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About the division between us

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It's far worse than even that. It's pretty common knowledge that your phone, TV, smart appliances are spying and reporting on us and that you can have a phone conversation about, for example, wanting to buy a car, and then car ads will infest your devices right after. I have a flip phone and I had an appointment at Costco to get new tires but arrived before they opened so I went into the Target store next to it to kill some time. I hadn't been into a Target for many years at that point. I just browsed and left once Costco opened. Go home and open my computer and there's Target ads on it. That was a couple of years ago. About a month ago, I was making tuna salad and was scraping the last of the mayo from a jar of Duke's mayo and it brought to mind a channel I used to subscribe to on YT many years ago, like 2015 or so. I don't remember the name of the channel or the people on it. It was a cooking channel where the woman cooked an entire meal (old fashioned stuff like jello salads, etc.) and the husband would be talking to her in the background. She would serve the meal and they'd talk a little.... anyway, they were just so damn cute and that's why I followed them. Well, the husband died unexpectedly in his sleep and she got on the channel a couple of times to talk about it and then she became very ill and died 3 months later. The son had taken over the channel to report on her health and announced her death. The son continued the cooking channel for a month or so and then changed the name and I unsubscribed to the Mom's channel at that point and never subscribed to the son's channel and never saw or heard anything of him again. So, back to the Duke's mayo a month ago.... the woman used to extoll Duke's mayo and wouldn't use anything else in her recipes and that's why the thought of her and her channel literally flitted through my mind - like less than a second. I was alone in my house, didn't say anything out loud, didn't look for anything on line, my flip phone was nowhere near me and that was the end of it. Until the next morning when I opened up my computer and logged into YT and the son's channel was at the top of my feed! My friend said that the phone can read our thoughts through our eyes but my phone is a flip phone and wasn't even in the same room with me. I knew technology was getting more sophisticated with Pluto in Aquarius but now I'm thinking this may be the 'thought crimes' of 1984 and Brave New World. 

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@sage6911 I've this experience, many times.

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@elsa Thanks for affirming I've not lost my mind!! Amazed

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@sage6911 nope!!!!

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