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Cooking! What Are You Cooking In 2024

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I started canning tomatoes yesterday (for the season; this is my 7th year doing it). Bought 2 bushels from a farm market because they're only trickling in from my garden. I set up an outdoor kitchen for canning. It started pouring rain while I was getting started but I did not let that stop me. Got my first 12 quarts done last night, and today I will be doing more. Also want to make some refrigerator pickles, and maybe zucchini bread if I can. Oh and I have really been wanting to try making apple cider vinegar! Our old apple tree is feeding the whole neighborhood (rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, and so many different birds), so I better take my share and get some to my MIL for baking before it's too late. She thinks they are "Transparent" apples and they taste especially delicious this year.

Husband is going to smoke a whole chicken for dinner. I'll saute green beans, and make his favorite salad:

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@cocopeaches That’s fabulous!!!

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That looks so good, and even better with the torn up bread mixed in!

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I roasted the tomatoes I had on the grill, about five or six. Then I put them in a container in the freezer, filling them up as I get tomatoes. When I want some, I’ll thaw and do whatever: make sauce or pizza sauce.

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At my meet I met a woman who had set up near me. She was a little older than I and her demeanor was cool, a little aloof, and she was talking to another athlete about a product she had that a famous (in our circle) powerlifter liked. I must have perked up because she handed me a nice tiny canvas bag and said she makes and sells these lotions for muscle aches. It was such a lovely gesture! (And marketing.) Then we were all busy for the day.

After the meet and I went to shower and change, we were meeting my sister and BIL for dinner later. My husband and I went to the place early for a drink because I could have a drink and celebrate! It’s a place in downtown Memphis called Flights where you could get flights of of three items of anything they had: drinks, meals, apps, desserts, as well as regular portions. How fun is that! That’s just my style! A little bit of whatever you choose!

I like wine or beer but also scotch or whiskey, depending on my mood.

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Husband with wine and I chose scotch.

We were talking and I was looking around and saw a woman one seat away from us (we were at the bar). I kept looking and whispered to my husband thaf I thought she was at the meet. So I leaned over and asked if if she’d competed today. It was the woman who gave me the sample! We ended up talking until she had to go. She was so nice and down to earth. We now follow each other on IG. I just thought it was fascinating how first impressions go (I didn’t have a bad first impression of her, I just had one. I’ve done that forever). And I know what I can give off as well, first impression IRL.

Any…food topic. She was eating something and I asked what it was. She was eating the bone marrow appetizer. I’d never had one, much less heard of it. I ended up ordering it when we sat down for dinner.

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It was so good but I was unaware you spread it on the toast. I just scooped and ate it.

A couple months ago, I found one in the meat section. I boiled it because it was not cut lengthwise. I made broth. A couple weeks ago we went to our local farmers market where there was a farmer selling beef, brats, and they had marrow bones but cut the short way. They were frozen and I still have them in the freezer but I’m so excited to bake them. My husband didn’t try the one in Memphis so I don’t know if he will have these but my neighbor will, with me. And I don’t have to make all of then.

Then one more thing. This was adorable. It was the day before my meet and we were riding the trolley and stopped at a coffee shop. I was still just sticking to a meal plan. (I didn’t have a scale, this was my first travel meet, I felt like I was walking blind, worrying about making weight even though I left just fine. No I didn’t starve myself but I wasn’t having extras.) I got a coffee and saw the pastries. So adorable.

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I want to make these some day 🤩

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What a splendid couple you are!  Those roasted marrow bones look intriguing -- the carnivore version of avocado toast!

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@warped Thank you! omg I never thought of the marrow like that but it’s true 😂

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lol I love how I wanted to show my picture of bone marrow and I end up writing a 15 page novella 😅

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Anyway, I discovered a soft spot on one of the pumpkins we got from our property a week ago. I was able to cut that part off and now it’s baking. These are Connecticut Field pumpkins so they can be used for carving or eating and that’s why I chose them.

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I have to clean my oven 😒



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@allie120 YES. It's PUMPKIN TIME!

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Bar in the Sky
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not a new recipe, but a kitchen staple. Sometimes I add fresh sage and most of the time I just add the rabe directly in the pan with the sausage. I enjoy bitter greens. 
I could make this multiple times a week and no one in my house would complain! 

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@bar-in-the-sky this looks good!


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@bar-in-the-sky Oh I LOVE that dish! I haven’t made it in awhile!

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