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Transit Pluto Square Sun

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It can be as bad as you may think.   

Three weeks after tr pluto came into orb square my sun, (also mercury venus and mars)   my youngest brother hung himself.    Three weeks after that my other younger brother was diagnosed with a lethal aggressive brain cancer.  Three more weeks he was paralyzed,  I relocated overnight,   moved to his home in another county to take care of  him,  feed bathe him.  Got him into a lovely care facility until he passed 2 months later.   Hired 3 attorney offices to liquidate 2 estates, 2 real estate offices to sell 4 houses,  run probates in 2 different counties at once.  I didn't know the first thing about any of this.  I was emotionally destroyed for a while.    One of the attorneys was a psychopath and sexual predator,  he refused to work on the case when I was not interested in his interest in "parting my bum".  My health never did fully recover.

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@rockmebabe Thanks for sharing. 🙏

That does read like a nightmare. Where is your stellium natally? 

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Hi E.,   my natal chart is posted on this site in the general astrology section so you can see showing a whopper of a transit,  tr stellium to natal stellium .  My natal stellium is in my 7th house.  That transit:   venus, mars,  Lilith and moon conj.  transiting in Leo,    all of those between natal  Pluto 14  and moon 21 Leo,   in  trine to 7th house aries sun 19, venus 16, merc 14 and mars 14 in aries.  

Crazy man crazy.

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I've never had this transit although I've had Pluto transit square moon

You may encounter power, control, bossiness, be careful you are not in power games, manipulation, games 

There could be transformation 

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yep,  could be

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Glad to see this thread again 

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I had this Pluto square a 2nd Capricorn stellium (sun,venus,mars,mercury) from the 11th house when I was a teenager. I quit school. Lost all my friends. My family moved out of state and I just could not go. Dont know why, but knew it would be wrong to go. I was operating on pure instinct. I was terrified. Uranus was conjuncting my Ascendant as well. Shock. For. A. Long.Time. I floundered for years. Stayed to myself, doing whatever crappy job I could find to stay independent which wasnt easy, as I was pretty socially debilitated. It took years to build out something from that state. 

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@jana I felt you when you said Pluto aspected your stellium.😟 I have this coming up for the next 20 years!!!

I have a few things in my favour. 1) Pluto is My chart ruler 2) I had a preview of Pluto under the square and opposition to Sun Jupiter 3) it opposes my stellium - squares are more constructive but require that you work through. 

I expect it will be tough in some areas but hey, what’s a gal gotta do? Just gotta keep on keeping on. 😅

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Don't mind me, just bumping this.

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@soup Thanks for bumbing it.  I now think I know what my Transit Pluto Square Sun is about.. the ruler of my 7th house is my Sun. The relationship I am in since 2022 developed into something very toxic. I am afraid to break it off and hope he ends it soon.

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@amuseme Well first I wish you luck in getting through it. I have had the conjunction and it played out exactly as you would think. 

I have a 4th house stellium so it hit Venus first and it was classic. Then my sun and Neptune. Classic. Finally moved through... hit Jupiter and Mercury as well. I have been through the conjunction so while I cannot predict how the square will go, I have a pretty good idea. The good news is Pluto will be in my 8th and I am all 8th house and understand it well. I will move with a lot of thought and caution. Watching my words, listening and pausing before I move in any direction during that time. I will never take the bait again. I won't force anything and do my best not to get all riled up or turn into some relentless Ogre or become ruthless about anything. I know how easily my sun sign can become obsessed. So, my plans are to use the time for creating. Nothing more. (I was given a really good piece of advice from a kind soul here to do just that!) 

Of course, back then (when I had the conjunction) I knew nothing about astrology and went through it raw... Knowing astrology, the energy of Pluto and remembering all my past transits made Pluto in Cap (which has been good and a little horrifying for me) easier. I sort of got to be the captain of the ship this time... steering away from what I have already experienced as mistakes that led to loss (we have that free will) 

These people have taught me about looking at my own shadow and about childhood wounds that cause you to make some poor decisions. 

All that said, if I could go back to around late 2019 or very early 2020, I would do a couple of things differently. I think I did make a mistake, one that caused a chain of events.... see there is always a chain of events don't you know.... haha and I might have explored more, stopped some things that I allowed, and changed a pattern of mine. (but I needed to learn 'again' just one more time!) 

I was reading another thread and I agreed with the commenter to a degree. When we know these things, we don't let things happen naturally and we do get worried. 'Astro anxiety' is real. Window watching every future event isn't interesting to me because personally no matter how high I try to vibe I cannot stop what was put into motion 100 years ago. I can only sail my ship. And I have no desire to know when one of my loved ones will have a catastrophe or die. (I astro watched my parent's departure and had my mother's death down to a month! I will never do that again!) So, while it's habit now to look, I have eased off it a lot. I love learning though. So... I keep coming back to this thread in hopes someone will share their experience with the square. Thank you by the way, for sharing. I really appreciate it. I will always share these things if I can but I what I will never do again is share my birth chart with a soul. What a mistake. Now I understand why astrologers don't want anyone to see their personal charts and especially the degrees. It's no one's business to be in it. Only yours. 

Biggest lesson I have learned through astrology and in life is that most people want more. More of the right things. Peace, deep love, rest, to be helpful, kind and productive. For as long as I want more, and I do... I will keep moving this ole body and keep reaching. 

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Does anyone have experience with transit Pluto squaring natal Saturn and Moon?

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