
The Clair's. You go...
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The Clair's. You got em?

Sue Ellen
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It’s happened again. I think of someone then find out they have died. It’s happened three times in the past year. These were people I worked with, but were no longer in contact. 

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@sue-ellen The veil is so very thin right now.

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I've looked up so many old coworkers and schoolmates over the years when they pop into my thoughts randomly.  Finding too many obituaries these days.  I posted here a couple of years ago about waking up thinking of a home town historian I'd exchanged many emails with, but had carelessly forgotten to stay in touch with when I moved to FL.  After getting settled with my coffee I googled his name without thinking to pray first.  I found an obit, but not for him as I soon learned that he'd died two years earlier.  It was for his wife whose funeral was being held that very day at that very hour!

He once told me that my dad was his inspiration to become an artist.  I wondered if there was a message for me in all this, went back and reread his emails.  Got a link to the archive of his historical society articles, but never did take the time to read them all. 

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The Saggie is claircognizant and clairsentient. So am I, but my gifts are nowhere near as strong as hers.

We can also feel spirits. Neither of us ever saw one, but we refused to go into "unsettled" homes.

Years ago, when Big Cap and I were looking for our first home, we went to one that I just had to get out of. It was an ordinary, charming little house, but I felt something yelling at me. Years later I found out the home was built near a large mental institution that shut down maybe 10 years before we saw that house. All that energy had to go somewhere.

The Saggie told us she will never own a 100+ year old home for that reason.

Hades Moon
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Love this thread, I feel at home 🏡.

I relate to a lot of what’s been shared. I have lost count of the number of past acquaintances that pop into my head. I google, and they’re deceased (most 50 and under 😞).

I think my strong suit is the typical Aquarian trait of “just knowing”. There are times when people talk about their plights or other’s, and I get downloaded the outcome . I just know what’s going to happen. A few years ago I was downloaded information concerning my partner’s family. The content was quite heavy and  I shared it with my partner and we both hoped my predictions didn’t happen. In detail, it all unfolded as I said it would.

 I’m grateful for this insight as it gives me confidence in my belief of the other side. No such thing as death, we just transition to a different dimension. This may be where we receive our messages from 🌈.

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My firstborn daughter is Claire on the birth certificate. Because her dad would not agree to Clarity. I call her both.

I have spent my life "training", trying to integrate/validate these unseen gifts. Scorpio Grandma did tarot and Iching. I took the Rosicrucian astrology study course when I was 8. Leo Mom was a catholic burning candles all the time so angels and spirits were allowed. Mom is prophetic dreamer, deaths mostly. Little brother triple pisces woke up with morning downloads which flipped mom out and she would supress him, she did not like the gift. He could predict dice and cards until I would make him STOP from fear. He is in prison from gambling/drug addiction. Taurus Dad was Native American. So I was free with my gifts but no training or context. I grew up isolated like ELSA. 

It's all over my chart. 12 house Cap stellium, Neptune in 10th H Scorpio, Pluto in  8th house.  I have zero mars cap and and zero leo moon 7 H. The fool. SO I jump or fall off the cliff into the realm of the Claires. And now I'm in progressed Pisces land. I get no breaks from the realm. 

I used to love thrift shopping, but I CANNOT very much because if I start touching the clothing, I get too much information. Did bodywork (jin shin do/Hakomi) for a few years but could not handle the downloads from touching people. Tarot for the public I did one time. Never again. I have worked for money as an interpreter for the deaf (visual communication, body language and intuition), home birth midwife (holding space, observing process, ceremony), RN, and Hospice (holding space, observing process,ceremony).

Over the decades Different  teachers arrived and pulled it together for me and gave me a context. The big picture. The collective conscious/unconscious, the facets of the mind, etc. 

I am a trained medicine woman in Native Tradition, pipe carrier sundancer. We fast and pray x 4 days every summer. At least they have rules. We work with the spirits. All kingdoms plant animal mineral. Probably called "spiritualist". "Honor, sing, gift and  feed them, they will come."  Tobacco, Coffee, sugar, meat, whiskey, chocolate. That's how it works. I promise my aunties before they die; "I will leave cake" Spirits dont need much, just a whiff. Coffee and whiskey for dad and step dad.

I trained in Hellinger's family constellation work, where I learned... in our natural state we are ALL channels for each other. We can all do it. It is a profound process. It is the way it works 

A dear friend, a silk dye alchemist/homeopath trained me to be a ghostbuster. I learned her process. The spirits who have not moved on get a voice and we basically do therapy finding the unfinished business. I could SMELL the guy in a world war one uniform for example. Spirit Mothers who won't leave their children. Unresolved violence and abuse. We also do tons of vibrational work, on the physical structure. Metal holds vibration longer than wood. People pay big bucks for this. But I found it very challenging; as a capricorn sun. I want to stay in my body. Something about this very disciplined process would suck me out of my body for the wildest nights out of my control, and when I would pop back into my body a drop of water would splash on my foreheadand wake me up!!  WIERD.

I can read a house instantly. I can't NOT read houses and YARDS!  Tons of information from the flora! Last spring I finally told a girlfriend as nicely as I could.........."I am deeply concerned, that if you cannot change the energy  here the house will burn." The next week her son's RV he was living in burned to the ground. That was not intuition, that was EXPERIENCE. It is the way it works.

I have learned THERE IS SOMETHING IN EVERYTHING, every little thing. I watch every little thing. Because the predictive juice is in the details.

But you only see it if you are looking with spirit eyes. Most people explicitly do not want to know what I see. So I have been TRAINED to use the gifts. Without training they were an experience, with experience I recognize the patterns. I am a "systems girl" there IS a system working in this realm of the Clares. 

Sometimes my roomate comes out of her bedroom and she has a CROWD of spirits around her. And I just watch her walk by.  I have boundaries now. Because its kind of like eavesdropping when you see everybody's shit. And ancestral patterns, rules, roles, compensations, projections and defenses. The dirty blankets they are carrying around. 

True to my Capricorn stellium,  graced or cursed with the Claires I learned to USE them to help people.

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ohhhh cant edit, and want to explain I had to study depth psychology too, examining the mind. When working with others everything is interpreted through their minds. So I had to learn all the tricks the mind uses to avoid the lessons and gifts from the unseen world.

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I got up this morning, started some coffee and pulled 2 Angel Cards. (one word cards).  BOTH cards said Clarity.

Last week I posted in the forum about my first crush. I opened my first crush's FB page and he was wearing a t-shirt with the word CRUSH.

My mind might say "just coincidence". 

My "ego"  mind will censor the messages from the clares.

I have practiced and trained myself to not listen to the mind.  The clares are much more accurate. When asked a deep question I have found "the first answer is always the right answer" Love Kiss  





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