, traumatized, I immediately move to stabilize them... stop the bleeding, calm them, etc.  People don't like that feeling of panic and chaos... suffering. My idea is to help them get in hand so they don't blow a gasket. It very messy sometimes. Like you show up for work in clean uniform... end of the day, who knows!! 🙂 

But I know who I am and this is what I do.

I told a client last week... she was near a panic and had just about pulled herself out.  She basically asked, "Am I okay?"  This was an email, not a consult.

I told her she was okay and if it changed, I'd be around.  "You're not flying without a net."

This is true for all my clients.

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My sister has improved enough from breast cancer treatment to try on a bra with her new knitted knockers. Her comment, “Boobs get in the way.”  LOL

Months ago, she had to explain knitted knockers to me. Yarn is knitted into a conical shape to fit a bra cup. That wasn’t obvious to me. 

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@sue-ellen Very glad to hear!  This is great!

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@elsa Thank you!

 We’re planning a trip to a wedding celebration next month. It’s a two day drive to get there. The actual wedding is very small & private. We are wondering if it’s in a Lesbian bar. We’re taking about walking in arm-to-arm and not saying we’re sisters. We’re now talking about extending the trip to the beach. 

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@sue-ellen ha ha ha! Sounds like FUN!

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@sue-ellen Sounds fun! 🎉

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@sue-ellen I am so glad to read this Sue Ellen.

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Heat wave, here. Too, too much!

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Sue Ellen
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@elsa Here, too. My old horse decided to take his morning nap in the barn with the fan blowing on him.

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@sue-ellen no rain expected for ten more days!

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@sue-ellen oh my... I didn't know you had a horse. My Granddaughter would never leave your house if she knew you......

Sue Ellen
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@soup She’s a talented rider. I remember the photo. My old horse would disappoint.

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@sue-ellen she would love on that horse even more ❤️ Pisces Venus...😊

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