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Real life men

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My husband and I are watching a baking competition.  You get to see the quite a bit of the contestants.  Their is a striking looking young girl. Not sure why she bothers me.

"Do you like her?" I asked, as she filled the screen.

"No," he said. 

"Do you know why?"

"She's pretty enough," he said. "But she's such a downer. Everything she says or does is a downer. Meet her at a party; you wonder why you went in the first place."

Thought this was real.

Add you real men stuff here!



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hmm let me see..

I know two Leo sun males .. and we had this conversation about women.. 

Leo male #1: god she was so cowardly, couldnt even do anything...

Me:  "hmm no wonder you like athletic women who run out there, and get things done. you find that pretty brave"

(sounds like aries/mars woman i describe)

Leo male #1: Hm yes i like.

Me: what about damsel in distress?

Leo male #1: sure, but not when my life's on the line. 

Me: lol XD ok i get it. 



oh i remember my Aries/Aries venus sag mars ex, 

Aries male: I love it when a woman sacrifices herself for a man, it's so brave.

Me: all or nothing huh?

Aries male: thats something else...



Leo Male 2: "why doesn't she just leave her ex? she lives with her but wont leave. its cowardly."

Me: she's comfortable and they get along.

Leo Male 2: "no self respecting male (lion) is going to deal with that and want that type of woman. a woman living with her thanks.

Me:  "you can whisk her away.."

Leo Male 2: "I need to be #1, so no other males around."



I inserted the ( lion) i thought that...


edit -- the woman who wont leave her ex, is actually my best friend, who has libra rising and libra moon. (co dependent) and gets on with ex anyway.

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I was waiting in line at TJ Maxx and it was an incredibly long line. There were two young men behind me. One seemed to be checking on social media site and commented on a comment. Then their conversation turned to “fame”. One mentioned the Hawk Tuah girl and how she got famous so fast, now she’s not really around much, and how she’s only ever going to be known for that [clip that went viral]. And one said, yeah, if you want to be famous you’re either going to do something big like that and that’s it [defining you by that forever] or you have to find something else that lasts longer (I’m paraphrasing).

I took a couple of things from that. 

They didn’t seem to look too highly on Hawk Tuah type girls. Not that they hated her or said she was slutty but maybe she wasn’t the type of girl they might be with.

And being “famous” is considered a career path, like being a teacher, lawyer, mechanic. I’m incredulous that this is even a thing because it’s so fucking vague and nebulous. But this makes sense in that it’s a result of recent activity online.

That was my takeaway. They seemed like college age. And then they were going to play golf later.

And your takeaway from this is that I will eavesdrop because it’s interesting 😁

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@allie120 they wanted to be heard.

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@elsa That’s good. I almost turned to ask them what they thought of “fame” because I am sincerely curious and nonjudgmental as a person from a different generation. But then I thought, maybe don’t make everything weird. 

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Nonjudgmental as in, they are surrounded by this culture, like being thrown in a body of water and you have to navigate it. It’s easy for me to just say this is horrible because I didn’t have internet growing up but they can’t possibly relate, just as I can’t to some culture, way of life, in 1489, I guess.

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that was quite interesting, allie Smile

i never knew about the hawk tuah girl .. i had to look it up xD

hahha so funny some people get famous over that 😛


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@elisa ikr?


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🤣 🤣 🤣 yeah xD

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Lots of man hate going around from younger woman but also I remember hearing it when I was a kid. Maybe it’s just amplified again. A psyop. Wouldn’t it be something if it came from men infiltrating women where they then spread it like an aerosolized virus?

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*adjusts tin foil hat*

it feels like one if those days 🥳

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@allie120 it doesn't happen naturally.

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@elsa I believe it. 💯 

I just don’t know how. Or I haven’t looked enough.

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@elsa It seems transhumanist.

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Wow, the will power of Leo males is extraodinary. lol  Beautiful women dont even deter them if they can't be loved as the only one. 😛

its true what they say about astrology .. with Leo males only wanting to be the only one, and quite selfishly so. Was trying to partner them with some people acting as cupid. But can't do it >_<  Willpower is too strong. XD

Leo Male #1: I hate weakness, I'll fight this..

Me: sigh (gave up) lol


My Pisces Sun (stellium) with Stellium Sagittarius and Libra moon/Rising bestie,female friend about men:


Beautiful Pisces: I want to be safe, but i want to know his occupation first. And if he's good looking. Then maybe we'll see. It takes time... (libra . time exalted in saturn)

Me: But you'll never leave the place you live with your ex.

Beautiful Pisces: Why? I have everything i need and we get along great. 

Me: sigh. (gave up) lol Libra part wanting to co exist with partner ex or not is too strong xD


to continue, the topic,

My husband, with his stellium Sagittarius,

Him: I have strong principles you know that, i wont do it. And wont buy from them ever again. Dont ask me again for that, or you'll get frozen out. (it doesn't last but i dont usually bother him anymore)

Me: Dogmatic beliefs I swear... Ugh.

Him: I'm honest to a fault, (can't remember the exact wording but he is a very honest man - sometimes to the point that it will hurt ) I am fine, with it because i have the energy.. but to others it might hurt. 🙁

He does do one thing then changes up (mutable dominant)

but his beliefs are very strict.


Ok I remember two Gemini sun males, one had a Scorpio moon and he married a Scorpio sun female. He and got along great for awhile. (he never interested me beyond friendship) and well, never saw him again; he went off to be with her. And that's fine. Friendships have to be cut off when they marry and go off..

And another who has alot of Libra and some Aries.

Gemini Guy with Lib/Aries:  I dont know why she likes those type of men who are unemotional. I try to give the women my emotions (Aries moon) because women should be with men who have emotions. Why go for a man who lacks it?

Me: well.. sometimes it isn't about who you want to love but love chooses us, and its not about who should be with who.

Gemini Guy with Lib/Aries:  and why does she put this guy on a pedastal? He is good at sports and scores big, in many games, why i know this friend of mine who is much better (and he brags about how many points his best friend has which is better than the other guy who he feels a sense of rival)


I found out he was lying about his best friend who never had such scores. -.- I wonder why its so important for him to best someone even superficially. It was just dumb. lol But overall i think he is harmless... xD  he just wanted to (win = aries) and lie about it (gemini bored lies ) lol


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