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Fated karmic relationship - Synastry

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Welcome, choicindyy. Smile

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i was thinking about that the other day about fated Karmic relationships, the ones that are unhealthy but you know you both have to go through the pain and suffering before you leave eachother. For example, Linda Lovelace and Chuck Traynor, real life story, i thought after watching the film and some YouTube commentors, that that is one of the most terrible horrific stories ever. ironically when he died, she died right after. like fate. Then i thought that maybe in their past life (if you believe in that) they were enemies you know? And they got together, or maybe one of them enslaved the other and the other was going to take their revenge once they re-live a new lifetime and will find their way to eachother. In your case, maybe in your past lives if you believe youre both fated, is that maybe he was your master and you were his slave kind of thing, or vice versa. Or that he was a your regular John and you were a call-girl or prostitute that he loved very much, but could not marry. I mention that because of your connection with "sex".  could be anything. Or maybe the opposite that you were in the past life, denied the pleasures of eachother, and then just hoped in the next lifetime you both will be together to share intimacy? Maybe.

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Yeah... And a lot of it is Venus square Pluto, I bet. 


I have this this aspect progressed. But me and a certain fated relationship I'm in now we have Mars square Pluto. And yes we've gotten into some very vicious arguments. 

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