
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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My husband has a good friend he's known for years, an old colleague, from his earlier workplace, and he's a Gemini, cusp Cancer, (actually he knows two of these) with alot of gemini, aries,) and they worked at Microsoft,but got tired of it, he was with another workplace similar, and hopping from workplace to workplace. lol I said to my husband why doesn't he just sit still and stay in one place for at least 10 years? I mean... hmmm Lots of gemini energy always on the go i guess xD  My husband told me that thats just how he is. And he's skilled and good at what he does so he'll never run out of work.  My husband remains at his workplace for a long time but if he finds any unethical feelings/doings, of other employers/higher ups to employees, he wants out. (sagittarius stellium - high moral ground) lol

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@elisa You thought Gemini could sit still?

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xD right? He even had a stellium in it. AND he admitted to my husband that he gets bored. the job is too boring and he tried different types of titles in every company, such as architect to director to ..whatever he feels like. If it bores him and there's not much challenge...move on.

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My insurance company has decided to hold hands with CVS instead of other pharmacies. They will still pay at others but not as much as they will at CVS.

I am not fond of CVS but if I am just going through a drive through to pick up then I guess it does not matter. I keep getting text messages that they are trying to fill my prescription but my doctor after being contacted several times will not respond. I planned to let them know next week... no hurry. 

The phone just rang. It was my female doctor who is normally very kind and very empathetic. She is the doctor I have had for over 25 years. She and her brother work together. He is out of the country. I answered the phone. I said good morning. She went right in on the fact that she is getting this information from the pharmacy, and I told her why. Insurance switched pharmacies. I told her the difference in the 90-prescription vs the one I have one refill for by 5/2025. I did a quick refresher on why I was prescribed both pills. (my heart) I know they are busy; how can they remember everything? 

She bit my head off. I am not sure why except Mars Uranus is squaring Mercury. I have no idea how this hits her birth chart. But she is not normally just downright mean. I politely just said okay and thank you so much for calling, then released the call. I know that people are losing their shit for no good reason. Saying things they may not be able to take back with some people. But I am not some people. I know she is not normally like this, and I know it because I have 25 years' worth of proof that she is usually patient and kind. 

I am not out of medication right now. And I can speak to her another day when she isn't so aggravated with the energy that she is being blasted with. 

This is what I am doing right now.

My husband would have reminded her like he does all people who are hired to work for you and do a good job as they are being payed very well to the job... Hospitals, Doctors, insurance companies that there is another way to speak to people. And you thought Pisces took a lot of poo. 🤣 That Cap moon Aries Mars Aqua rising and Mercury quickly lets everyone know he is not going to suffer fools gladly. Glad he was outside when I took the call.

I take calls on speaker. All of them. He can hear every word. He would have taken over the call because he has taken over my entire life and every aspect of it..... (I plan to correct this as soon as I am feeling better!) 

I won't lie. She called me. And she seemed frustrated when the call started. It did bite... the way she just spoke to me. She was rude if not downright mean and impatient. All she needed was the nod that my insurance company changed pharmacies. What a freaking DRAMA..... people are exhausting right now. 

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@soup wow. I'm floored.

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Drama. 🙄 

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@soup I am beginning to think solitude is addictive.  For me, at least. Motherfuckers are just so high maintenance these days. I am to the,  shove it, stage. 

And the medical stuff is just sick. I am withdrawing. I told my doctor, Henry, didn't see a doctor for fifty years. This is normal to me. People don't need doctors as much as they think they do. They've easily done me more harm than good. It's a fact.  And then they want me to download their app. It's ludicrous. 


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@elsa I agree. I was listening to her and thinking .... uh, ma'am, you called me. If you just read the thing, you wouldn't have had to make the call. 

I have to agree with you on the Doctor part. Ever since they thought I should go to the hospital in March I have felt like total trash. The medicine is making me so sick. I was heartbroken but coming around. This? Since they decided to 'help' me... I have never felt WORSE! 

This is why I hate going and hate taking medication. I didn't feel this awful when I was riding in the ambulance. And her phone call.... I mean, she knows my file... so call someone that may have heart issues and stir them up and make them feel like shit because you cannot read what the pharmacy sent? 

I am not downloading their app or answering any internet questions about my health. I have enough shit out there floating around every time someone breaks their system. I won't add to it. Especially about something as personal as my health. They all suck! 

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@soup Medical? It's such a complicated situation. While in this situation, your doctor was definitely wrong, in general, I feel sorry for good, feeling people who work in the medical field at this time.

Waves of people with mysterious maladies, from unknown causes.  Did the shots cause all this heart stuff?  Seems like it.  So if the docs gave shots and recommended them, they are not only complicit, but they profited. I'd hate to have to live with that. You made your patient sick for life and / killed them?

Then you have the patients who can only hear certain things... can't or won't handle, truth. Many, many, many have cognitive and/or emotional issues.  I think of my doctor seeing a flood of people all day, every day. 20 minutes, max, to crack the case... no astro chart (lol).  We are being failed by the medical system and exploited and many other things.

