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Synastry Chart: Do oppositions lead to fast relationships?

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wow look at those two. lol  Her Aquarius moon to his Leo Mars, Leo mars to Aries Venus trine, her Pisces sun and mercury to his Scorpio mercury & venus trine. His Libra sun to her Gemini mars and Aquarius moon. His Virgo moon/Jupiter/Saturn opposite her sun. Yup. Lots of "i can't live without you" there. Clinging on for dear life. 😀 Lots of trines and moon to sun aspects as well.  Opposites attract and the trines help "get" eachother.

EDIT - oh I almost forgot, I saw the Pisces sun to his Virgo moon, Jupiter and Saturn, but his Libra sun to her Aries venus opposite attraction as well. And her Gemini mars to his Sag Neptune? Oh I see the Capricorn Neptune on her, trining his Virgo stellium.

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Yes they have so many different connections its hard for me to know where to start. I honestly had to look to their astrology charts to even try to understand the timeline with them since its moved so fast and been fairly dramatic to boot.


When it comes to the actual relationship, have you found the composite chart or the Davidson composite chart more helpful when determining how the couple's relationship will impact them? Their composite looks pretty good for longevity but their Davidson has a slightly different flavor with Jupiter near the descendant (instead of ascendant). Which chart is generally more useful?


Thanks again! 

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I also see moon square Neptune between he two. Kind of an illusion of emotions. Doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. Just have to keep grounded.

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