
The Clair's. You go...
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The Clair's. You got em?

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And more. 

Not just intuition. One or all of the Clair's. Do you have this? 


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I have claircognizance to an extent. I used to be much more open to it, but had to shut it down somewhat as it got a bit on top of me. I get it when I read Tarot and also sometimes when I'm reading a chart these days. Now and again, I'll see images too, but these are much rarer.

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@plutolover with this name no doubt you are plugged in 😊

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@soup hmm, maybe, I always put it down to my Neptune in the 12th, like @Libra Noir, and my Pisces Moon?

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@plutolover Do you have a lot of water in your chart?

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@soup Scorpio stellium and the Pisces Moon and South Node. I don't really use Black Moon Lilith, but that's in Cancer.

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@plutolover holy cow! Wow! Yeah, you def got the Clair's. How old were you when you first realized that you could see, or knew things others did not?

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@soup Maybe from around 10/11? It obviously became more apparent when I started reading the Tarot. My Dad, a Scorpio, also with a Pisces Moon, forbade me to use the cards, but you know how teenagers are! I think he had at least one Clair, but pushed it down.

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@plutolover My great-grandmother read cards, but I didn't know this until before my father passed. He told me about the whole family before he passed. One day he said his grandmother was gifted. I thought he was talking about math or science... he pops off, she read those cards ... Is said DAD... WHAT did you just say? He said, she was a card reader. A lot of the women in the family had weird gifts. I could only pause and try to catch up. I couldn't believe what he was telling me.

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@soup It's interesting you say that, my mum told me after my dad died that his mother was a Romany gypsy who apparently had 'the gift', but when she married my paternal Grandfather, she had to turn her back on all that, including her family and friends (strict religious family she married into).

It's a shame we learn these things about people when we can no longer talk to them. 

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@plutolover I was so young I wouldn't have known to ask her. Boy oh boy do I wish we didn't have such an age gap and I could have picked her brain for information. She talked for hours to my father because he was her grandson, and they were close. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall...

You know how it is.... if you try to talk about real astrology people look at you like you own a cauldron and you are baking small children into your spell work. It's ridiculous but it's true. Discuss pop newspaper astrology and they are all in until you start saying anything deeper... then you are satanic. 

Imagine decades ago. Ugh. 

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@soup agreed. I remember talking about what Pluto was up to a few years ago and one particular person says 'oh, does that mean you've put a curse on me?!' Like you say, they're more than happy to discuss the columns in the papers, but if you try to explain how that might work for them personally, nah, that must be all kinds of evil 🤣

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@plutolover right? And it is an ability anyone can work on. Just like the sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. We have the ability. It's not evil. Its God given and within. Sensory information. We actually have something like 18. But are taught the basic 5. We are multisensory. Spiritual information is constantly being broadcast around us.

Libra Noir
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I’ve experienced those except for clairvoyance. Mostly claircognizance and clairsentient. I have Neptune in the 12th. 

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@libra-noir I know you do. You probably have more than you even realize.

Libra Noir
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@soup Probably. Sometimes I’ll say something and go “how the fuck did I know that” lol. I’ve had a few people tell me that I “get in their heads”.

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@libra-noir I believe that! Do you ever think I wish I didn't know that.... about a person?

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@soup I know- some heads I don’t want to get into lol. I look inside and go eek. Then I always feel grateful for my own kind of inner peace.

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@libra-noir This is exactly why I have a hard time with certain mercury signs. Or vicious people. Or loud obnoxious people. Or people who force their opinion on you. I can't do it. All I hear is a bag of hammers ... 

The inner peace is essential. 

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If you have any of these there is a great desire to be alone. Who wants all that coming at them? 


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Libra Noir
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@soup Oh absolutely. Because we can easily lose ourselves. Some of the best advice I’ve heard was from a tarot reader on youtube who advises to really learn to recognize your own energy so you can discern it from others.

It takes alone time to be able to find that center. I think Nature (specifically trees) is very helpful for that too, at least for me. And keeping my space clean. 

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@libra-noir If you cannot recognize your energy from others, it's painful and it takes a minute to own the skill. How old were you when you realized you knew things other people did not? Also, do you hate crowds? I can't do it.

Libra Noir
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@soup Probably as a kid in school. It was really easy for me academically because I didn’t need to study or even really listen. I just knew stuff. It’s always mundane things like that. With test taking I can almost get in the mind of the person that wrote it and see what they want. 

Ive also heard that people who grew up in abusive or chaotic environments learn to develop these skills because we have to use all of sense’s to survive. 

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@libra-noir people who grew up in abusive or chaotic environments learn to develop these skills because we have to use all of senses to survive. 

I was 6

Sue Ellen
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Yeah, count me in.

Mostly Clairaudience, some Clairvoyance, and something else I don't remember the name of.

I first was aware when I was 5 or so. That's when I first turned it off. My aunt had a stillborn child. Aunt had the flu twice while pregnant and it effected the fetus.  I knew, just knew, that child would not be. The stillbirth was such an emotional shock to the her other children, my close cousins.  I really don't remember how I knew. 

