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The Veil Lifts

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She's reading so now sure who wrote this but it's poetic.

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Pluto in Aquarius preview?

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@dolce what I notice is there does not seem to be a solution.

This will be like getting off heroin. Worse!

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@elsa No joke! Young people have no idea what life is like without phones and they were given to them without serious thought. Parents who didn't want to give them before a certain age have felt coerced to do so because of social implications for their kids. And so on. Our whole society is structured around this now. How could we ever go back to normal? No one really knows how.

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Another thought I'm having is how she wonders who she would be without the tech. This comes to my mind too, with the tech but also with the propaganda, which doesn't require a phone. It's been used forever, so who would we be without the influence of parasitic evil? When I think too much about this, it makes me upset.

Often it takes a crisis of some sort to get us to see who we are, what we're capable of, what's important etc.

It can be the death of a loved one that puts us in that mind frame.

Or a larger crisis - look at what's happening in NC after the hurricane. They were basically abandoned (and worse) by the federal government in an emergency situation. They've had to rebuild roads on their own, help each other on their own - reach people who are completely isolated. It's honestly such a scandal I can't believe it. But it's going to stick with those people for generations, and you can see that we've been lulled into a sleep, forgetting what we're capable of. Because the people with mules, the people with the guts to go help those who were/are stranded - those people still exist. It's still in us. We've just forgotten.

So I hope whatever occurs, we can remember who we are. I don't wish a larger crisis, but I hope we can overcome tech that just became too big for us to know how to handle. (And other things too) But I do also acknowledge there will always be some sort of good/evil battle going on.

I hope this makes sense.

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@dolce Yes, it makes very good sense.  Thank you!

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My baby daughter 21 lives far away, so we connect on the phone only. The past few months she has been harder and harder to reach. Less contact overall. 

When I demand "proof of life" on text, she explains working alot, and " I just have not been on my phone as much." and facetimes me.


How cool is that? This is NEW. The phone is losing it's magic!!!

Yesterday she was making a cookbook, BY HAND of her and boyfriend's favorite recipes. Cooking. Unplugged.

2003 When she was born, my millenials were all still living at home gaming and on the computer all the time. When it started bothering me, I would announce "Do something REAL!!!!". That was the 5 minute warning before I would shut off the electrical breaker to the house. That worked while I was paying the bills.

Last week at family dinner, most of them were on their phones as soon as they were done eating. Instead of a cigarette, or a joint or a drink, they kick back with the phone. I do acknowledge they seem to have some balance. They do "do something real". And have interests besides the phone. Sports, gaming, hiking,hunting etc. And cats instead of kids.  LOL !!! So sad. I wanted a house full of grandkids. Healthy ones. Not gonna happen. I'm loving those cats!!

I have been invited to mediate for a family today. They are gathering to support porn addicted son in his early twenties. unfortunately, I know the data. My weak astrology says today not great comms. so I am undecided on whether I will attend. These poor kids, poor parents. Love is just not enough.

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