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Age Difference for Dating as an Adult

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How much of an age difference is acceptable for adult relationships? This is all based on your perspective and standards. 

I think that if you find someone you connect with then age shouldn't matter.

At the same time, I guess I have some bias when it comes to me personally. I'm 30 years old, turning 31 this year and have a 47 year old Libra trying to court me. The 17 year difference is a bit steep, but he's a kind guy, a bit of a DILF(excuse my language haha), and we have quite a few things in common. But I question if I've resolved my "daddy issues"? I look a bit young for my age as I usually get mistaken for early to mid twenties and he's very handsome and looks mature so that also raises a bit of concern for me. I am a Cancer so like the whole parent dynamic would be fitting, I guess haha. His romantic sensibilities and sensitivity does appeal to me as it's hard to find people my age with a mature emotional range. So, I don't know, thinking about it. He knows I have my concerns.

It just made me wonder how do people usually navigate that. Do any of you have any experience dating someone with quite a big age difference? How did that make you feel initially?

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This is very common for people with Cap/Cancer or Saturn mashed with Venus in any way.

I have seen literally, countless, couples who fare very well.   Just realize, he will get old and the tables will turn... you will be taking care of him.

But yeah... people do this and wind up happy all the time.

I'm talking about serious relationships, rather than flings.

Good luck.

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@elsa thank you for your response!

I'm so Can/Cap heavy. I have my Sun/Moon/Venus in 9H Cancer opposite Uranus/Neptune/NN in 3H Capricorn with a 4H Saturn in Aquarius. I've had Saturn figures abound in my life and think I am a Saturn figure for some. My Saturn Return I feel has definitely turned me into more Saturn.

I don't know much about his chart yet. He's a teacher though and likes to learn. I like to think of myself as an eternal student as I believe it keeps me young haha. I drift along the teacher-student axis myself as I love teaching people skills that I learn. Passing along knowledge while gaining it. It seems like it could work. You once told me that with my chart, I'm a parent and need someone who's a parent. That has stuck with me.

The thing is growing old.. you raise a good point. He would probably decline faster than I would. I would like to grow old with someone and have always wanted to be with someone of similar age because the timeline would add up. So that also makes me question it.

I do know this one couple that frequents my job. They're a lovely couple and I think they have a big age gap between them as well. One is 50 something and the other is 70 something, or almost 70, I think. They're very active though and look good for their age. They seem happy! I adore them.

Hmm. There's much to think about.

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@ridingthewaves well it does happen.  The woman starts our the ingenue and winds up the caregiver. I have A LOT of real world experience with this... but the women in this circumstance never say they regret it.  They just have a price to pay on the other end, because men tend to die before women anyway.

I say, if the love is real, there is no question but to go for this.  I covered this pretty deeply in this workshop.

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Strong agree. Cancer sun here, Aquarius husband, 20 yrs senior, have had our moments but in love and happy, tables turned and all. 

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@plutopussycat Thank you for sharing!

Congrats on your strong love <3 I guess if it works, it works! I've always taken care of people my whole life and know I have the capacity for it so I guess I wouldn't be much of a stranger to it.

What do you think are some of the biggest issues related to age that you've had with your husband?

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@ridingthewaves 🧡 

Him slowing down as I maintain, gain even,  momentum.

Loneliness, as he has no desire to socialise or do things beyond our home.

Not taking care if himself as in, weight, moving, sense of purpose.

Decline in health, ageing before my eyes, seeing him gradually fade. Knowing what likely lies ahead.

I thought I’d keep him young, I was wrong. Age has its own agenda.

He makes me laugh every single day. He checks the car, oil, water, tyres. Makes coffee at 4am if I wake. Makes fresh bread every day, cooks (I still work, and long hours), does all our laundry and the lawns, listens to me whine, sound advice, shares what he knows/has learned, asks me what I think, shows up for me, etc. etc. generally an absolute gem.


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He has Cancer mars, which I think obvious reading this back 😂

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Sat in 7th, Venus in 12th, Leo rising, Aqua Desc.

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Husband 11 1/2 years younger than me. Capricorn moon. Ton of Saturn contacts. Together over 3 decades. 

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Thank you all for sharing your experience with me!

Ultimately, it did not work out. Great guy, but in the end, just weren't as compatible as I thought. It's okay. I'm trying to dive in and learn more about what I need vs what I want

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