Perhaps Clairsentience?  I also knew when my grandfather was going to die. I knew when my grandmother died while I was driving to see her one last time. I heard that voice, "She's gone. You're too late."

That voice has warned me out of traffic accidents several times.

As for that something else, it's real time clairvoyance, but has a special name.  When a coworker committed suicide, I saw it through his viewpoint.  I saw the shooting range with its bullseye target. I watched his arm swing a handgun towards my face. I heard the sound of the gun discharge.  I almost fell over from impact.  I was at home for lunch.  Before lunch I was looking for him, asking about him.  I was unaware of why.  After lunch, when we work gathered for the news, his supervisor asked where he was.  I answered, as if channeling, "He's not with us."  Weird, huh??

Another incident, when my ex died from a ruptured aorta, I knew it. I felt it.  My heart hurt with an acute, sharp pain.  I said his name out loud. I knew it was his pain. We'd not communicated for over 20 years.

Then there's my long 9-11 story.  Short version: saw it ahead of time; during the event, I predicted things before they happened.

Another thing, I have to watch my energy field. At times, I've been a physical empath.  I'll pick up a back ache, etc.

My astrology, Moon and Uranus in third house Cancer, Mars in tenth house Pisces. Mercury is in a water house, the 8th.

As you see, it's been an important part of my life that I keep secret from everyone, except my sister and my now deceased mother. And you fellow forum members.

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@sue-ellen Thank you so much for sharing, Sue-ellen. Reading this is a comfort. It's hard to discuss this with anyone because they think you are crazy. I knew the same with my grandparents. 

When I went to visit my grandmother the last time, I stayed physically close to her. I let her do all the talking and just loved on her. I knew. When the visit was over, I got in the car to drive away. She was standing on the deck waving. I threw my arm out the passenger window and shouted I love you so much and the voice in my head and heart said, this is the last time you will see each other like this. I knew. She had a stroke. Was in a coma by the time I got back there, we are talking a distance of STL to Colorado. I ran into the room, aunts and uncles surrounding the bed told me I was too late. She could not hear me. I reached for her hand, I said squeeze it and let me know you know I am here. She not only did that but rubbed the top of my hand with her thumb and smiled. All of them saw it and almost passed out. This story goes on for 4 days with so many things so odd and strange no one would believe them. But I have always been able to communicate with her. She has never left me in ways I cannot explain. Also, somehow my mother knew this and scolded me before she passed claiming I should have let her mother go when she passed to which I responded I have not kept her with me, she won't leave. 

My mother knew. 

 Physical empath.  I'll pick up a backache. 

omg Sue-ellen. omg... thank you so much for speaking up. I was afraid no one would, and I would continue to suffer having no one to talk to in regard to this. I know when the people I love are having problems. I can literally feel it inside myself. Physical and emotional. This is why it has been so hard for me ... this move. I can feel them. My youngest son didn't say as much as he wanted to, but he sure did suffer. So did my oldest and middle granddaughters. I could feel them. I can feel those kids in ways I wish I could turn off because what they are going through goes right through me. Good news is I know, and I call or text at exactly the right time.... and we talk it off, walk it off together. I tell my husband I cannot sleep, so and so is suffering. I knew when my DIL was pregnant again and knew when she lost the baby (at Xmas), and no one told me a thing until she did. It was a boy. No one told me. 

Lying to me or around me or in writing is ridiculous. I know better and have been able to prove it. When I meet a bad person, I know they are, tell people they are even when I am ridiculed for it, and I have never been wrong. Not even once. 

Animals know I know. Never once has any animal shied away from me. Even the ones who bite. Last time I was home I was introduced to a Pitbull that bites everyone. I sat on the ground, everyone said DO NOT get near it. Dog came and sat beside me, I put my arm around her and rubbed her belly. She wagged from neck to tail. I wish I could have taken her home with me. She's been mistreated and I knew it and she knew I knew it. I have too many stories about animals... I could write a book. 

I knew at 6 but had no words for it. I have turned it off over the years. It's too much sometimes. 

I am wide open right now. I mean... all of it. Wide open. I refuse to close it off this time. I know what he is going to say before he says it, and strange enough, he knows I know. The wide-open part just happened... it's been a slow open. 

I have been sensitive all my life, and usually unable to turn it off except with close family. But it's game on wide open now. Being in a crowd is impossible. I can't do it. It's like being assaulted. I refuse to turn it off. 

I don't know who to go see about it. And I feel bad when someone is talking shit around me, because I know they are lying. 

There are people I will never have anything to do with again because of this. Their own spouse/family can't trust them. I can see straight through it.  

Same here Sue-ellen. Except my oldest grand knows and my youngest son knows, my mother knew, and my husband said a week ago... you scare the shit out of me. Now he knows. I tell no one. NO ONE. Everyone knows why. I did not tell any of them. They caught it. Telepathy. Wait till I tell you about that. 

