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Leap, Leap, Leap To The Wrong Conclusion

Posts: 3833
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I see this gal, consistently leap to conclusions, I feel are probably erroneous.  Example:

A poll where you can select from for options.  One of the options is "something in between", which is for not all good/bad, yes?

So then she wrote her interpretation of what that phrase meant.  In other words, she rewrote that phrase into something pathological.

I did not vote in her poll (I do not meet the criteria for who she was trying to poll). If I did, I would have been incensed. 

I think this behavior is widespread.  Making wrong calls, all day, every day.

2 Replies
Hades Moon
Posts: 501
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Joined: 6 years ago

I see this behaviour all too often. Although we may all use heuristics /cognitive shortcuts on occasion, their over-use can lead to negative outcomes and false assumptions.

Along similar lines; I’ve had people cut me off mid sentence because they think they know where my conversation is heading. They were wrong 😄. It actually saves time to listen to what people are saying rather than try to guess, get it wrong, and then ask them to repeat it all over again 🤣. Ohhh boy, what a crazy world!. People think they’re speeding things up when they’re actually slowing things down.

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Joined: 20 years ago

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Posts: 3833

@hades-moon that's a perfect example.  Thank you!

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