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Ex fiance is married three months after break up

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We broke up because I clashed with his mother, me a scorpio, she is a taurus. She would constantly misunderstand me, refuse to believe me, and attack me viciously. He eventually took her side, and refused to see my need for boundaries. I don't claim I was a saint, I felt unsafe and like I constantly needed to defend myself because he wasn't. Am still not sure if that relationship was salvageable, but am still grieving what we had because he was really special.

The main cause of our conflict was how his parents kept delaying our wedding. The last fight was his mom saying the date we chose was inconvenient. He got married 3 months after our break up, 1 month after our supposed wedding date. And no, he was not cheating.

I still have a hard time believing this happened to me, it all feels like a dream.
Do you or anyone you know have been through something like this? I really don't understand how something like this can happen

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I'm sorry, Sarah. That's got to hurt really bad.  But I think you dodged a bullet as this man is enmeshed with his parents. 

It was YOUR wedding, not theirs.  He's his mama's boy.

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@elsa Thanks a lot, Elsa. This means so much to me coming from you

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@resurgam I am fully right about this, lol.

Men tell their parents what their wedding date will be. They also don't let their mom mistreat their women.

My son would fire me as his mother, if I ever pulled even 1/100th of a percent of this. In a word - RUN!

Sue Ellen
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I’m sorry you are hurting over this event. 
I really think you are better off without that woman for a mother-in-law.  Your life would have been a constant struggle. 

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@sue-ellen thank you 🌹

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You definitely dodged a bullet!  Watch the Sex & the City saga of the Charlotte, Trey, & Bunny "triangle" for some enlightening comic relief.

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@warped I will, thanks a lot 😆 
Sometimes, I read the stories of Justnomil on subreddit to get a glimpse of what my future could have been like

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