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What Synastry Aspect Is A Deal-Breaker For You?

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Is there an aspect(s) in synastry that will see back away from a (love) relationship?

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Any hard aspects from Neptune.

I didn't want to date a hologram. Also, we're talking 30 years ago. There's so many more resources to build up a hologram today than back then, but people still managed to do it. 

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@lislioness Interesting. I didn't know people registered Neptune.

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@elsa I sure did. Back in the day lol, I dated men a few years older, always with Neptune in the middle degrees of Scorpio. That squared my Sun and Mars. The gaslighting! No thanks.

Even "better" were the ones who had Neptune aspecting their own planets and squaring mine. Double no thanks! 

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I'd honestly love to avoid Neptune, but since my stellium opposes almost everyone in my generation's Neptune, it's almost unavoidable.. unless I date someone older or younger. 

Sun and Sun conjunction also.. maybe because most times they serve as a mirror and I'd rather not date myself. Been there, done that.

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The one I have a visceral reaction to is Venus conjunct the South Node, particularly for those with a Venus-ruled ascendant, or otherwise prominent Venus.

“For a good time, not a long time,” but it can feel like it will be for a long time, so it’s better to not get invested at all.

People with Venus in the same sign as my Mercury. Great rapport, but our love natures don’t match. 

Mars conjunct Ascendant or Sun, depending on other things in the charts.

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I don't want these in any relationship romantic or otherwise & will avoid at all cost for the rest of my life. 

Mars Square Pluto (fights) 

Moon Pluto (absolute lunacy) 

8th house synastry or 12th house synastry 

No Air moon near me in any capacity. 

No to anyone with any planets in my 8th or 12th house. Especially the moon. Never no no 

No to anyone with Venus in an air sign specifically Aquarius  

Hades Moon
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I agree with much which has been shared, particularly mars square pluto.

I would not like my man’s saturn on my ascendant.

Although I like Gemini and Pisces moon’s as friends, I would not like them in a relationship.

I tend to be attracted to guys with earth and water signs. Ideally, their mercury would be nicely aspected by uranus. Nothing’s sexier to me than a fine, expansive mind.

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@hades-moon Although I like Gemini and Pisces moons as friends, I would not like them in a relationship.

Agree. I will always be kind to everyone first. And I will be a good neighbor or fam member. But I am not going to actively look for a close relationship with those aspects (I listed above) because I already know the energy doesn't work for me. And I don't want to fight, argue or be at odds with anyone else. Why do what doesn't work? I am certain they don't want to be with me either haha 

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@soup the Pisces moon is surprising since there is compatibility by element.

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@elsa I didn't say Pisces moon, she did

But I am not going to actively look for a close relationship with those aspects (I listed above)

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@soup Oh, I see.  I thought you were agreeing with the placements.

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@elsa I absolutely adore water signs, especially Pisces and Cancer.

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@soup yes, that's why I was confused.

Hades Moon
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@soup Yeah, I get it.

The reason I wouldn’t want the Pisces or Gemini moon’s in  romantic relationships is I’ve found them to be a bit fickle, wish-washy & changeable.

I value stability/commitment and I think other moon signs better fulfil this need for me.

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@hades-moon I understand that. I couldn't be in a relationship with a Gemini romantically under any circumstance. Now, that said, I raised one and would die for him and his Aquarius moon 🤣 but knowing what I know and what the girls/women that have loved him over the years have gone through... there is no way I could do it romantically. haha.... He was above my pay grade as a mom 😳 🤣  

Pisces can be wishy-washy.... that fish swims in two directions but I don't put up with it on any level, so I see very little of it. He knows I would leave. If I had to go live in a swamp alone, I would leave before I would live in instability. I am so fixed. I couldn't do it. He has a Cap moon. Which is a good moon for me. 

All that said about Gemini, I have the Mars. I like them. I have so much fun with them. I understand them. Romantically. Hell NO. I have Venus in Scorpio. I am hardly romantically compatible with anyone 🤣 I can't stand flighty, and it is a rare human that wants to deal with Venus in Scorpio...

Hades Moon
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@soup 😄@your son’s colourful romances.

I relate to feeling that it may be  challenging to find romantic comparability with my Venus as well 🙂.

I’m so glad I’m not on the dating scene (Venus in Capricorn). My serious/ sombre approach to relationships would have more easy- going types run a mile!🤣

It’s really for the best if I can keep the relationship I’ve got till the end. The thought of otherwise (eg dating) , is just too unappealing .

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@hades-moon Oh, I agree. God please don't ever let me go through it again. haha Can you imagine that you have to introduce yourself to someone and tell someone else all the stories that accumulate to who you are or have been. Another man would never believe all this crap 🤣 please just let me age out and die 🤣 I don't have another round in me ...

Hades Moon
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@soup 😂 Same. I don’t have it in me to go through it again. I could not be bothered telling my life story 😄, or sharing/explaining my wacky family members 🤣.

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