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Old Man Things To Say

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This has got to be Saturn related. My husband works with a mixed group. He's personable as hell.  They all tease each other in there - this latest has become a thing.

One of the young men told my husband that he was an old man. This is objectively true. My husband made a remark and the guy said, 'And that's an old man thing to say".

The thing is, it was an old man thing to say and since then, my husband is doing nothing but saying, old man things.

I'm talking about things like, "whatever floats your boat". 
"...don't know shit from shinola." <- WWII
"The whole nine yards" <- WWII, that's the length of the belt of a 50 cal machine gun
"Shit happens."
"So sue me!"

We're now wracking our brains for old man stuff to say.  I suggested he tell them he's "rowdy" as are his friends!

Saturn is bearing down on his Venus in Gemini,

Can you think of some old man things to say?

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I can but in Spanish. Also, dumb as a stump. Also if you want to pi$$ an old man off apparently, I heard one but haven’t tried it out yet. Oh, and the Spanish phrase my ,youthful, but aging grandpa, Leo sun,


tirate del gajo!

and if we’re talking dad tings


”5 more minutes” has gotta be the one 

I include dad things because my dad never wanted me to call him dad!

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He just told my daughter, he thought she might be in the "hoosgow".

She asked him, "What in the tarnation is a hoosgow?"

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"like nobody's business"

I'm in a pickle

taking a nap on the "davenport"

put the ice cream in the icebox

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@aspire “toss it in the bin”

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I remember when I wrote "drop a dime on this guy", in one of my stories. It's an Italian thing.

Well, my much young Japanese/American editor had no idea what that was... I mean, when is the last time you saw a payphone where is cost ten cents to make a call?

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@elsa my dad used the term kick the bucket about his elderly friends dying and eventually about his own impending death I finally explained to him when taken literally kick the bucket I was fairly sure was a reference about dying from hanging one self he was not convinced I was right hahah 



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@misswantsyou ha ha! I didn't know this either. I do now!

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@elsa oh and yea I will always think of the yellow pages as being an old man thing my dad even in the years of google would suggest I look something up n the yellow pages 

oh and anything to do with a car thing was call the auto club which I believe is what is kids of my generation refer to as triple a or aaa

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@misswantsyou my husband is going to use the yellow pages thing to say, at work for a joke.

Also, neither of us knew where "kick the bucket" came from. Interesting!

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86 it

Dyed in the wool

Three sheets in the wind

A goat roping

Colder than a witche's tit

Smart as a box of rocks

Sold up the river

Taken behind the woodshed

Can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear

A three ring circus

Dog days of summer

Played like a fiddle

Get the lead out

Wouldn't say shit if he had a mouth full

Deader than a door nail

Kicking it with the pill bugs

Full of piss and vinegar

Fighting tooth and nail

Flash in the pan

Tom Dick and Harry

Dead in the water

Doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground

Put a sock in it


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These are "like old home week" to me, I think my late husband and his mom said every one of them!

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@warped There is something wonderful about the language commonly used by the authentic man. It's who we are, a part of our identity and lt is comfortable.

I think you and l were lucky to have been exposed to all of this growing up.

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I agree 100%!  

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