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I came across someone's idea which got my attention because it unique and written in a straightforward manner. 

I am truncating the comment because there are too many trigger words in the next graphs.


He goes on to say, we lost long ago and the current goings on are all about humiliation.  He cites historical examples and states the humiliation robs you of everything. The will to fight... ultimately, full-spectrum domination of the minds of the conquered.  

Right there, I think you may feel the truth of this.

For the record, I am not holding this person up as some kind of "seer" or "understander".

I do think it's hard to refute his thesis. I also know of other people with ideas and/or frames on the situation. Some of them are positive, and frankly, I can't refute them either.

However, this is a serious idea here, put forth without any gloss or glitter. 

Your thoughts?

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Bar in the Sky
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How thought provoking. I have run a few different instances that are happening and when I layer this theory over it - hmm. 🤔 

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@bar-in-the-sky yes.  I don't know why it is so hard for people to comprehend something is being done to them... their kids, their grandkids, their animals, for Godsakes.  This, when they are straight up TOLD it is happening.  

Example, facebook admitting they manipulating your emotions. Or google drives by and steals your information, through the air and everyone is good with it.

"Oh well there is nothing we can do."

That's humiliation. You accept you can't do anything because you are not in control, but simultaneously pretend you are in control.  Hundreds of iterations of this and people are twisted like pretzels. How could they not be?

I read this claim - we live in a society where 1/3 are okay with killing 1/3 and the other 1/3 will stand by while it happens.

That may not be precisely true, but you can't tell me it's not true,

This is some operation, ya know?  They shook the jar of ants, with fervor.

Bar in the Sky
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It explains why the revolution will not be televised.  Imagine if that message reached mass consciousness! 😮‍💨 

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@bar-in-the-sky think of the humiliation of being made to train your replacement. And when was the first time you heard or such a thing?  Decades, back?

Does that not sound like a conquered people?

Statues are removed and the new idols, installed.

All the normal people's images, removed.  Who thinks this is random?

Things are very clear and there to be seen.  They're in you face, but people avert their eyes and call people like me names. Give me diagnosis's and stuff.   It's ludicrous. 

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I feel people as a whole have been conditioned over time to accept these changes, so by now, they're just accepted, tolerated.

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@plutolover Yes, he mentions that.  They're broken down.  No longer outraged.

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This is definitely happening. I want to say it’s been happening for many decades but with each technology advance and social shift or nudge, it’s accelerated. It’s like a wall with a small flaw or crack. A little leaks but over time and degradation it gets bigger and finally crumbles and all the was floods everything and suddenly everyone panics and says how did this happen?

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Well, where do you think it's leading?

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