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Cooking! What Are You Cooking In 2024

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Ok. Here is my trial run. I had to mend the last one 🤣

Anyway, trial and error. In doing this, I came upon some better ways for next time (I didn’t really follow a recipe, just referred to one for the temperature and time).

They are apple butter because I had a little container in the freezer. Homemade pie crust. Next time I will find and use some sort of cookie cutter thing for uniformity and find a tiny one for the cutout designs. I have cookie cutters but they are too big/too small, not right. I’ll figure it out! I’m good like that 😄

IMG 2172


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@allie120 Great!

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@elsa Thank you! 

I’m on a tear today and I love it! I have bread on a second rise now and one of the loaves I made a mix of dried tomatoes, basil, and olive oil and rolled that in the middle. And the yogurt is in the crockpot in the slow cool down phase…so, we’ll see how that goes! 

Saturday I made pumpkin soup and my husband texted that he loves it, again. I thought I got carried away with the cayenne but I guess it’s ok! It’s such a versatile and forgiving recipe.

And I have to make dinner soon. Just salmon on the grill and sides. I love days like this!

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@allie120 I love days like this and have had a stretch of them. I'm on the down wave, now, but have been asked to make spanakopita for pay!

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@elsa That’s terrific!

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@allie120 nah, I would not want to do this. I love cooking and will readily give food away. I won't let anyone take this from me, by turning it into a job or obligation.

In this case,  it's a man who wants it for his birthday meal. I will provide it but I will not take $.

I relax by cooking. It meditative and I don't have a substitute, especially in the winter. 

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@elsa That’s nice, then. I’m like you. I have no interest in selling food or having a coffee shop or any catering or anything. I always make the applesauce for holidays and for some reason people just love it like crazy even though it’s just so basic. My brother-in-law once asked if I would ever want to sell it. No no no lol

I will make food for people, my family, because it’s creative for me, because I want to!

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What’s everyone’s experience with pressure cookers and what brand /type/functions would you recommend?

Thank you!

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@allie120 I use my instant pot exclusively, but Presto has been around a long time.  That's what I used to use. Same brand for a pressure canner.

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@elsa Thank you! I will make a note of that.

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i'm a sucker for people who come at the door sometimes to sell things. I feel bad all the time. So the other day, I bought this 10 pound bag of potatoes lol  This man in this big rig truck comes by and he's selling bags and bags of potatoes. I saw his truck, very fancy, beautiful and there's a huge name brand on it. So i thought. ok he's legit. And the pototates look pretty good too, (I mean they're dirty) but.. theyre dirty because they are just pulled up from the ground..

Still. we are stuck now.. with lots and lots of potatoes My husband who is always suspicious.. had to look up the name of the truck and indeed it's legitamate and they do sometimes go from door to door when they have way too many potatoes. Well i got jokes all around from having potatoes. xD  I've been making lots of meals with potatoes. Even potato soup. ^^ I had to switch it up once in awhile because my husband got bored of it. Potatoes again?? Nope, Rice and Salmon and vegetables!! 😛 

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edit. my husband said it was 22 kilos of potatoes lol I keep forgetting to do kilos too, since i'm in EU. 😪   kilos, military time, and basically the metric system. he says USA uses "archiac system from the stone age. " lol   Came from the British..

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@elisa That’s awesome! Growing potatoes is fun although I never got that many!

Oops! I only saw your post about the 22 kg and I thought you grew them. But you got a good deal! 👍

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@elisa share 'em with neighbors!

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I have to blanche the corn we got from the property. The farmer took most of it, obviously, because we let him farm it for his purposes and we aren’t prepared yet for acres of corn. So that will be a good project this morning.

Cooking one the of the small butternut squash we got. This will go in the chili I’m making later.

Then probably make pumpkin soup. And I will go out sometime and get some GF flour to make bread for our daughter. Not sure if that baking will take place today?

But today is a very fall-like day. Cool and sunny. And my husband is going to put out his tree stand this morning.

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Butternut squash in chili! That sounds like a deliciously unusual recipe Smile


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@jana It’s my favorite. I can post the link.

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It seems really forgiving if you want to tweak it. I use Great Northern beans. I sometimes add sausage but today it’s venison stew meat. I also add a can of chipotle chilis because I love them in there. In the past I have added corn.

Have fun with it!

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The yogurt didn’t set but it does smell a bit like yogurt and has chunks in it. It’s still good and I’m just drinking it with protein powder so not all is lost, just not as planned.

I will try again next week maybe and use a different yogurt. It’s good to keep learning and trying 

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I was hoping someone with experience would respond.... what you have may be right.  The homemade yogurt I have had throughout my life, is runny.

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@elsa I’m going to give it another go next week.

It seems like an art to me. But then again, I’ve made beer and that was just a kit and although I did stray a little, adding honey or some spice, I stuck to the instructions. There are so many ways you can use a variety of different things (not in a kit), that it’s definitely an art. So I see yogurt, or cheese (must try that some time!), etc, the same. 

So much fun!

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@allie120 I've personally made cheese from raw milk. The leftover whey enhances homemade bread. You can substitute it for the water or half and half, or whatever.  The difference is notable.  What I notice is it's easier to slice the bread, thin.

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@elsa Oh that’s really cool! Did you have to get enzymes or anything? I know little about it but I’m definitely interested!

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@allie120 you can make ricotta, with lemon juice or vinegar. It's simple.

Add to milk, let it curdle then pour through cheesecloth to separate the cheese. Salt the cheese... that's it for that.

The liquid is whey. It keeps in fridge for SIX months.

So the idea is, you have a cow share... when you get backed up on milk (which you can also freeze), you can make cheese.

I am not doing this now, for reasons I don't share, but Jilly is and she gives me the whey... I give her back, bread!

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@elsa That’s fantastic. Thank you!

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Spicy shrimp scampi with linguine...  anther small pan of baklava for dessert. 

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