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Synastry vs. Composite

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I am interested also in this: what is the ORB for luminaries in synastry, specifically for trines and oppositions? I've read many articles about that, where is written 8 degree for opposition and 6 degree for trines. But if anyone of you have/had widely degree aspects that you feel it, straight it here. Can I count Sun trine Moon with 9,19 orb (both in water`s sign) and Sun(earth) opposite Moon (fire) with 7,37 orb?

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i have felt square/opposition/conjunction maybe even up to 10 degrees, but of course the closer the stronger the intensity usually. the closest aspects will be more deeply felt and prominent in the interactions.

i always wonder about the synastry vs composite too. i dont know which trumps which, ultimately.

how i see it is synastry shows how you affect each other (ex: like a transit.. how does saturn affect venus when it transits), and how you connect. composite shows how your relationship plays out and how you behave together ''as a couple''....but both will influence how you feel in my opinion.

(edit: Elsa explains it perfectly in that post linked above!)

i didnt have sun/pluto or sun/mars in aspect with one person. but our composite had an exact sun conjunct mars square pluto and there was a lot of power plays and competition and intensity that played out in our relationship. and it did end up affecting how we felt around and about each other too (and it wasnt good)

other relationship, we didnt have saturn/venus aspect in synastry but an exact conjunction in our composite. our relationship lasted very long, it had a distinctly ''saturning'' feel to it. we had clearly defined roles and boundaries, no sugar coating feelings. there was deep love but it wasnt the soft gushing kind even though we had sweet mushy venus/moon aspects in our synastry and we felt it, we didnt act that way with each other as a couple.

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Thanks strawb. Smile

In the matter of fact, I know the difference between synastry and composite. But I was wondering if one is good, but the other is bad aspected (I mean challenging aspects) which one will be more prominent and main in the long term? If synastry is well aspected, but in composite are some difficult aspects with the Moon for example (opposition with the outer planets), will the relationship survive, or not (regarding to the composite). This was my main question, generally.:)

And for the orbs of aspects - I think too that is ok to use larger orbs. like 10 degree for luminaries, but I read somewhere that it is 7 degree, so that is why i wanted to ask. Smile

But now I have some other question lol. I can`t stop, right? 😀  

I`ve read a lot about that too, in internet, but there are conflicting views. It`s about no aspect between Mars and Venus in synastry. Some people told that if there are others aspects like Moon/Mars, Mars/Pluto, Mars/Sun, Venus/Pluto etc. there`s no problem that there is no Mars/Venus. But some ppl said that it is problem, for sure. That the desire for each other burns very quickly. What do you think? Do you have/had synastry in which you didn't have any aspects between these two planets, and yet the chemistry was there?

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Vivid said

In the matter of fact, I know the difference between synastry and composite. But I was wondering if one is good, but the other is bad aspected (I mean challenging aspects) which one will be more prominent and main in the long term? If synastry is well aspected, but in composite are some difficult aspects with the Moon for example (opposition with the outer planets), will the relationship survive, or not (regarding to the composite). This was my main question, generally.:)

oh, sorry about that! :p

hmm good question, which will be more prominent. I dont know that unfortunately, and wonder about it too...

However, I dont get discouraged when I see difficult aspects... neither in synastry or composite. It challenges growth, and hard aspects are intensely stimulating. But a complete lack of support seen in the composite worries me, even if the synastry is good.

If I had to chose, and maybe others would disagree with me, based on my personal experiences only, the composite better described the final outcomes.

I`ve read a lot about that too, in internet, but there are conflicting views. It`s about no aspect between Mars and Venus in synastry. Some people told that if there are others aspects like Moon/Mars, Mars/Pluto, Mars/Sun, Venus/Pluto etc. there`s no problem that there is no Mars/Venus. But some ppl said that it is problem, for sure. That the desire for each other burns very quickly. What do you think? Do you have/had synastry in which you didn't have any aspects between these two planets, and yet the chemistry was there?

I have yet to have a relationship with a Venus/Mars aspect! The most I got was a trine and not an exact one. I have experienced it with crushes but nothing  long-term. I dont know why, for me, the people I actually ended up with, it was compatible Moons, then planets to the angles (Asc/Desc or Ic/Mc), then other aspects likes ones you mentionned... Venus/Moon, Sun/Mars, Mars/Moon, Venus/Pluto... and Nodes. And it wasnt the burning out of desire that ended them.

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strawb., I saw your comment now.

Yes, the lack of desagreement in the composite worries me too. With this guy, I`ve started seen, we have in the composite Moon opposite Saturn and Uranus (both retro). And also Mars square Jupiter and Pluto 🙁 It doesn`t seem good at all. What do you think of this aspects. Is this mean that the relationship will end badly? The Moon also have quincunx Mercury, Trine with Venus, and sesquisquare with Jupiter.

And today I remembered something, about one of my ex-s. I had a 8 months relationship with an Scorpio Sun man. At first sigth, probably everybody would say, that we are perfect for eah other (and at some point we were, yes), and that the chemistry is sooo strong, that I`m sure nobody would ever tough there will be separation, ever. We had every aspects in synastry, that describe a perfect relationship. My Sun trine his :Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto. My Moon conjunct his Mercury. His Moon sextile my Venus, opposite my Mars (but also Saturn, Uranus, Neptune), and trine my Pluto. His Venus conjunct my Mars!(0.43 orb.)in my 8th house!!! Venus trine Venus, Mars sextile Mars. His Mars/Pluto conjuct my Pluto (all this opposite my Venus/Jupiter!! Someone would say "WOW", maybe. And another Pluto sextile Mars. My Saturn, Uranus and Neptune conjunct his Venus, and his Saturn, Uranus and Neptune trine my Venus - this supose to mean very long-term relationship, right? And My Vertex exact conjunc his Mars, too. Buuuutttttt.... form the begining we had some problems with the intimate/sex side. There wasn`t any high passion, or crazy sexual chemistry. The sex wasn`t something high, too. More than most we were more like a good friends, who feels, like we known each other from past lives. We had a very very good, instinctual understanding, it wasn`t even nessasary to speak, to know what other think or want. I cannot explain this, really! I mean all this aspects between Mars, Venus, Pluto, Moon.......WTF? Why I didn`t feel it that deep? I really cannot believ that this relationship didn`t last! And it didn`t last, because of me..... at some point I just didn`t want him anymore :(There was nothing to do to change that. All I liked in him before, was gone. I simply didn't want him to even touch me. So sad!

But one thing I can admit and acknowledge to 100% .... the attraction and sympathy was immediate and mutual. Since day one, we've met!

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