
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Reflecting on conversations from twenty years ago, when i was being probed about how I felt about, "Internet Governance". It didn't sound good to me and i said so. This did not make the people trying to handle me very happy.

I asked them, who would be making the rules... who's the boss? 

They told me the rules would be reasonable.  I said, reasonable in whose 👀. 

They were very surprised I didn't enthusiastically hop on. Neptune Midheaven. I guess.


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Read someone claiming these large companies lay people off and study them to train some AI model. Based on what people have told me, it could be true. Just experimenting. 

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Neighbor suffering in hospital. Can't eat well, for some yet to be diagnosed throat problem. When she does get some food down, it hurts her stomach.  Family staying in the room with her, changing out every two days. She wants to come home. Palliative care, followed by hospice.

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On the upside, water main leak found and repaired.

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One thing I love about the internet, is when I interact with someone I vibe with; figuring if we saw each other in person, we'd walk right by.

Do you ever think of how internet people might look? I have a feeling there all all kinds of odd pairings, because the connection is primarily, intellectual. One or the other person could easily be someone the other would pass by, in real life, for superficial reasons.

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@elsa this is so true!! When I met my husband, I only knew his voice and that he was in our Texas office (I was in NY). He has a deep voice and I pictured Matthew McConoghey, who was pretty much the only hot Texan I could think of at the time. Months later I met him at a team building weekend in Las Vegas, and found out he is much taller, football-built Italian from NJ, and definitely not what I pictured and not the typical guy I would go for if we met in a bar! In fact, we probably would have annoyed each other in a bar. We got to know each other and started dating 2 years later, after over like a year of pinging at work every day. Long story short we dated off and on for 8 years before finally living in the same city (together) and nobody from work (we had both left by then) knew until we got engaged a year after that. I have no idea where I would be without him, but it wouldn't be pretty. 

Our composite Uranus is in Scorpio in the 10th, opposite our composite Moon. I think that is pretty apt.

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Wow, apt indeed!  And amazing!

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Mower broke at an inopportune time. Just finished mowing VERY long grass... 12" in places.  Started at 7 am, done at 1 pm.

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