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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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My husband went to a Walgreens and got two over the counter medicines for poison ivy and one for athletes foot and he paid sixty four dollars plus tax. Prices are nuts!

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Hades Moon
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@jana It’s outrageous. The cost of living has gone through the roof.

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@hades-moon Walgreens, They are all closing. Rite Aid also. Big Changes afoot. Apparently AMAZON will overnight phafrma!

Hades Moon
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@nona Yeah, stores we thought would stick around to the end in Oz have vanished. So much loss and change.

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Anticipation of something bad from a transit of Saturn or Pluto is exactly the fear you need to let go of to overcome it. 

I read this today, and I agree with it.

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Hades Moon
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@soup Agree. We need to conserve our energy and not waste it on worry. Easier said than done sometimes 🙃.

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@hades-moon I've wasted so much time worrying about what may be a lesson I've already learned or what's going to happen regardless of whether I worry or not! 

Hades Moon
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@soup Same here!

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@soup faith!

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@elsa ❤️

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There seems to be a misconception in the astrology community about the term 'generational'/'generational planets'... The word 'generational' does not equate to a lighter/insignificant influence. 

I read this today, and I also agree with this. 

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Hades Moon
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@soup Absolutely!. When these generational planets interact with our personal planets natally or via transit, energies are amped up (for better or for worse).

I mainly look at the outer planet’s transits to my personal planets because their influence is so powerful and long lasting.

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@soup generational is a contextual term for the slower moving outer planets, only valid in a discussion about the planet during certain time periods or phases, or if a person being discussed was born during that particular phase: eg. So and so is Uranus in Taurus generation. It has nothing to do with the planet's energetic signature. Lordy lord.

Hades Moon
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A bit worried about my dear 14 yr old black cat 🐈‍⬛. Took her to the vet for a check up and they discovered that she has lost nearly a kilo in 6 mths. Her appetite is good and she eats plenty.

The vet did blood work and will ring me before C.O.B. . I’m really hoping it’s just old age.

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@hades-moon prayers for your cat from a fellow black cat owner (11 years old). They are the best. Maybe she just needs a change of diet as she is aging.

Hades Moon
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@tbb Thanks, TBB. She had a slightly elevated calcium level which can be associated with cancer, but I’m not going down that line of thought atm. The vet said it can just be a one-off anomaly. We will check her out again in 2 weeks. Hopefully it will be normal and like you said, maybe some dietary change will assist.

Sue Ellen
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I had an old cat who lost weight from hyperthyroidism. She’s gone now. My vet said the big things to watch in an elderly cat are thyroid and kidney. I had another cat who developed diabetes. Giving insulin twice a day was a must. 

Hoping your cast is ok. 

Hades Moon
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@sue-ellen Thanks, Sue-Ellen.

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Satori is through the major portion of her ordeal and she's okay with the result, though none of this should have ever occurred in the first place. I think it's been more than six months.

She will need to be supporting the people around her - this was a kid problem, not her personally. If you are a mom, I'm sure you understand. I just finished telling her, if it were me, I'd be overwhelmed and vomiting.

But bottom line, she has arrived on shore and she's doing very, very well, considering.  She thanks us all for the prayers.

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@elsa super interesting about your lack of tv. I was born in the '80s and we always had a tv. I was also very brainwashed by my parents into not being "disrespectful" i.e. not questioning their hypocrisy, so I ignored a lot of gut feelings and deferred to adults. I am a very honest and literal person though so agree about the veil dropping,  whether that is the Santa Claus thing, dinosaurs, etc. For me it was when I graduated college, got my own place, and my parents didn't drop the, "as long as you live under our roof you will obey our rules" mantra. Everything unraveled (IC is Pisces). This was right around the time that Pluto entered Capricorn. I question every. single. thing. now, such as (in the case of the moon landing) how people got past the Van Allen radiation belt?

There is a lot to be said about Stanley Kubrick. He died just before the public premiere of Eyes Wide Shut. There was another scene in the movie that didn't make it either. Also, I know you are into symbolism. His movie, The Shining, features a lot of symbolism related to the moon landing. The man who wrote this article does a tremendous summary:

Once I opened myself up to admitting everything I once believed is likely false, it is actually pretty exciting to be able to feel truth. There is so much out there. I have a hard time watching Jeopardy now because I recognize trivia is another way to force the narrative on us (and I have Venus/Sun in Gemini. I love facts!). This ramped up for me big time in 2021. I think people hold on to the narrative like a security blanket. In retrospect, as painful as it was to wake up to my parents' lies, it equipped me to completely shed everything I thought I knew to be true and to get more in touch with feeling truth in my gut, if that makes sense.

