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Not yet 23 and a dearth of partners

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This is the Saggie and I'm turning to you lovely people to get a good read on her chart. It's attached with today's transits.

She can't partner and she seemingly has everything going for her. She has a good entry level job and can hunt and fish. She's an outdoor type - Sagittarius! Is this not what men want? The men she dated went on to date women who don't have her looks or smarts. This is bothering her a lot and I want to help her.

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What do the men say?  What I see is is a VERY yang chart. I wonder who she selects as partners.

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@elsa From what I know, yin partners, a lot of them Pisceans.

Her heart was broken by a Pisces Sun-Taurus Moon who wound up with a Taurus Sun. Her Sun is bang on his Moon degree.

This girl is the total opposite of the Saggie, but imo this guy was all wrong for the Saggie in the first place. Pisces and Taurus energy doesn't go with Sag, Leo and Aquarius.

The Taurus Sun is a longtime family friend, a known quantity, while the Saggie probably looked flaky to him. She brought up not having kids on the first date. Don't do that! Don't lie but don't be that honest. You don't have to say that your perfect family is you, your guy and a hunting dog. 😵‍💫

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She’s got so much Jovial and Uranian energy. Someone like this needs to be free. Relationships need to give her a lot of autonomy. People probably either sense this and look for the amount of clinginess they want, or she subconsciously does and breaks things off when she needs to stretch. I would also say it is critical for someone with an 11th house moon, and a Mars Uranus conjunction to not get bored. With that Sun-Pluto conjunction, she probably scares the shit out of small people. That’s not a bad thing. 

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@rusalka She does indeed scare the shit out of small minded people. She always has.

The culture here (Tennessee) encourages clinginess. These girls here, if they're insecure, have vice grips on their man 🙄. (I was never one for that my man stuff, not with Virgo Venus conjunct Uranus.) The men want traditional stay at home mom types and she's the furthest thing from that. She's not meeting the right people. T Saturn has been dogging her Sag stuff for a while. Once that moves on, she should be in a better place to meet someone more like her.

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I want to elaborate on what I posted earlier and more directly address this 

Posted by: @lislioness

Is this not what men want? The men she dated went on to date women who don't have her looks or smarts. This is bothering her a lot and I want to help her.

because I'm about half yin / half yang and nowhere near as fiery as your Sadge, but I've had this problem. A lot of men only think they want a girl like whom you describe, or they do for the wrong reasons. Then when they get close to this woman they realize she's not willing to compromise any of herself and she's too much to handle. 

Some men (I'm sure this type of behavior is seen in women and all flavors of queer folx, but we're talking about straight men here) prefer a skilled, accomplished woman, that they can keep under emotional control and use to augment their ego. A darker, more literal sense of a "trophy wife," the greatness she contains is his. This is why some religions and cultures emphasize educating their women and girls, inarguably a universal good, but then discourage or disallow married women and mothers from working outside the home! You make a better accessory if you're decorated and highly functional. I'm not against the concepts of stay at home moms or even tradwives, but the dynamic I'm talking about cannot foster anything healthy and life-giving.

The love of my life left me for a girl who looks like me, did the same program of study as me, had my hobbies and wore cute flats and Vans like me. She was 5 years younger than me and didn't put up a fight when he did dumb shit. She agreed with whatever he said and didn't have ambition of her own. So he gets to live all his fantasies, never die to himself, and hold his Mrs. out in front of the world and say look, my wife is a mathematician and programmer, she's mine, she will stay home to take care of me and my children, look at all the tricks my catch can do! 

Anyway, your Sadge is probably attractive to that type of man, with that Leo Moon and the Sun-Pluto smolder. But she sounds like she actively wields the power within herself and kicks like a mule and the vampires that Sun-Pluto women can draw in are screeching and burning. I call that a net good. It means it's going to take longer for dinner to get to the table, but that's just because she's not having to pick slime and bugs out of her salad. 

As an aside, she's only 23 or 24. I think the best years are yet to come. I bet with all her Aquarius, 11th house, and all the Saturn aspects, love and life will be easier in her 30s and 40s. I'm not that far ahead of her and I personally am excited about turning 30 soon. I didn't even think I'd live into my late 20s and 30s. Also, I had big gaps between all of my relationships and flings, and I think that's more normal for teen, 20- and 30-somethings right now than the media and influencers portray. 


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A lot of men only think they want a girl like whom you describe, or they do for the wrong reasons. Then when they get close to this woman they realize she's not willing to compromise any of herself and she's too much to handle. 

I had the same issue 30 years ago. My own chart is half yin and half yang, but I have a fiery Rising and Sun-Mars conjunct in Leo. I wasn't some wind up doll to be put out there in service of some man's ego. And neither is the Saggie.

As an aside I really really dislike this tradwives nonsense. It's a fantasy that can't be kept up in real life. It also gives not so secure men all the wrong ideas about women.

I too think the Saggie will fare better when she's in a different environment. She needs to be around more open minded people. She might be going to grad school. That's where she needs to be. Small towns won't cut it for her. Not knocking small towns because there are open minded people... they're just very hard to find.

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Posted by: @lislioness

The men want traditional stay at home mom types and she's the furthest thing from that.

I think this is the issue. She'd probably fare better in a different area.

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@elsa Yep. She'd be better off with someone who has a mind of their own who doesn't subscribe to moldy stereotypes. They're not easy to find, but I think things will ease up once Saturn gets off all her Sag.

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A man who wants a woman to hunt and fish has got to be somewhat progressive, and probably a complex individual. I wouldn't totally write off Taurus and Pisces.

I agree with Elsa, she might look in different areas to find a man with a compatible lifestyle. That's what worked for me, and I moved halfway across the country when I found him.

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