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Spirits, Jinn, Hauntings

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little cat

My husband gave me this little cat, when we got back together. He made it when he was six or seven years old. Ceramics class.

It sits above my desk with similar items.  That's the Holy Spirit, behind it. In whatever case, you can see he's flat-footed. He's stable.  The Holy Spirit window thing sits on a plate holder - also stable. My desk is HEAVY.

So you tell me, how the little cat, flew forward. I caught him, just before he hit the desk.

"Your people are back,"  I yelled to my husband.  "Who did you piss off?"

"Who have I not pissed off?" he responded.

This stuff is so weird when it happens. Its just easy to forget, we're really not alone.

Also, just to mention. I don't think these spirits are concerned with me, simply because I never had anything like this happen in my life, until he moved in.  It feels like a very old things and I'm just here, clueless. 

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Funny, not funny…

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Spirit animals are making a comeback at my house.

 Got out my weasel pelt just the other day for show and tell. 

It has a purpose.  Like things like this. 

Hades Moon
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😻😻This cat is so precious!. What a great catch!. Certainly, a reminder we are not alone.

I think it’s not easy for spirits to move things; so when they do, it’s not always with grace.

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