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Modern Communication

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It's been a few years since I came on here to say I was learning to speak "emoji".  It was easier than I expected. I went on to learn a number of other "languages", noticing how it's become increasingly important to keep up with the various coding of messages, inside jokes, words that belong to the community... like we used to speak of shiny chicken here. shiny chicken cheeky  

This is certainly not optimal, if you think in terms of people being able to communicate. It's a major barrier, but on the other hand, astrologers have their languages. We sound insane to outsiders.

I wonder if others have done this at all. Personally, I've pushed out a very long way. I don't think I had a choice with this. I just have a need and/or a desire to understand things.

Anyone else?

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Long live the shiny chicken! shiny chicken Gemini smily cheeky  

I have noticed the increased use of coded phrases in various internet niches, and in younger crowds. They seem to go hand in hand with memes. I do like to know what people are talking about, so if I don't understand a reference then I'll probably just ask or look it up.

I can speak/understand emojis if needed but it's really not my preference. I feel like engaging with emojis dulls my vocabulary. Personally I'm more interested in challenging myself to find the words and communicate clearly. If I want to communicate visually I can make my own pictures. I have been pushing myself that way in my design work, trying to improve my skills to communicate effectively through drawing.

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Please don't be grossed out. 

Trigger warning... may sound disgusting, so stop reading now. 

I decided to go back to school later in life. Again. Wasn't the first time. But it would be the last, at least I thought so. 

I decided I no longer could sit in an office setting and wanted to work while moving, in movement, standing, moving. An office chair was just not going to work for me anymore. I knew I was too old to go to Vet school. But I could still work with animals. Decided to go to groom school. For a year. I loved/hated it. Still glad I went. But OMG... it was all people much younger than me. And I had no idea what the hell they were saying sometimes. Even though I had a son their age... and another one that acted half his age (Gemini rising, God love him) 

After I graduated, I went to work for places to learn WHAT NOT TO DO. If you can understand that. Like a PI. I was there to see what was lacking so I could offer the service the right way. Clean, safe... blah blah blah. 

I worked at one place where the employees were very young. The girl working behind me never shut up. She talked and talked until I wanted to put my head through a wall... she said anything. Everything. Didn't matter. Shit talk, smut, gossip. 

She starts telling me a story one day. She goes on and on and then says... then he jizzed on me. I said what? She said, he jizzed on me. I said, I don't understand. What does that mean. She said it louder as if I was deaf instead of not understanding. 

Finally, she said JIZZED. I said, I have no idea what that is. She said CAME ON ME... HE ORGASMED.

Dear god. I wished I were dead right then and there. Was this 22 something trying to tell me about her sex? Someone please come now and kill me. Why did I quit working in an office where there was a solid HR department, to work with people I don't understand who openly start telling me about jizzed? 

You can bet I know what everything means now. Emojis, slang... I am up to date on my vulgar and click words. 

She laughed so hard... thought it was so funny I had no idea what the hell she was saying. I stood there thinking to myself... I don't understand why you have 200 earrings and no sort of life direction... and even so, eventually we actually became friends. Even though I had no idea what the hell Jizz was.  


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@soup This is a scene in a sitcom! Smile

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@elsa hahaha I was so embarrassed.

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Each generation always comes up withe new words / their own lingo, but autism is prevalent these days; it's been taken to a whole new realm.

It's interesting to watch this... it works like a beehive in some way, though the leadership mutates.

I think gaming is big too, for the "easter egg" factor.  It's a gatekeeping thing too. If you can't read the code, you can't read and the code is constantly evolving.

You read, "if you know you know" aka iykyk. If you don't know, it escapes you.

These days everyone knows something, but no one knows everything.  Or you can see it like a time line... some five years ahead of others, some ten years out... some five years behind, some have not moved in a decade or more.

Interesting... but not good, that's for sure.  You really don't have "peers" anymore, at least not for long. Or maybe you think you have a peer, but the person doesn't view you in the same way.  

It's not an easy game, that's for sure. And half the people say, "What game?"

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@soup exactly!

It also occurred to me, you could probably cut and paste into ai for a translation.

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@elsa I was trying to use my phone to say something last week. AI jumped in. I did not ask for this. As I was finishing it asked... would you rather say it like this... and presented another way... I had choices. Like dramatic, or enthusiastic. .... I said to my husband... I want this off my phone now. I want to say it the way I want to say it even if it is not dramatic or enthusiastic or whatever.... I certainly don't want this phone talking for me. He was laughing.... and said, I told you this shit is so scary. Guess what's next. I said I don't care what is next. I just have some simple communication; I don't need it embellished. Very disturbing.

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@soup I agree. I feel like real people reject it.  I don't want to merge, thanks. Smile

It's Libra, thanking and smiling. I can't stop her.

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@elsa it felt intrusive and gross. Like, who called out for help like this? Not me! Get out of my conversation that's really about nothing, but still! No! 

What if I have something really personal to communicate.  It's clear to me if I don't go outside, away from everything to speak personally to someone... that conversation is up for grabs.  Imagine how my energy cringes 😳 

Feels like we have to 'Tony Soprano' to keep personal information personal! 

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