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@tbb I understand every word you wrote. Never thought about jeopardy but I guess it's like kids in school, who have to give the answer that's agreed upon; doesn't matter if it is right or true.

I think people hold on to the narrative for a lot of reasons. Top of the list is "conspiracy theorist" propaganda that goes back decades.  The shut down if anyone says anything not sanctioned. Also, they don't want to be tagged with the same tag they denigrated someone else with.   It's also the path of least resistance!  But it's getting hard to keep you head that far in the same, especially when it's in your face (like this money), all day, every day.

Other people just can't deal with being wrong (about anything). Never wrong, never have to (God forbid) apologize! 

Where are my glasses with the blinders again?


edit to link the post you were referencing, since we know this is in the wrong place now.

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@elsa you bring up agreed upon answers at school, I brought up brainwashing at home, and I think it was one in the same: absence of critical thinking. I have been exploring nutrition over the last year and again with the agenda. We as individuals are much more capable than we are pushed to believe, on so many levels. To your point, nobody wants to have to work for it though! It is common to look for validation outwardly and be completely out of touch with body and soul, and what makes us human. And no wonder, with all the garbage flying at us. When your body has actual nutrients, there is no room for toxins to take hold. I believe it is the same with the soul. It's much easier to focus on wellness from the start vs detoxing, and yet birth is treated like a health emergency (and it goes back further than that even).


Your grandfather sounds like quite the blessing to your life, and I am sure it was so important to your life to have that kind of positive influence at a young age, combined with the lack of societal programming.  You have original thoughts and perspective.  It is refreshing to interact with someone who is not robotic. I have to always be so careful.

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@tbb thank you. Post that radio show... well, I can see a stark difference between me and everyone and so can everyone else.

I learned astrology from firsthand experience, over decades.  I have no guru or teacher or school of some type. I've said this before, but not lately and I tell clients this, when necessary...

I don't care who says what. I observe. And if I have not seen something firsthand, by now, I am not going to give it time and weight.

And you notice how astrologers fight about their beliefs. I don't have "beliefs", I have hard core knowledge, I acquired with time and patience.

See the split then generations, by changing house systems every 25 years or so and astrologers bicker. I would never bicker or try to convince a skeptic. I'm living and in the course of my life, I learned astrology... and many other things.

My goal is to learn more and also to help as many people as I can, along the way.

If I grew up with a TV, I wouldn't be like this. I also missed the majority of my classes, throughout my entire school life. Bad grammar is the price I pay.  Free, creative thinking is the gift.

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@elsa I have read enough of your blog to almost visualize your entire chart in that commentary lol And isn't that it? When someone lives authentically, there is a lot of wisdom that really works for them, and maybe it will work for someone else but maybe not. They have to actually tap into themselves though and try. Unfortunately most people are behaving like one of Pavlov's dogs.

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@tbb I have to tone down that kind of judgment for myself, because many are in various states of crisis and/or crushed under tons of responsibilities. 

I talk to people,  everyday.  Most know something is up, but finding good info is very challenging,  especially now. And there are zillions of misleading sites and it really is hard to discern.

Also, I'm naturally curious and again, people tell me things, especially over the years, on this site.

I guess what I'm saying is it's not that easy to do on your own.  For every spot of good info there are thousands in place to mislead you.

I think it's more like finding a good therapist or astrologer,  for that matter. You need a bit of grace.

But these movies are such are making the veil so very thin,  some will see, and then remember what they've seen here and there and it will start to come together.

I hope so, because I would like to discuss this. I have tge prestige,  as I've mentioned,  but I have this burning question: why are they revealing this?

I know of a few theories,  but Libra can't call it, at all. So this is the veil I want to see lift. We're being shown, but WHY?

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@elsa that is a good question, why. I don't know exactly. Perhaps it is a bit of carelessness since bad players have been able to get away with bad acts so brazenly that they aren't bothering to check themselves as carefully. I think it is bigger than that though because ancient mysteries are also being revealed if you know where to look. Maybe we will have a better idea when Saturn and Neptune finally meet up.

I find myself more willing to trust the content of people who have worked hard, questioned authority, lost status for that, still strive to tell the truth despite a more difficult path, and talk openly about the spiritual war underway. For general dives down various rabbit holes, my favorite podcaster is James Delingpole. He has a series on the Psalms that I think you would particularly enjoy. From a health and nutrition standpoint both Amandha Vollmer and Barbara O'Neill are my go to people. You have to be ready to hear what Amandha has to say, but much like you, she is unapologetic in getting to the heart of the matter. Barbara O'Neill is incredible at quoting scripture as she explains things like how our bodies function and natural remedies. I actually saw my worlds collide this morning where James' most recent interview is with Barbara and I am VERY excited to listen. I do not talk about this stuff to anyone IRL except for my husband.

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