
Tarot interpretatio...
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Tarot interpretation (RW)

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20240814 203924~2

I pulled a general narrative arc regarding my dynamic with someone I was interested in that hasn't panned out as hoped, at least thus far.

I know some don't like to chime in on others' readings that they did not participate in, so no worries if so, but I wanted to ask if anyone had thoughts regarding the combo of World Reversed and the 8 of Cups following...

My understanding of World Rx is like a delayed graduation or unfinished lessons/loose ends, and when I see the 8 of Cups, the initial thought is to walk away from something that's lost it's luster.

But, it made me question—is the unresolved lesson to walk away—or am I walking away when there are still loose ends to be tied? 



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I dont read reversed cards, especially for major arcana (why limit what they bestow?) I suggest turning the cards upright and you will get a better sense of the amount of power at your disposal.

8 of Cups is a card of renewal, of finding the life force and continuing on. Here, there is some fear, 4 of pentacles about such renewal, and perhaps a need for control due to uncertainty of the untrod road ahead.. Which I believe you can overcome. 

The Page of Cups to me suggests that there is affection to be shared, albeit in youthful, that is, early, tentative stages. For yourself and others. Compassion. So remain open, gentle like a fawn, don't overthink or try to control things, and consider deeper how you may be resisting or holding yourself back from an inevitable positive renewal. 

You have the Sun, the Queen of Swords, the World, and the Tower energies at your disposal... That's a lot of power. Perhaps in the past, this has been mishandled due to inexperience and learning (Tower suggests crisis, which is now shadowing over you somewhat, fear of things always going wrong.. ) but you are being shown an opportunity for complete renewal in yourself, new ways of being, which of course affects how you relate, page of Cups. Stay open to the new and unexpected! Smile

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@sophiab both of your intepretations resonate a lot... it's amazing how much you were able to sense from the cards about my situation

very much speaks to what I am learning with Saturn in my 5th right now too Smile


Thank you!

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@belladonna I had Saturn through 5th when it went through Aqua, it really effects your confidence, because it works on your solar energy, Sun and heart (ruled by Leo) by creating obstacles and sorting of added weight, and you have to work harder to express your solar energy. So, expect for some confidence wobbles and feeling more vulnerable during that phase, but by living from that more vulnerable place and finding your feet repeatedly, come what may, it helps you build true confidence based on greater integrity and wholeness.

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@sophiab beautifully said!

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@sophiab you know what came to mind to describe this energy — stage fright! haha. Feels like performing in the dating realm.

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Like @sophiab, I don't read reversed cards.

Is there some cultural difference between yourself and your person of interest? I'm seeing a distance/difference that can't be bridged, or perhaps they are younger than you?

I'm sensing you don't want to tell this person of your feelings, maybe due to past heartbreak for one or both of you. I also suspect maybe your ambitions in life differ, but this may not be readily apparent.

There is some shocking news to be disclosed here, but it will be ultimately healing. Take some time out and let nature take its' course, time and distance are healing. I love the placement of the Sun card here, it looks almost like the Sun is winking, saying 'you got this'.

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@plutolover ha there are cultural differences, but I adore his culture, spent a lot of time in his country (prior to meeting) learning the language. I have Moon-Jupiter and Sadge so multicultural is comfortable for me. 

I don't know his age yet, he could be a few years younger or older but he definitely seems around my age somewhat.

You and Sophia's interpretations about the past pain affecting me could be very true... fearing it never works out.

I'm really trying to learn to relinquish control and let him lead. I have a ton of Aries. And Saturn is in my 5th right now.

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@belladonna I sometimes associate the suit of swords with Saturn, and to me, it looks like the Queen of swords is an aspect of yourself that is hesitant and watchful (it even looks to me like she's holding her hand up as if to say 'wait...' Is there any possibility you're subconsciously giving closed off vibes to him?

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@plutolover it is definitely possible... I have Pluto Rising in Scorpio from the 12th opposing my Sun, so letting my armor down is something I've always had to work on/be aware of.

After we exchanged numbers in an indirect sort of way, and contact was established, I felt a shift from him the next time I saw him at his work (where I go weekly). Not sure how to describe it other than it was akin to when people are seemingly a little spooked by my Pluto, at least that's what I sensed. Subconsciously it may have made me fear he realized he's not actually interested, or that maybe he has someone else in the picture to some degree. That could be my assumption based on bad past experiences, assuming the worst because of having found out people I was interested in weren't available to whatever extent. When I sensed the hesitation on his part, it triggered me to withdraw a bit. 

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