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Single whole life or will find soulmate?

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Hi ,

im sorry you feel this way! And having to deal with trauma. Saturn rules your 5th house of dating, fun and creativity. I guess it could make you shy and prudent. But when the right one comes along, she will break your barriers. My bf never dated and nor in a relationship. Also very shy and quiet. We’ve been together for 9 years now. And he bloomed into a very loving person. 
Even tho you might find reading boring, it does help , because when you are alone with your thoughts you keep thinking them. And keep the circle going. And that’s not what you want don’t you ? Work on yourself on your inner. You have been trough Pluto square moon , an internal quest. Try not to focus on the relationship outside of you , but the relationship with yourself . With a Virgo rising you tend to be overly critical and in your situation overly critical of yourself. And with a trine to your 5th house which is ruled by Saturn it maybe easier to beat yourself up about things you don’t see come to pass. But they will . The point is , look your pain and trauma in the eyes , if you don’t it will haunt you. And trust me I know, I’ve been there and still have troubles with looking honestly to myself and admit where I can do better and be better.

there is nothing wrong with you! You just need to heal , heal the image and the beliefs you hold about yourself. 

my mom used to beat the s#%t out of me, and every moment she had she never failed to tell me how unworthy and ugly I was. And for a long time I believed all these things. Now that I’m older, and looking my trauma’s in the eyes. I begin to see that I need to love myself, no one else can do that for you. So please , try to read as much as you can about trauma , about being insecure. It’s an old song that’s been on replay. You make your own future , and you change your story. Trust me , the right one will come. But only if you are ready ! 

by the way , Saturn is about to enter your 7th house. And when Saturn was in my 7th I’ve met my first love, hè thaught me how to love myself more. And he gave me the wings to fly.

Keep the faith , your time will come. But like I said : when you are ready : and that means shedding your old skin, your old persona. 
best of luck!


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I have lost faith for relationships,women recognize me as weirdo guy and will skip,will see an introvert,shy,secretive and emotional weak person,so they will keep distance as they feeling uncomfortable. 😐 😯 

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Have you ever heard the expression "Fake it 'til you make it?"

If you're not happy with the image you project, change it.  Pretend to be what you wish you were and you'll eventually become it.  Take up some healthy masculine habits, build a strong body with weights, martial arts, sports, grow a beard, wear rugged clothes, learn some new skills for more active outdoor work and recreation.  Do it all not to meet women, do it for you.  You can't expect to find happiness with a partner until you're happy alone with yourself.

No idea where you are, but if you're young enough to qualify, you might consider joining the military for building skills, fitness, and self-reliance.

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Have you ever heard the expression "Fake it 'til you make it?"

If you're not happy with the image you project, change it.  Pretend to be what you wish you were and you'll eventually become it.  Take up some healthy masculine habits, build a strong body with weights, martial arts, sports, grow a beard, wear rugged clothes, learn some new skills for more active outdoor work and recreation.  Do it all not to meet women, do it for you.  You can't expect to find happiness with a partner until you're happy alone with yourself.

No idea where you are, but if you're young enough to qualify, you might consider joining the military for building skills, fitness, and self-reliance.

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Double posted?

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Try an affirmation journal. 

look “The issue comes to the lack of creating or keep friends,lack of self confidence,low self esteem,introvertion and extreme shyness,i haven't been able from 18-35 yo to meet women,be talkative,attractive,it's complicated and not easy to handle it.

I really see not many opportunities coming,women see a weirdo,creepy,boring man, unattractive,with lack of experience.” 


You think every single thing about you sucks. It’s no wonder women don’t like you. 

AFFIRMATIONS are your friend. 

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Affirmations in front of the mirror haven't worked for me. 🙄 

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@sijune well I didn’t say do them in front of a mirror did I? 🙄

I guess the best thing is for you to keep telling yourself you are weird, boring, creepy and unattractive 👍🏻

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I'm not telling these things to my self,these are some of other people's thoughts about me. 🤔 Some may are true and that's why sadness coming.

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@sijune are they telling you this or are you reading their thoughts? 

Either way, you have a choice in whether to believe them or not.

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Posted by: @sirena-oceana

@sijune are they telling you this or are you reading their thoughts? 

Either way, you have a choice in whether to believe them or not.

They tell others behind my back probably,they can't tell in front of me what they think about me.


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I’m not trying to be mean to you but al your posts are so life suckingly negative . Would you be attracted to that? 

Please read about affirmations.

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