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Psychopathic geniuses

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I know more at least one psychopathic genius...and some others who may not be as smart as they think they are. So tonight l thought of something from 15 years ago. It was just one of those crappy things that happen. I thought it was random. It never occurred to me out was personal. But tonight I realized it was. I told my son and he laughed. I told my husband and he also laughed. "That's some detective work, P." He was amazed at the meanness of it. Not all psychopaths are mean. But this one is...and so smart. This reminds me of how I could never figure out who took my baby book. Stolen. For 20 years I never figured it out.  Then along comes my husband, who explains, the person afraid they were first to be charged with murder took it - there was evidence in there. I can't decide if I would be happier, clueless. What difference does it make, knowing something like this? I think of just as soon be tricked and stay that way, if I am going to be tricked at all. What am I supposed to feel right now? Stupid? Am I supposed to become more jaded and less trusting? That don't happen. I feel better, ignorant. I think....

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Posts: 48
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"What difference does it make, knowing something like this?"

You don't know... yet! But it will make a difference one day, I'll betya!!!

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I wonder. 

I feel it's more likely I'm just a container for dark things. 

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Joined: 14 years ago

Yeah... what a resource... 8th House!

It's that info that comes in though, that you convert somehow. You learn the lesson so you can teach other people how to get through the dark!


I feel like this sometimes & I wonder where I actually fit into it all. It's like I'm a conduit. Which sounds a bit naff & just plain strange.

I may be totally off the mark here though... it's just how I see it!

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I've learned, and still learning, that psychopaths have enhanced detailed/rational abilities concerning plans when involving something they're after. Not all can do this for psychopaths can ignore themselves in an equation to obtain say money and forget how law can intervene, for I know a few myself and only 1 was smart enough to have some empathy directed towards themselves (hence why this person probably isnt jailed), whereas the others lacked empathy altogether.

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Such a coincidence...someone also stole my baby book, rather my baby photo album with hundreds of photos of me from birth (my actual birth) up to two years old.  I don't understand what kind of person does this.  When you think about it, it's pretty sick.  Sadly, it was someone in my family who did it, and I don't know exactly who... i know it was one of 4 people.  And it's very unnerving for me to even think about it...because these 4 people are still in my life. And one of them knows.  


Is this something to do with the 8th? Like the sickening unsolvable mystery.

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