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Posts: 1071
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Joined: 11 years ago

I’m pretty old school-thinking on this: Dependency upon centralized institutions, Big Pharma/Entertainment/Education/Currency/All the Needs You’re Told You Need.

Posts: 1071
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Joined: 11 years ago

The UN has Big Dreams for the world.

Posts: 135
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As far as our behaviors, Through my lens, I see collective PTSD.

We know the brain chemistry changes with gaslighting.

When the brain is triggered; 

No learning takes place.

No moving toward. No bonding.

Freeze, Fawn,Fight or Flight.

If the collective is in PTSD, nobody is fully processing. Just reacting, and in survival mode. That is what it looks like to me. I relate to this from watching my own brain navigate PTSD and gaslighting.

That and folks are "running a program". Fueled by emotion. Skipping cognitive processing. So thats our heads.


In the world, Im following Sabrina Wallace. She shows We are in 5th gen war. Cybersecurity. We are nodes on a network, connected to the cloud. The drones are for your bones, not your phones. The kids at Cambridge know. It's all open source, easily googled.  "It's a job." Nobody wants to talk about. Thats OUR country, OUR infrastructure, Our medical system, OUR kids in our universities/military wanting to be "super Soldiers" "superheroes" "transformers".

She shows the DATA. Our plandemic (social distancing) was a load balancing test for cybersecurity infrastructure for the biodigital convergence. Scared  

So our minds and our bodies are being physically/energetically  hacked. We are Occupied. It certainly feels Foreign. But is it? Geographical foreign?

I entertain many possibilities; 16 years ago, 2008, the province of B.C. told our village "you will prepare a plan to accomodate mass migration through your Valley, with equitable distribution of resources" (back then we called it agenda 21, now 2030).

we are seeing mass migration. If I was  expecting a crustal shift or a big comet and the possibility of land masses sinking, I'd be shipping people around. 

we certainly have alot to contemplate.





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