I thought of this, today. All Your Base Are Belong To Us.
A comment on the vid states this was the beginning of the Internet... it was wild when this came out and here's the real trivia...
I wrote my story about Cranes and Base because of this song. It was originally called, All Your Base..."
It's funny; I am so weird. That was one hell of a story but years ago, I didn't realize it. I still thought I was normal back then - like you hear this meme and decide to tell a stupid, Base, story, not realizing it's not actually stupid.
Share trivia here!
Is this a Gemini trap?
I'll bite (Pun intended)
Not to be needlessly crass, but herring swallow air and blow farts as a legitimate means of communication. I have mad respect for these fish. I read this in an edition of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader when I was like 8 or 9 and I've never forgotten.
Most credible article about herring farts I could find. Now the official name for this behavior is a fast repetitive tick, or ...FRT. https://www.science.org/content/article/farting-fish-keep-touch#:~:text=Herring%20may%20communicate%20by%20blowing,bubbles%20out%20of%20their%20backsides.
Here's a piece from that period of time, including how the researchers who discovered this won the Ig Nobel prize. You can see how much different the internet was back then. https://www.nature.com/news/2004/040927/full/news040927-19.html
The "Napoleon Complex" is a misnomer. He was average height for his place and time.
Perfect for Mars in Gem.
I can read full speed. Surprised me! It almost got easier when it sped up!
My son has a Mars Pluto, exact opposition, squaring his sun AND moon in his 2025 Solar return. He could lose a parent with this.
Sorry, but it's there to be seen.