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This sh*t makes me lose my sh*t:

IMG 2174
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@allie120 they really jumbled the hell out of search in the last days.... when I posted the thread on this topic.

It's like going into the library in the olden days. Pull open the card catalog and something pops up, "ha ha."

I mean, clearly they can do better.  This is purposeful in my mind. And it may even be personal.

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@elsa I noticed this very much over the last year, at least. Then you start trying rephrase your question to get some relevant answer. But this is so frustrating! 

Yes, I believe it is 100% something sinister. It’s not even trying. It appears that it took “middle east” and that’s the primary algorithm and it’s giving you these possibilities because “LOOK! LOOK OVER HERE!” Directed manipulation. If hands could reach through your device they would “A Clockwork Orange” your eyes until you were reeducated.


I hate it!!!!!

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I put in the same question again, and got a list of real answers. 


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@allie120 weird.

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@elsa Very 😒

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Here’s another one. Please correct me if there’s something I’m not fully understanding because I really don’t know all the capabilities out there.

I go on Pinterest often and I have lots of boards and it’s a good resource for recipes I frequently. Lately my pins have been recipes, some outfits, and some ideas for making a display stand for objects.

Yesterday I went on and in my feed was a pin for cover crops. I don’t think I’ve looked at any gardening pins in months. And yes, it could be part of my profile: food, homesteading but food storage, preserving, etc.

Now, on Labor Day we were at our daughter’s talking about our property and relaying a conversation we’d had with a farmer at one of the fairs. He was talking about cover crops and corn. Atnour daughter’s, my phone was in the house away from everyone most if the time. But two days before, my phone was on me, in my purse as we spoke to the farmer.


But, you know…we are all a pattern for AI. But on the other hand… 👁️ 

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@allie120 I think it's all far more advanced than people realize. I know it is, because the men I used to work with, told me about it, twenty years ago.

Does anyone remember this:


We were going to launch a program... this would have been a utility, like xanga was a platform for independent bloggers. But they found out about the governance and the impending killing or independent... everyone will wind up eating garbage on the only platforms they can find.

This unless there is a tremendous upset...

They did not tell me to send my newsletter, snail mail for nothing.

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@elsa I remember that image. That all makes sense. 

There’s so much garbage out there. Don’t get me wrong. There’s a lot of valuable information and connections but to me now it feels even more pertinent to know to filter, cross check, ignore diversions or at least not get swept away. 😕 It’s so daunting. It’s everywhere and we don’t know where. 

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