My grandmother knew, but she never told anyone. 

It used to scare me. Now it does not. But it hurts sometimes. 


Sue Ellen
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@soup You're welcome! It's hard to discuss these abilities with anyone. I've turned mine down. I don't like to be in crowds.

My sister has some of the same abilities. Physical empathy for one. She felt our cousin's fatal heart attack.

My sister and I were out of the country during 9-11. I told her a few days earlier that we'd not be going home on the following Saturday, because they'd be a plane crash, but it wasn't our plane.

Sister later took me to a psychic fair to find out what was going on with us. That inner voice told me to "speak to that one." We did. That reader was a Reiki master. We learned quite a bit about energy fields, etc.  A few years later sister and I took a level 1 Reiki course. It helped teach us to clean our energy fields, etc. -- Maybe that was a little too woo woo for you and other readers.

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@sue-ellen OMG... I am learning Reiki now. I can't believe this. Also learning to clear my energy fields. I have to. Not woo to me. I completely understand it. I am so glad you shared. 

There is no way to understand it unless you are living it. You can try to explain it but the person you are talking to or the person you are typing to is laughing on the inside. Problem with that? You know haha 

Helps with knowing who you can trust. Helps with spotting a bullshiter, a con artist and a liar. Wish I had used it when I was younger. When I married the wrong people. 

A story: I took the grands to gymnastics. It was a gift. Both parents approved. Was glad for it. I paid, found a private female coach and took them to every session. DIL knew a guy that was exceptional at the sport, and she knew him from work. Said... take them here. I said if you want them to go there you take them and pay for it. They are already signed up here. (They had been with this coach for almost a year, she never once came nor did she ever pay for it, nor was she interested in the least) He came to their gymnastics. Watched. And approached them on the floor. I walked out there and stepped in. Told him they had an instructor, and he had no business there. He gave me the creeps and I mean my meter went off the rails. I said, back up. And things I won't say here. He never got the chance to get near them. He was later arrested for child molestation of other children. See, you don't fool me. Don't think I let DIL forget it either. I saw right through him. Immediately. I had to be standing next to him though. He was very good at hiding. Happened with a school janitor too. I knew. He knew I did too. They tried to get me out of that lunchroom. Like that would ever happen. Long story... save for later. 

Not woo to me. Scary sometimes. Tiring. Draining. But not woo. 

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The Clair's. 

Clairvoyance means clear seeing. 
This is when visions past, present and future flash through our mind's eye, or third eye, much like a daydream. Many of us are highly visual and able to understand an idea best when we see it written or sketched out as an image on a computer screen or on a canvas. Visual people often choose to be artists, builders, photographers, decorators, designers and so forth. If this sounds familiar, your clairvoyance is most likely a dominant sense.

Clairaudience means clear hearing. 
This is when we hear words, sounds or music in our own mind's voice. On rare occasions, spirit may be able to create audible sound, though this takes a tremendous amount of focused energy. Some of us best retain and comprehend information when we hear it spoken aloud. Our natural talents tend to lie in our auditory faculties, often making us gifted musicians, singers, writers and public speakers. If this feels right to you, clairaudience may be a leading sense for you.

Clairsentience means clear feeling. 
This entails feeling a person's or spirit's emotions or feeling another's physical pain. Many of us are clairsentient without consciously being aware of it. When we get a strong "gut" feeling, positive or negative, about someone we just met or when we get the "chills" for no apparent reason, we may be tuning into the emotional energy of a person or a spirit around us. When we are highly sensitive and are in tune with not only our own feelings, but also the feelings of others, this makes us natural healers and caregivers. We often feel inspired to pursue careers as doctors, therapists, counselors, nannies and teachers. If this is you, clairsentience is at the top of your senses list.

Clairalience means clear smelling. 
This is being able to smell odors that don't have any kind of physical source. Instances of this could include smelling the perfume or the cigarette smoke of a deceased relative, used as a sign of their presence around us. When our sense of smell is strong and distinct, we may find that certain smells connect us to past memories, or we may be drawn to working as a florist, a wine taster or a perfume fragrance creator.

Clairgustance means clear tasting. 
This is the ability to taste something that isn't actually there. This experience oftentimes comes from out of the blue when a deceased loved one is attempting to communicate a memory or association we have with a particular food or beverage that reminds us of them. If we have a heightened sense of taste, this would make us natural chefs, bakers or food critics.

Claircognizance means clear knowing. 
This is when we have knowledge of people or events that we would not normally have knowledge about. Spirit impresses us with truths that simply pop into our minds from out of nowhere. An example of this would be a premonition: a forewarning of something that will happen in the future. Claircognizance requires tremendous faith because there's often no practical explanation for why we suddenly "know" something. Many philosophers, professors, doctors, scientists, religious and spiritual leaders and powerful sales and business leaders tend to be highly intuitive and seem to just know the facts with a sense of certainty. If this is you, consider claircognizance as one of your dominant senses.

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