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Spark of recognition between psychopaths

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Yes, I'm on a psychopathy kick again. But do you know what happens when two psychopaths meet? The recognize each other. I have witnessed this many times.  It's like gaydar, I suppose. This is so reliable and I've seen it enough times, when I see a known psychopath notice another person, a newcomer, there's the spark that occurs. When I see that "tell" (card player here), I immediately look to whoever it is they reacted to and I can see the exchange.

I believe a psychopath learned to spot people like themselves when they are very young. Like first grade, maybe. I suppose that's when I child really gets out in the world.

I am posting this in case it interests people. I think it's pretty important at this time, we educate ourselves but I admit this is just an opinion.

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What happens once they recognise each other? I would have thought they would keep well away from each other, so there's only one 'big fish' in the pond at a time?

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@plutolover well, there is the instant of recognition which is sort of like a smile and a challenge, combined.  A warning, too. Like a smirk - "I see you too, mf'er."

It's like two card counters in a blackjack game. They see each other, the dealer knows as well. But leaving the dealer out of it, because he/she is not a peer - the two players recalibrate because of the other's presence. This takes just a moment.

There's always an agenda, even if it is simply to have fun. Let's say it's a small group 8-10 people with two psychopaths, present. They will adapt their behavior due to the competition, so to speak.

They rarely go up against each other.  It's kind of dog-world, I guess. Two dogs who will stop at nothing - they both know it so they opt to co-exist.  They don't enjoy each other though... unless you have a Bonnie and Clyde deal, which I have never seen in real life.

This is all social, by the way.  But I suspect it's very similar in the business world.

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@elsa It's fascinating stuff, though I don't think I've ever seen it myself. I can guess it would be quite chilling to watch.

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@plutolover I don't know about "chilling".  That's more how it would be portrayed in a  movie.  It's unnerving, to me personally. But this is because in most cases, I'm the only one who sees it.

I don't know how well you know me; how long you have been around here but I grew up playing cards with at least one psychopath... and maybe another at the table at times.  I was a kid, like 10-12 years old. These were all adult men.  I was a hellacious card player - driven.  And freakishly competitive, so much so I don't play anymore because I can't stand the feelings!

Anyway, you really have to read people, and my experience, combined with my 8th house, I can usually do this from the perimeter, very quickly. It's similar to what a psychopath does, I'm sure. 

So they see each other for sure... this is in the present day, not when I was a kid.  Someone of them see me as well. They know I'm not a psychopath; more of an unknown quantity. They underestimate me, just like when I was a kid. Because I beat them in the card game, routinely. Of course, I was sober!  This was part of it.

My point is, it's not like a movie.  It's more like one person seeing another person they'd rather not see or be sharing the stage with.  There's a warning in the glance. Since they are seeing each other, I can be sort of blurred and able to observe.  But I don't like this. I am sick of psychopaths. I don't find them sexy, you might say.  Basically, movies are not real life.

Now if they go get to threatening (in any way), then it's chilling. Because the really is no line, outside of they don't want to get caught.  They do not like to risk their own person.

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@elsa thanks for expanding on this. I've only met one psychopath that I recall, but he ticked all the boxes - charming, affable, agreeable etc. Everybody liked him, thought he was a pussycat. Until I pissed him off. Wow, did he explode, for all to see. Yet, when everything was done and dusted, those that actually witnessed his rages have reverted to thinking he's 'Mr. Nice'.

I think that's what is chilling to me - the ability to manipulate so effortlessly, like hypnotism. And two together? Ugh, it's giving me shivers just thinking of the possibilities, though I hope this phenomenon is rare!

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Posted by: @plutolover

the ability to manipulate so effortlessly, like hypnotism.

Well said. That's it, exactly.

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Can you spot a Psychopath in the horoscope?

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@amuseme I don't think so. But it can give you insight into their methods and area(s) of operation.

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@elsa  Oh yes, please. I think i never came across a psychopath (thankfully)

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