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Damn, this is sad, because it's broadly true.

What are you doing to stave off demoralization? 

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Eating chocolate (Taurus) 😅

I swear May was good vibes!

The squares to planets in Gem from Neptune and Saturn are very testing. They can bring on those horrible meaningless feelings. It's not real. But feels very real and compelling. 

Gem energy in itself needs accompanying depth or earthing, it needs Sag spirituality and awareness for one thing, otherwise it's a bit empty, hollow and lonely after the buzz wears thin. So, focusing on where doubt or cynicism (from the doubt) may be impacting positive beliefs or feeling connected to nature, life, God, the universe.... Love. Balancing the Gem energy by bringing in nature, meditation, prayer, although, I know, when Gemini energy hits hard, sitting still or contemplating anything longer than 5 secs feels harder, boring, a waste of time. The mind is like a child that needs strong guidance in these periods. 

Mars in Taurus right now is a good thing I believe, it is stabilising, calming, slow down, smell the roses energy. More so once it stretches beyond Pluto's reach. It's important to rest into the Mars in Venusland energy and indulge a bit, especially bodily self care. 

These are some things I'm pondering, because I found the weekend very challenging and I'm not finding the energies very easy at all. Although, caveat, I'm also in a phase of Chiron return exact, 2 more weeks of that, it's bit unholy at times. 

How about you @Elsa, any strategies? 


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@sophiab Saturn-ruled, when I feel lost, I make sure I'm adhere to Saturn principles.  With Saturn in Pisces, that means, maintain faith. It's important not to make things worse than they are.

I'm under significant pressure right now, so just keeping my equilibrium, trying not to spread pain / burden and waiting for a shift. I'm keeping it simple and working on things that are simple, like pulling weeds.  The faith is, whatever happens, I will be able to handle it.  "It" in this case, could be staggering. Like my husband pops off, for example. 

So with all these real threats surrounding me right now, it's imperative I keep a positive outlook.  I want to tell myself I can handle things, as there is programming in that.  Better to believe that than tell myself otherwise.

Self-undoing is what I want to avoid.  So I try not to F myself with negative thoughts.  Maintain myself and I am a naturally optimistic person... which is so out of vogue, it's not even funny! Smile

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@elsa Very good point about self-undoing as it is a really important factor to stay aware of with 12th house/ Pisces energy. I'm making a note of that!!

Faith is being learnt these days because of the deep testing. But it's such a hard passage some days. I think it's especially difficult to develop this capacity when embedded within a group or collective that is generally wired with a faith deficit and, speaking plainly, wired towards self hate (due to the traumatic nature of being a human being). And the legacy of this is in our psyches.

Sometimes recently I wonder if I can do what it seems I'm here to do, this expansion beyond the old trauma based ways of living, an old now outdated reality. But I think the arrival of doubt is a sign of being nearer to something new. In psychoanalysis it's called the negative therapeutic reaction, during healing progress, a temporary falling back into previous more limited, self and life attacking ways, very demoralising to experience after tasting more positive life and freedom, but you know, it's a massive flag that progress is occurring.

So we have to be careful when trying to understand what exactly is occurring. There can be many such falling backs on the way. And here we are in a collective, being pushed and pulled about, some more conscious than others. We are all connected and thus feel the ebbs and flows together, super strong at times, especially with Pisces. In a nutshell, we may not be where we feel ourselves to be, and must keep hold of that. 

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