Case in point, there are two large ortho practices here, with dozens of doctors.  God help you, if you go to the wrong one. I'd know.  You are a chunk of cash and you are milked for all you're worth, by one.  The other treats patients properly.

What kills me, is they won't talk to you about diet and vitamins, minerals.. I'm sorry but please note this:  I used to have my hands, stiffen, all of the sudden, in a spasm.  Once one or sometimes both hand, would freeze into a claw, I could move them at all. It was stunning. I had to just stand there until the relaxed on their own.  It would be quite some time... like more than 90 seconds... my hand would become unmovable.  Brain stuff, right? Like a brain glitch. This is what it felt like.  It was extremely disorienting. Like I am taking something out of the oven, but can't because my hand froze.

Now imagine all the testing to dx this.  Neurologist. Brain MRI. Testing. STRESS!

My rheumatologist told me to take some magnesium, which I did, that same evening.  It resolved this.

Those two options are the same as the ortho place.  Get abused and run around, or get the common sense cure, which doctors should know!

See, I am a practitioner and have been for a long damned time.  When you come to me, I almost always know what is happening. I have a conversation with the person and, done.

What if I said I wasn't sure and the person should schedule four appointments and buy some reports... then I pretend to have figured it out.   Maximize profit. It's a business, right?

Yes, it's a business, but my primary goal is to help people. Further, I treat people the way I like to be treated. I don't waste a person's time or money.

I think it's the same with medical. You have to find good people and then stick with them when your find they're human (in other words, not perfect).

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i hope you're ok :))

🌺 🌼 

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@elisa 😊 ❤️

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@soup My ex was a Family doc in USA. He hated his job. He spent 1/2 his day arguing with insurance companies, while he had patients scheduled. Patients who needed their heart meds THAT DAY! It was crazy stressful. MAlpractice was $25,000.00.

When we moved to Canada. B.C. has one insurance company ran by the Gov. The rule is "take care of the sickest patient and worry about the money later. Malpractice is $2500.00.

Insurance companies are from hell. I'm so glad to see you know how to take care of yourself through this madness. Poor Everyone. 

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@nona ❤️ It's just ridiculous. I told my husband the other day .... how an elderly person can navigate through all these things is beyond me. I wonder what they do when they get put on hold for an hour or they are disregarded in every way because they are not strong enough to stand up to people anymore. I really would love to tackle this issue for all seniors and disabled people. I can fight back or unravel for now.... but so many have no way to self-protect.

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@soup this is true. I've always felt it was set up that way on purpose... and most everything is set up this way now, case in point, forty phone calls, before a rudimentary question could be answered by United Healthcare.  The loss in productivity, on both ends, is another cost.

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@elsa I read this, then read it again. Then thought about it. The powers that be KNOW this is not productive. Someone has to know that unless the person is you or me... (I will hold on in defiance) at some point an older person or a really sick person just can't or won't do it. They just let whatever it is go. I am that one person that will eventually pull up in my car and go to funky town (not in a dangerous way) I will go there and make them correct it.

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@soup I don't give either.  I am not proud of this, but I will become obnoxious at some point and break all records, not with intention, but because mf'in Libra blows and the mouth of everyone in my family is out of this world.

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@elsa my husband says.... you just won't let anything go. You are like a dog with a bone. 5 years later you are either still bringing it up or you are still going to correct it. 

I mentioned something to him last week and he shouted ... that happened in 1998. What is the statute of limitations on such a thing. Let me know. 

🤣 I did break into laughter, and I dropped it, but you know I am coming back again... 🤣 

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@soup funny as hell. My husband does it to me but I found a retort than stops him cold

ha ha ha. Took me ten years, but when I executed, wham!

I you're sensing my pride overflowing,  it is!

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@elsa 🤣

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This is so awesome


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@soup I sent this to my husband. His mother pulls this shit, all the time!

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@elsa She is 92! I wish I knew her birth chart. You know that thing is fire! 92 scaling a 7-foot wall to escape. She is not going to stay, period! 🤣 Oh wow, his mom is a spitfire!!

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I wouldn’t be surprised if my 91 year old neighbor pulls the same stunt to leave rehab once her repaired broken hip is healed. 

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@sue-ellen I love older people and I love when they are ornery! 😊

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Best role model ever! ❤️

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Tomorrow is Scott's bd. He will have sun opp Pluto and moon sq Neptune, exact.

This concerns me.

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Will bots eventually be considered sentient beings... with rights?

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@elsa If they can be programmed to have some stupidity.

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After a sleep I can elaborate: Part of what makes humans and our work distinguishable from the robots, is our imperfections and mistakes, which lead us or others to real breakthroughs. If bots can fake our rough spots, we're fucked.

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@rusalka I would think they can easily fake this. Very easily.

It's the soul that cannot be duplicated. 

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